0243 I always convince people with virtue, and those who refuse to obey are all dead! [3/10, please subscribe!)

The Elder Jinxian from the Fire Immortal Sect!

This old man was full of anger, because of the special nature of the emperor of the lower realm, he will come here. The thought in his heart is that if he can recruit a lower realm emperor, it will be very good for Lihuo Xianzong.

Unexpectedly, when I came here, I happened to meet Chang Zhengtian, an excellent disciple of his own sect, who came to challenge Su Xin. He was very curious about Su Xin’s strength, so he didn’t show up for a while.

After Su Xin killed the scumbag in an instant, the Lihuo Xianzong Elder Wan already had a bad premonition in his heart, and was very surprised by Su Xin’s fighting power.

But this was in Lihuo territory, and he really didn’t think that Su Xin would dare to kill the core disciples of Lihuo Xianzong.

What annoyed him the most was that he noticed Su Xin’s move in advance, but it was too late to stop him!

Elder Wan’s anger was unbearable at this moment, and his aura spread out completely, making all the female disciples behind Su Xin pale.

“That senior is the elder Jinxian of Lihuo Xianzong.”

“This is bad, the master killed the disciples of Lihuo Xianzong, will he be chased by Lihuo Xianzong?”

“Master is from the lower realm, so there should be no background.

The faces of the female disciples were ugly, as if a catastrophe was imminent.

Xi Jingyun and others thought it was nothing, because there was a swallowing mysterious silver behind Su Xin, and they really wouldn’t be afraid of 350’s third-rank immortal sect, and they could also stop him in the middle stage of the golden immortal from the fire immortal sect.

It’s just that Su Xin didn’t seem to want them to take action, so he didn’t appear in a hurry.

Following Chang Zhengtian’s arrival, the remaining few people were full of shock on their faces at the moment, and they didn’t seem to come back to their senses until Elder Wan appeared. They looked at Su Xin one by one, all with disbelief in their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped back quickly.

The Nether Emperor’s combat power is too strong!

No matter how big the realm is, it is still a crushing gesture of instant beheading.

At this moment, Lu Gang really wished that Meng Yuan would die ten thousand times, because he felt that if Elder Wan hadn’t arrived in time, several of them would have been completely killed by Su Xin.

“Emperor Su Tian? Ah, Chang Zhengtian is a child of the Heavenly Chosen from the Fire Immortal Sect. He is already a Xuanxian at the age of 150. How dare you kill him!” shouted.

“Don’t be calling around like a mentally retarded person. People like you usually don’t survive a chapter in Xianyu’s autorotation travelogue.” Su Xin squinted at Elder Wan with contempt in his eyes.

There are still many monks from various forces in the Tiandi Mountains. The reputation of the Nether Emperor is so attractive that Su Xin has thoroughly understood it these days.

“Fellow Daoist Su, the old man is the seventh child of the Stars Pavilion. Today’s matter, this old man can expose this matter for fellow Daoist Su!” At this moment, a vicissitudes of life suddenly sounded in Su Xin’s ears.

Revealed? It means that Su Xin is incapable of attacking the Jinxian cultivator, but if Zhutian Xingchen Pavilion makes a move, even if the other party doesn’t say anything later, Su Xin knows that he is inviting himself to join Zhutian Xingchen Pavilion in disguise.

The person who died was not a cultivator of the Xingchen Pavilion, and the strength displayed by Su Xin was truly worthy of the title of the Great Emperor of the Lower Realm. Of course, it was extremely normal for the Xingchen Pavilion to maintain its solicitude.

Su Xin didn’t answer, and was too lazy to answer.

He looked at the elder Wan, and then looked at the few mysterious immortals behind him, and the killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Come to Su Xin Tiandi Temple to find trouble, not kill all of you, so as to establish the majesty of Tiandi Temple, I am afraid that flies will continue to be annoying in the future.

As soon as Elder Wan heard Su Xin’s words, his whole body suddenly burst out like a volcano, as if he was about to do it.

“The monks of Lihuo Xianzong are so unreasonable, and the disciples from your sect came to my sect to challenge, and they are not as good as others and can be blamed if they were killed?” How could Su Xin put a middle-stage Jinxian monk in his eyes? , Again, the skin smiles and the flesh does not smile.

“Unreasonable? You first ask the old man’s Jiugui Handao if he is unreasonable!”

Elder Wan was furious, and with a slap on the waist (cdda), he held a ghostly white long sword in his hand, and then directly slashed directly at Su Xin.

When this knife fell, the world immediately became colorless, as if it had turned black, only a cluster of extremely stunning Lenghe knife lights flickered again and again.

The sword force runs through the world, and there is a tendency to split Su Xin in half with one sword.

“Ah ah ah!” Shui Weier screamed and closed her eyes a little unbearably.

bell bell

Just at the critical moment, the Xuanguang Jiujing Shield suddenly appeared around Su Xin, and the powerful defensive force directly and forcibly pulled the opponent’s knife.

However, there are also five crystal shields that collapsed in an instant, and then quickly condensed.

Seeing this, Su Xin pondered and seemed to find a time to increase the defense of the Xuanguang Jiujing Shield again. Even a middle-stage Jinxian cultivator could shake it, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

He did not expect that a Loose Immortal cultivator could easily block an attack in front of a Golden Immortal cultivator who was two big gaps apart.

Li Huojing seems to be very large, but compared to the Big Dipper Realm and the entire Immortal Realm, it is a drop in the ocean, a very small place.

After staying in a small place for a long time, suddenly seeing the birth of such a arrogant figure, those who are secretly watching this scene from all sides of the Lihuo realm, who are not dumbfounded at this moment, can’t hide their shock in their hearts.

“This emperor always convinces people with virtue, and those who refuse to obey are dead people!” Su Xin didn’t continue to stand and let the other party fight, his face grinned, and his right hand was empty and suspicious.

The colorful ice spear condensed directly, and the imprint of the origin of water on the forehead began to shine.

“Original supernatural powers!” Elder Wan was shocked when he saw this.

But it was too late. The colorful ice swirling spear was thrown directly by Su Xin with the momentum of a meteor chasing the moon. It instantly bombarded Elder Wan’s body surface protection divine light, followed by a vigorous and complete explosion.

That monstrous icy cold like a demon’s tongue instantly licked the elder Wan cleanly, and after a while, the world was clean and clear, only the icy chill was still escaping everywhere.

One move, instantly kill the middle stage monk of Jinxian!

Moreover, the men and women behind the elder Wan also died in an instant, Su Xin didn’t care whether they came to watch the fun or something, anyway, he came to trouble the Tiandi Temple, since he killed one, he would definitely Just kill it straight away!

The Nether Emperor has a great reputation, but for Su Xin, it’s not enough!

Killing God’s name is loud!

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