0162 Laozi will be a Monkey King today! (2/10, please subscribe!)

Su Xin’s eyes were fixed on the devil’s palm that covered the sky, and the devilish energy on it had turned into a rolling river and was swaying wantonly in the sky, with supreme momentum.

“Ugh!” Su Xin let out a low voice, and a thousand-handed fighting Buddha immediately appeared behind him. As soon as the fighting Buddha appeared, the fighting spirit was fierce for nine days, and those thousand arms blasted towards the Heaven-shading Demon Hall above the Cang Palace. go with.

The demons that cover the sky are powerful, and their power is naturally to destroy the sky and destroy the earth. Among them, there is also the supreme magic way of the devil, but Su Xin’s thousand-handed fighting Buddha, its combat power is strong, and the terror that erupts in an instant is enough. Shake the Great Sage.

The opponent is the early stage of the Great Sage, Su Xin has enough confidence to defeat and even kill the opponent!

Boom boom boom!

The attack of the Thousand-Handed War Buddha is too hard to describe. At this moment, the strong bombardment is on the top of the Demon Temple. The demonic energy in this hall is agitated. Magical.

“Although you are talented and talented, but you are not in the Immortal Realm, you are still trying to defeat me? You are really talking about your dreams! Have you underestimated the gap between the Great Sage and Sendai, Su Xin!!” The great sage saw that Su Xin’s outburst made it difficult for his own demons to collapse, and the surprise in his eyes could be imagined.

Even though Su Xin blocked his own Demon Heaven Collapsing Palm, the Demon Heaven Great Sage did not think that the opponent could defeat him. Su Xin was the first arrogant of all tribes. His performance in the Fengshen Arena was obvious to all, which was enough to show the opponent’s talent and combat power. of terror.

But the gap and suppression of the realm, not all relying on talent can make up.

What is a great sage, that is to control one side of the world, to comprehend the avenues of heaven and earth, this kind of existence can sometimes not be described by pure combat power.

There is no doubt that the Dao of the Demonic Heavenly Sage’s enlightenment is the way of the demons. At this moment, he has transformed into a giant demonic figure, and he seems to have the law of heaven and earth in his hands when he raises his hands and feet. Zhan Buddha blocked it strongly, and suddenly the killing intent revived in his heart.

The demonic energy of the Great Sage of Demon Heaven began to roll over, and the mighty might of the Great Sage existed in this heaven and earth. He shot Su Xin hard and left.

It seems that this black aurora can no longer be described by a simple attack. It contains the double attack of the primordial spirit and the material, and it is even more difficult to think of resistance.

The black aurora cooperated with the Devil’s Great Pengtang to destroy the Thousand-handed War Buddha in an eye-popping way. Su Xin’s attack disintegrated in an instant. A generation of young emperors fell on the spot.

“Hooah!” Seeing this, Su Xin raised his head and roared.

Seeing this, the Great Sage of Demon Heaven shrank suddenly, and saw that Su Xin’s body turned into a terrifying giant bear with a wild posture.

“What kind of magical power is this?” The color of suspicion flashed in the eyes of the Great Sage Demon Tian, ​​and then replaced it with a color of madness.

I saw Su Xin’s transformation into a big bear, which is “the god of the earth, and its natural defense is equivalent to that of the darling of the Dao. Even if Su Xin’s transformation at this time can’t compare to the big bear in the Emperor’s Palace.” defense, but also enough to reach the point of despair.

The Earth God Bear stretched out his arms, and the khaki halo opened. This is the innate supernatural power of this beast. If he did not use the True Spirit Transformation, Su Xin would not be able to use it at all, nor would he be able to copy other people’s innate supernatural powers with the Eye of Method.

The black aurora violently bombarded the shield, but it only caused the latter to fluctuate violently, far from breaking the defense.

The divine light of annihilating the demons cast by the Great Sage of Demon Heaven with his own way of demons as the core cannot shake Su Xin’s defense?

The great sage of Demon Heaven completely stirred up a storm in his heart. The biggest reason why he dared to intercept Su Xin was not because he thought he had the strength of the great sage. The confidence in beheading Su Xin is full.

“You can’t even break my defenses, so you still want to kill me?” Su Xin sarcastically opened up, and the anger in the heart of the Great Sage of Demon Heaven was uncontrollable.

Incarnated as a demon, he no longer shocked Su Xin’s defense just now, but took the initiative to deceive himself. That waste gas really polluted the whole world, and all living beings must surrender to his demonic power.

“It wasn’t you who killed me, it was me who killed you!” Su Xin yelled, and his body changed again, turning into the appearance of the alien god of heaven and earth, the ‘ape’.

He didn’t take out the Phoenix Blood Spear. These quasi-emperor weapons were Su Xin’s great weapons, they were just to deal with an opponent in the early stage of the Great Sage, why should they use them?

Furthermore, the consumption of using the Quasi-Emperor weapon may draw Su Xin a thousand yuan at once, and the current one-time use will reduce Su Xin’s terrifying endurance advantage.

Therefore, Su Xin at this time did not use any weapons at all, but constructed a long stick temporarily with the Thunder of Punishment and the Golden Flame.

Divine Thunder is a stick body, Di Yan is transformed into a monstrous flame, lingering on the gun body, golden light flickers brightly, and the light of thunder flames is constantly advancing in Su Xin’s pair of ape arms.

The Great Monkey God Breaking the Sky Stick!” Su Xin let out a deafening roar, and only when he really performed a monkey move, did Su Xin realize that the stick must have been reserved for himself. civil.

This stick is really called breaking all methods with one force!

Boom! Boom!

The ten thousand zhang stick shadow traverses the sky and the earth, and the supreme fierceness and terrifying divine power on it directly tore apart the magical sky laid down by the Great Sanctuary of Demon Heaven in an instant. Above the figure of the Demon Venerable transformed by the Great Sanctuary, there is really a terrifying scene of the world shattering.

“What! The explosion of this kid’s combat power is too terrifying!” At this moment, the devil’s heart was already filled with shock, and his Demon Lord figure was under this stick, and was surging by the surging infinite divine power. It exploded in an instant.

The original figure was directly forced out, and the complexion was pale in an instant.

“Hum, rubbish! Today Laozi will be the Monkey King once again, and destroy you monster! Madness!” Su Xin laughed, then roared and shook the field, and his aura suddenly became incomparable. skyrocketed.

The combat power could not be seen with the naked eye, but at this time, the Great Sage of the Demon Heaven could clearly feel the sky-high skyrocketing of Su Xin’s combat power for some reason.

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