The Game of Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 400: Intolerable

With Mannoroth's last words left, the original tall and robust body of the mutinous apprentice was like a melting candle, and it collapsed in front of the demon hunter.

The flesh that had been squeezed out the last trace of energy became a pile of worthless residue at this time, and even a trace of taste could not be transmitted.

Obviously, the blood **** that Darth Moore believes in is a bit stingy in giving power to believers.

When the last trace belonging to Darth Moore disappeared in this world, his cat head badge also appeared in a sad sound of "meow", and a deep crack appeared in the middle, almost Let the whole badge break in half.

[Cat's Grievance: This badge originally belonged to the chief apprentice of the cat school, Darth Moore. After the opponent took refuge in Chaos, the badge has been trying to awaken the deceived mind of the mutinous apprentice. When Darth Moore finally came to an end, the cat head badge was also broken.

Requirements for use: limited to the profession of a demon hunter, the cat school apprentice Darth Moore killer

Material: Cat School Badge, Blood of the Betrayer

Feature 1: Charm +1

——If you don’t want to look back, let us die gracefully together]

Xu Yichen sighed and carefully put the broken badge into his collar.

This badge is dead, and will never use vibration to remind his owner that there is chaos and danger around him.

Darth Moore, this is the name of the betrayer. Xu Yichen learned that the betrayer who turned into ashes before him was just an apprentice just like him.

However, as an aboriginal, Darth Moore had no choice from the beginning to the end, and went deep into the chaos with his teacher, and then was confused and turned into chaos's minions.

His only mistake was that he had not been firm enough, and was confused by fear and abuse in the chaos.

Of course, if his will is strong enough, he would have faced death in the chaos.

Looking at the messy battlefield, the body of Nahru, torn to pieces by Mannoroth, was rotting at a speed visible to the naked eye, while the plague egg stood in place like a ripe fruit, exuding green luster.

Inserting the new one back into its original scabbard, the demon hunter hung this weapon solemnly around his waist.

Each Valyrian steel weapon represents a demon hunter, and each weapon is specially designed and tailored by master craftsmen.

This weapon cannot play Xu Yichen's best combat effectiveness, but it is definitely more handy than the weapons he has used before.

Its destiny will be Kyle Mohan Castle. Perhaps in the future, other apprentices will give up the opportunity to build their own exclusive weapons to inherit a weapon that has a long history and was used by predecessors.

Just like the handle used by his teacher, Gangze Aragorn, after three generations of master hunters and hunters, it enjoys a high reputation in the wolf school and is a weapon that every apprentice dreams of.

It's just that the previous owner of this handle is a traitor, so what is waiting for it may be a long period of emptiness and loneliness, only company with dust.

But before that, let us kill some evil together and wash away the shame on you!

With the touch of the demon hunter, his sword trembled.

Xu Yichen dug a deep enough pit beside the ruins with his bare hands, and with a look of disgust, he pushed some huge plague eggs to the side of the pit.

The green plague eggs were like soft jelly when they were touched by the demon hunter.

But Xu Yichen knew that this was just an illusion, and this tough outer skin could not be broken even with a full blow.

Kicked the plague egg down the deep pit. The demon hunter grabbed a handful of dirt and rubbed his hands. Looking at the extremely quiet plague bomb under the pit, he felt that it was not safe to just bury it.

But the mission of "Far South in the Wind and Rain—The Final Test from Nurg" is so required. Leave this plague egg on the land where it was bred to make it dormant forever.

"I hope the talent effect after the upgrade is better than I expected!" The demon hunter gritted his teeth, cut the blood vessel in his wrist with his newly acquired weapon, and then jumped into the deep pit.

At the same time, in New China, a meeting of relevant departments is being held.

"We must correctly realize that the'game' did not make our situation safer." A man wearing thick-soled glasses and a tunic suit opened the air projection on the desktop: "It does make the reality chaos. The erosion event reduces the chance of occurrence by 90%..."

"Maybe you haven't realized it. This is the first time in ten years that the frequency of chaotic erosion has decreased." A man in a suit and a science officer's badge knocked on the table: "Even if this is a poison, we You have to twist your nose and drink it."

"However, it has made our previous information blockade on the concept of chaos become useless." The man in the tunic called up a chart: "As the game runs, the proportion of people who come into contact with the concept of chaos is the loess area alone. That’s an increase of two thousand times compared with last year."

"Maybe it won't take five years." The man in the tunic suit pointed to the chart and said: "I'm talking about five years in the game. Chaos is no longer a thing that needs to be kept secret. It will become a new buzzword for countless players. Will actively exchange news about chaos and explore its meaning."

"But deep in their hearts, UU Reading www.uukā will not believe that these things are real, they will feel the realness and excitement of the'game'." The scientific officer said confidently: "This will Will be our new shield."

"But, this is playing with fire." A man in military uniform said: "According to our feedback, some players who have been fighting in the Chaos-occupied zone have discovered some ‘truth’."

"Control them. If they are active military personnel, they will be directly assigned to the special department." The science officer waved his hand: "You have to understand that some of our observation individuals in the No. 6 experimental fleet have undergone earth-shaking changes recently. One second, the next hour, there will be a revolutionary breakthrough."

"We need time now, even if it is drinking poison to quench our thirst!" The scientific officer said categorically: "We are standing on the brink of'superman fusion'. If humans themselves cannot evolve, we are likely to be eliminated."

"So what do you plan to do with individuals who are eroded by chaos in the game?" The man in the tunic called up another file: "Tian Jieliang, Sakura Province, trying to spread chaos in reality... "

The man in uniform interrupted him impatiently: "The Republic will not and cannot tolerate the existence of such a person. Her name will appear on the list of executions next month."

"By the way, we will investigate her blood relatives. We have always suspected that someone is naturally susceptible to being infected by Chaos. For safety reasons, all are controlled and waiting for inspection." The science officer took out a small notebook and wrote down the incident: "I will I will preside over this personally, and tomorrow I will see the experimental sample lying on my operating table."

"Well, since you insist on this, I will arrange manpower to cooperate with your actions." The man in the tunic suit turned off the instrument: "All for the Republic!"

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