0242 Don’t be surprised, disciples, operate normally for the teacher! (2/10, please subscribe!)

After Su Xin smiled, his face began to look expressionless. He just stared at the eight people in front of him without saying a word.

When he saw someone coming out, his eyes lit up immediately, and then the masked field looked at Su Xin and said, “Are you the emperor of the lower realm, Su Tiandi?”

“I’m not only Su Tiandi, I’m still your father!”

Su Xin, Apathy JPG.

Meng heard the words, his face changed suddenly, and then he sneered.

“Sect Master, do you need me to wait?” At this moment, Xi Jingyun’s voice transmission sounded in Su Xin’s ears.

Su Xin shook his head, not to mention a few Xuanxian cultivators, even if Jinxian cultivator came to trouble him now, Su Xin would not be able to go back today.

Su Xin doesn’t know where he provokes these monks, and he doesn’t want to know. After all, he asks himself, and he often finds trouble for others for no reason. If you want any reason, if you want justice, it’s just a joke.

Not to mention natural selection, survival of the fittest, immortal realm or lower realm, they are all the most essential of the weak and the strong, and only a big fist is the truth.

Seeing this, Xi Jingyun’s thoughts turned around, guessing that it would not be difficult for the ten of them to kill the Xuanxian cultivator.

The emperor of the lower realm has always been the representative of the same realm with invincible combat power. If he came to the scattered fairyland, Xi Jingyun would not have any doubts about this, but the Xuanxian cultivator had a higher realm.

In the Immortal Realm, the difference in combat power caused by the difference in realm is deeply rooted, and most people really don’t think about leapfrog combat.

It has been a long time since I heard that “Emperor Su Tian’s name is Chang Zhengtian in Xiali Fire Immortal Sect. Chang Mou admires the fighting power of the Great Emperor of the Lower Realm, and came here to ask for some advice.” Na Meng stopped talking, but Chang Zhengtian took a step forward and moved towards Su Xin clasped his fists and opened his mouth.

As if she hadn’t heard, Su Xin glanced around involuntarily.

In his perception, he suddenly realized that there were a lot of monks in the vicinity of the Heavenly Emperor Mountain. If there was no misunderstanding, there was even the Golden Fairyland.

Could it be that the emperor of the lower realm is really eye-catching, or is he too handsome to cause the jealousy of others?

At this time, a large group of Yingying Yanyan female disciples filed out from the sect. Seeing the posture in front of them, their eyes suddenly became a little nervous.

After all, they had just joined the Heavenly Emperor Hall. If the Heavenly Emperor Hall was kicked out by someone, it would give the disciples little sense of security.

“What are you, if you want to challenge me, I’m going to take my breath away?” Su Xin’s expression turned sullen, and he said without any respect.

Chang Zhengtian’s expression changed when he heard the words, and before he spoke, the mean-mouthed Meng next to him spoke again: “Emperor Su Tian has just established the Immortal Sect. Brother is the core disciple of Lihuo Immortal Sect, and a famous young Tianjiao in Lihuo territory, is such a person not qualified to learn from Su Tiandi?”

“In addition, there are rules in the Lihuo territory. Whenever a new immortal sect appears, it must report to the Lihuo immortal sect, establish a relationship between the upper sect and the lower sect, and pay tribute to the Lihuo immortal sect every year. Look at Su Tiandi. It looks like it shouldn’t be reported to the Lihuo Xianzong, right?”

Su Xin raised her brows, her eyes completely on Meng.

Meng did not know why when Su Xin saw this, he panicked completely inexplicably, but when he thought that he was in the middle of Xuanxian cultivation, he was a big realm higher than the other party, and he was considered a person in Lihuo territory, but it seemed a little bit. Have no fear.

“This is not good, Shizun has only scattered the fairyland, but these people are already Xuanxian.

“Master, don’t be provoked, they are here to bully people deliberately.

“That’s right, the master is the emperor of the lower realm, and he has more potential than them. When they reach the Xuanxian realm, they will not be opponents at all.”

The female disciples behind Su Xin began to talk worriedly, and some even reminded Su Xin not to agree to the challenge of the other party out of anger.

“Chang’s visit this time has nothing to do with the Lihuo Immortal Sect. He just wants to learn a thing or two with Su Tiandi and see the style of the emperor of the lower realm.” Chang Zhengtian shook his head, and then said sternly.

“Brother Chang is so polite, I’m afraid the other party won’t appreciate it.” Meng continued to speak.

He just finished his words, but found that Su Xin suddenly appeared in front of him.

“What!” Chang Zhengtian and Meng, who had been looking at Su Xin, exclaimed almost at the same time, and then Su Xin grabbed Hao’s neck and crushed all of his protective light with a big hand, and then his head went straight. exploded.

“If you want to call so much, I’ll let you call enough!”

Immediately afterwards, Su Xin slapped his hand and directly drew out the spirit that was covered with him. Immediately, the golden emperor flame turned into a hot flame and completely wrapped the person’s spirit in it, and the soul burned away.

“Ah, ah, ah!” After being tortured so horribly, he naturally screamed loudly, and he only had the strength to scream, and even begging for mercy seemed powerless.

“Xuanxian cultivator has no resistance at all in front of the Honorable Master… such a strong strength! The Emperor of the Lower Realm is indeed well-deserved!” Xi Jingyun and other Jinxian’s men who were watching secretly were suddenly surprised at this moment.

They also felt terrified about Su Xin’s ruthless means of refining his soul.

How cruel!

“Since you want to challenge, then take me a slap.” The golden emperor continued to burn the scorched soul, while Su Xin looked at Chang Zhengtian.

Chang Zhengtian felt a little remorse in his heart at this moment, but he thought that he was a famous young Tianjiao from Lihuo Xianzong, and he still took the initiative to challenge him.

“One palm, that’s fine.” He forcibly calmed down and nodded to Su Xin.

As for Mengchang’s death, he can’t control it now.

“Be a good sperm in the next life, and give a good baby.” Su Xin’s lips moved, his tone was indifferent, and he immediately patted it.

Thunder and Fire Shuangtian!

Thunderbolt! Stab!

The thunder and the flame instantly condensed and merged into a big palm of Tongtian (Hao Li’s), and then pushed towards Chang Zhengtian.


At this moment, a shocking roar sounded from a certain position, but it seemed too late.

“Why is it so strong?” Chang Zhengtian’s eyes widened, and then he was completely buried in the Thunder Fire Hall, his body seemed to be erased directly, and only the remaining space was still full of ripples.

“Master is amazing.”

“The other party is a Xuanxian cultivator, but he can’t stop a move in front of the master!”


Ignoring the anger of the person who spoke, Su Xin waved his hands to the female disciples behind him and said, “Don’t be surprised, disciples, operate normally for the master.”

“How dare you!” The person who opened the mouth appeared in front of Su Xin, but it was an old man in the middle stage of Jinxian.

You can tell at a glance that he is wearing clothes, this Jinxian is from Lihuo Xianzong!

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