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God-level Demon Gene

Su Xin touched his chin, this is the first time he has obtained the magic essence gene, and it may be able to awaken some interesting innate abilities.

Thinking of this, Su Xin disregarded the amazement of the many arrogances of the human race behind him, so he merged the god-level demon genes.

“Ding, the fusion of genes is successful, and the innate ability is awakened; the demon body is passive ().

The hint of the gene device appeared in Su Xin’s mind, and this innate ability surprised Su Xin a little.

Its particularity may not be comparable to his own special genes, but it seems to be not much different from Immortal Nirvana. Could it be said that the genetic bloodline of this ancient god and demon race was traced back to the descendants of the Chaos Demon God of Heaven and Earth?

The Endless Light Body is also a passive innate ability. Now combined with this demonic body, Su Xin’s physical defense has reached an outrageous level, and the biggest feature of the demonic body can be effectively immune to magical powers!

“Damn! You dare to kill His Royal Highness!” Just as Su Xin pondered in his heart, an angry shout resounded in the sky.

The terrifying breath came, but it was the many people from the gods and demons who came to the human race this time.

Their reaction was fast enough, and the monk in the early stage of the quasi-emperor of the gods and demons also appeared in the sky above Yuxianglou, looking at Su Xin with a cold expression.

On the human side 23, the great sages naturally appeared here, and their expressions seemed a little impatient.

How did Su Xin kill the prince of the gods and demons?

It seems that the high-level human race is not surprised that Su Xin can kill the prince of gods and demons, because they know that Su Xin’s combat power can kill the late stage of the great sage, so looking at it, Su Xin’s realm has been upgraded to the late stage of the saint.

This terrifying growth rate made Tianshu Dasheng and other human race leaders feel a little numb in shock, but they suddenly came back to their senses, but they were even more sure of Su Xin’s safety!

“The prince of the gods and demons was killed. I am afraid that the emperor of the gods and demons will not let it go. Friends Le Dao, when will senior Xuanyun return to the human race?”

“That’s right, since the man has already been killed, even if we blame Su Xin, it won’t help. We can only do everything we can to keep him safe, but can we hold back the gods and demons who want to be the emperor?”

“If it can’t be delayed, it will give Su Xin a chance to escape!”

The high-level human race quickly made a decision through mutual voice transmission.

The Divine Demon Clan Jiyi Zhundi looked very ugly at the moment. The Divine Demon Crown Prince was one of the most proud descendants of the Blood Refining Demon Emperor. Now that the human race died, he was afraid that he would endure the endless anger from the Demon Emperor when he returned.

If you go back empty-handed, you may even worry about your life.

“What are you doing here in the human race?” Zhundi Jiyi looked at Su Xin coldly, and was about to take down Su Xin when he saw that the other party asked curiously.

“Su Xin! Don’t talk too much, I will find the opportunity later, I will cover you to escape. This god and demon are not good people!” Tianshu Dasheng looked as usual at this moment, but he secretly sent Su Xin a voice transmission. .

Liu Xiaoxiao stood nervously behind Su Xin, her eyes were so terrifying that she couldn’t help but have the urge to kneel down.

It’s not that Liu Xiaoxin’s mind is not firm, this kind of suppression, no matter how firm her mind is, she will show a shudder.

“This seat is very intent on being ordered by the Blood Refining Devil Emperor to come to the Human Race, just to avoid a bloody battle and let your Human Race take the initiative to surrender to the Blood Refining Demon Emperor. Your Human Race could have been spared the disaster, but you killed the prince, the devil One of the emperor’s favorite sons. Sacrificing 30% of your human population is the lightest punishment.” Jiyi Zhundi didn’t take the human race in his eyes at all, and his words changed the expressions of all the monks present.

To sacrifice 30% of the human population? How many billions of people is that?

“You’re right, our human race really doesn’t want to fight with the ancient gods and demons.” After hearing this, Su Xin spoke again without expression.

“You regret it, but it’s too late. Be honest and leave with me. Today, only 30% of the city’s population will be accepted, or else you will be bloodbathed!” Zhundi Jiyi looked at Su Xin, like a high-ranking god condemning Su Xin. fate.

“You seem a little mentally handicapped. Laozi’s intention is to ask your demon emperor to roll over and kneel down to beg for mercy, so that the bloody battle can be avoided.” Su Xin rolled his eyelids and his expression turned gloomy.

Today, I don’t plan to let the quasi emperor of the gods and demons and a group of strong gods and demons leave the human race.

“Looking for death! The curse finger!” Hearing this, he immediately pointed at Su Xin and bombarded it away.

With this finger, a thin line like ink shot directly into Su Xin’s eyebrows and disappeared instantly.

“Not good!” The Great Sage Tianshu suddenly exclaimed, with a very annoyed expression. She didn’t know how terrifying the speed of Emperor Zhun’s shot was. Although she was careful to guard against Emperor Zhun’s shot, it was too late. to block.

Looking at Su Xin again, after being shot into the eyebrows by the cursed finger, a cursed breath began to permeate the whole person, but then it drifted away.

“It seems that the body of the devil is not only aimed at the devil’s way, but also has an immune effect on the magical powers of the devil’s way.” Su Xin whispered in his heart, but did not immediately take action.

The indiscernible shrinking in the eyes of Zhundi Jiuyi seemed very unexpected, but then his murderous intent erupted, and he slapped Su Xin again.

This palm seems to condense the extreme will of his quasi-emperor, and there is a kind of sharp momentum inside.

Seeing this, Su Xin did not care about the great, but transformed into a great power, and showed a defensive posture.

The opponent’s attack bombarded Su Xin’s defense, the earth god bear’s terrifying defense and the demon body’s restraint on the magical powers of the devil, at this moment, it looks like this extremely quasi-di Gaga is beating Su Xin with a small pink fist. The chest is normal and cannot be shaken at all.

“What kind of magical power is this? It’s a strong defense, but Su Xin in the later stage of the sage can so easily resist the attack of the monks in the early stage of the emperor? The human race’s great sages and powerhouses immediately looked a little dull when they saw this scene.

They never underestimate Su Xin, but after every time Su Xin showed his strength, they realized that they had already been shocked by Su Xin’s numbness, and they could still be shocked again!

“Hmm!” Jiyi Zhundi was equally stunned, but he knew very well that he didn’t hold back at all.

His face flushed red, and he gave a low voice as if he had been greatly humiliated, and then launched a terrifying attack on Su Xin.

Kick, Kick, Kick!

It’s just that every turbulent attack he made was calmly blocked by Su Xin.

“Impossible..” Jiyi Zhundi was a little crazy, looking at Su Xin, who had transformed into a bear of the earth, with a look of doubt about life.

He, who had just pronounced the life and death of the Yaochi City human cultivator in a godlike manner, was like a funny clown at this time under the delay of breaking Su Xin’s defense, which made people laugh in their hearts.

Seeing that you were angry just now, even the defense of His Royal Highness the Young Emperor could not be broken?

“You’re done, then I’ll take the shot.” Su Xin’s eyes were full of irony, and this time he chose to take the shot is to let the tribe fully understand his own strength, so that some of his requests from Su Xin will not be hesitant. .


Su Xin changed his defensive stance in an instant, transformed into a celestial ape, and threw out a punch, just in the form of a celestial ape, without using any innate abilities.

Thousands of giant dragons roared fiercely from behind Su Xin.

The sky and the sky are filled with the sound of dragons, and everyone lost their thoughts in an instant…

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