0185 Friends, one-stop service? [5/10, please subscribe!)

“The monks of the gods and demons are looking for trouble!” Seeing the scene outside the door, the geniuses of Yuxianglou gathered together one by one, showing unprecedented unity at this time.

The prince of the gods and demons looked at these human race talents with disdain, and the realm aura floating on his body was only in the late stage of the realm.

When he saw the arrogance of the human race coming out one after another, he immediately raised his head, and his tone was full of arrogance: “This prince can easily crush the late Sendai cultivators when he was in the realm of heaven. Only the strength of Tianxiangjing can let you and other mediocrity know what is called Tian! Pride!”

“Joke! When His Royal Highness the Young Emperor was in the Heavenly Phase Realm, he could reversely cut off the Young Great Emperor of the Immortal Stage Realm. How can you be compared with him!” As soon as he said these words, he immediately caused the anger of the arrogance of the human race.

The prince of the gods and demons was very unhappy with Su Xin, who had never met before, being “307”. Hearing this, his anger suddenly surged, and thick blood flashed in his blood-colored eyes.

The ruthless light in his eyes flickered, and he immediately shot at a group of people’s arrogance.

The prince of the gods and demons is extremely arrogant, and at this moment he has not used the realm strength that exceeds the realm of heaven, but just like this, when he fell with a palm, the heaven and earth seemed to listen to his call. The palm is constantly swallowing the vitality of the surrounding world.

“Spiritual Seal!”

The momentum of this palm was very majestic at the beginning, but then it continued to suck the energy of heaven and earth, and its formidable power increased in a straight line.

When the arrogance of the human race saw the prince of the gods and demons, they immediately showed expressions of horror. They could naturally see that the princes of gods and demons did not use the combat power of the Great Sacred Realm, but just like this, their hearts became more and more shocked.

This prince of the gods and demons can really show such a powerful combat power when he is in the realm of heaven!

Boom! Kick, Kick, Kick!

The arrogant people of the human race all vomited blood and flew back in a flash, with expressions of shock and anger on their faces, but they were silenced by the palm of the prince of gods and demons.

“His Royal Highness, the prince of the gods and demons, what do you mean?” There was a lot of noise here, and the sage elders of the Yaochi Holy Land had to show up.

However, what is even more embarrassing is that the prince of the gods and demons in front of him is a great sage, far exceeding the sage elders of the Yaochi Holy Land.

“What do you mean? This prince just has doubts about the name of the first arrogant of all tribes. Since you keep calling the human race Su Xin the young emperor’, why not let him take the initiative to show up to fight? Rest assured, what is Su Xin’s realm? , I have to lower a realm before fighting with him.” The prince of the gods and demons sneered, not taking such a sage elder in his eyes at all.

“Su Xin is not in Yaochi City now! At this moment,” a woman’s soft shout sounded, but it was Liu Xiaoxiao who was speaking.

“Who are you?” The prince of gods and demons frowned.

“I, I’m Su Xin’s friend!” Liu Xiaoxiao looked at each other solemnly.

The prince of the gods and demons pondered for a while, but then said a little boringly: “Anyway, you have to stay in the human race for a while. Since you are his friend, you must have a means of contacting him. Just tell Su Xin, I am the prince of gods and demons. Wait for him here!”

Numerous human race arrogances fell silent, the purpose of the gods and demons coming to the human race has not been clear, this gods and demons prince still has to wait here for Su Xin, and they have recently disappeared for no reason, there is really no gods and demons that can be this gods and devils princes His opponent, he couldn’t tell the grievance in his heart for a while, and his expression was extremely ugly.

At this moment, the sound transmission token in Liu Xiaoxiao’s arms radiated light.

But it was Su Xin who had already returned to Yaochi City, and immediately sent her a message; Sister Fairy, has Linger come out of retreat?

“Su Xin, my elder sister has successfully broken through the Immortal Stage, and is currently consolidating her cultivation in the palace. No, the immemorial gods and demons are here, and they are still quasi-emperor powerhouses. At present, my human race high-level officials are negotiating with them. In addition, they There is also a prince of gods and demons, who keeps trying to trouble you. This prince of gods and demons is really a great sage, but he deliberately suppressed the realm and defeated the talents of Yuxianglou.”

Liu Xiaoxiao’s eyes were filled with indiscernible joy, but considering the real state of the prince of gods and demons, she didn’t let Su Xin avoid it temporarily, but she had such a subtle meaning.

“Did he bully you?” Su Xin had already arrived at Yaochi Holy Land at this time, but when he saw the content of Liu Xiaoxiao’s voice transmission, he paused and replied.

“No, no.” Liu Xiaoxiao saw that Su Xin was subconsciously concerned about herself, not to mention how sweet she was.

Su Xin did not reply, and when she appeared again, she was already at Yuxianglou

“His Royal Highness Shaodi, His Highness Shaodi is back!”

“Finally back, I want to see how the prince of gods and demons pushes down his realm and fights against His Royal Highness the Young Emperor!”

“Wait, His Royal Highness Shaodi is already a cultivator in the latter stage of the saint?”

As soon as Su Xin appeared, she came to Liu Xiaoxiao and measured it carefully. Seeing that she was really not being bullied, she breathed a sigh of relief.

“You are Su Xin? I heard that you were not in the Heavenly Phase Realm when you participated in the Tianjiao Conference. Now you are in the late stage of the saint. Yes, the speed of strength improvement is unexpected.” Gradually it got worse.

“What’s the matter with you?” Su Xin touched his chin and pondered a little, but was thinking about the purpose of the gods and demons coming to the human race.

As for the prince of the gods and demons in the early days of the Great Sage, how could he take it to heart.

“You shouldn’t have the title of the first arrogant of all races, that’s my prince of gods and demons!” The prince of gods and demons raised his head, proud and confident.

“Well, that’s the way it is. If you have friends from afar, you must first work hard and work hard. Friends, one-stop service is necessary?” Su Xin squinted at Prince Mo, a little wanting to laugh, but a kind of face Such a subtle expression of a trashy opponent laughing with disdain.

“Stop talking nonsense, this prince suppressed the realm to the middle stage of the sage, and the prince was born, how can you be called the first arrogant!” The prince of the gods and demons snorted, and the breath of the whole body skyrocketed, rising by 3.0 until the middle stage of the sage. Kankan stopped, and then attacked Su Xin with deceit.

Seeing this, Su Xin clenched his right fist with a sullen expression, and immediately punched.

This punch directly hit a thunder dragon, which swallowed the prince of the gods and demons in an instant, and then the whole body exploded directly in mid-air, which was condensed into blood orbs by Su Xin, and the primordial spirit even more It was collected into the soul banner.

Laozi “has already passed the age of Tianjiao.” Su Xin clapped his hands, and immediately laughed when he saw that the gene was only a god-level gene.

And Liu Xiaoxiao and the other people’s arrogance stared at each other with their eyes wide open, and people just disappeared?

What did Su Xin do? It wasn’t just a punch, and the prince of the gods and demons in the early days of the Great Sage just disappeared so suddenly?

So strong that you don’t want to be friends with you!

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