0161 Su Xin! I want you to die!!! 【1/10, please subscribe!

The atmosphere suddenly became a little embarrassing, and Su Xin did not follow up for a while.

Seeing this, Lingyue said, “I’m going to die.”

“Hurry up and force Yuanyin out of the body.” Su Xin replied angrily after hearing the words, dammit, he almost broke his own morality, okay!

Lingyuelu glanced at Su Xin with a playful look, then her eyes became serious, and she began to force her Yuan Yin out of her body.

Her Yuan Yin was already pitch black at this time, and if she didn’t control the poison, she might be able to directly kill Lingyue.

“He’s really a jerk, what’s wrong with Yuan Yin!” Su Xin muttered when he saw this.

“I forced the poison into Yuan Yin, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to support your arrival.” Lingyue explained briefly.

Then, under her leadership, Su Xin began to cooperate with her to guide out the poison in Yuan Yin little by little.

This process is very slow, and it is impossible for Yuan Yin to leave the body for a long time, so Lingyue’s expression is very painful and struggling.

But fortunately, Su Xin’s strength is far superior to that of a saint. It is only because the 23 yuan yin that does not hurt Lingyue is a bit slow. Otherwise, if you are too anxious, it may directly break the yin of Lingyue.

This kind of process must rely on Lingyue’s own perseverance to persevere.

The whole process lasted for a day and a night, Lingyue was a little exhausted, and fell asleep completely in Su Xin’s arms.

Looking at the sleeping face of this old Loli, it is quite seductive.

Why Lingyue has always been the appearance of Loli, Su Xin is not very clear.

“Brother… Lingyue who was sleeping suddenly murmured and said something in a dream.

Su Xin smacked his mouth, but did not disturb the old Loli.

I don’t know how long it took for Lingyue to wake up slowly. Su Xin originally thought she would say thank you, but she didn’t expect to say to Su Xin as soon as she woke up, “You didn’t take advantage of me, did you?”

“You don’t even look at what you look like, can I have an idea?”

“Hehe, when you were going to take off my clothes yesterday, you looked very skilled.” Lingyue sneered, but there was a look of gratitude in her eyes.

Su Xin’s face darkened, indeed, he almost fell into the abyss of crime.

“If you want..”

“I don’t want it, don’t say it.” Su Xin interrupted Lingyue immediately.

There was a hint of loneliness in Lingyue’s eyes, and she sighed: “I will only look like this when I die.

“What are you implying? I just don’t want to owe you the favor for saving me under the Great Sage Jinpeng. I have absolutely no other doubts.” Su Xin quibble.

“Well, I see. You only took off my clothes in a hurry, I understand.” Lingyue nodded.

Just as Su Xin was about to speak again, her complexion suddenly changed, and she slowly pushed Lingyue away.

The latter looked puzzled and said sternly: “I am very weak now, are you serious about pushing me away?”

“The Great Sage is here.” Su Xin didn’t have time to quarrel with this little ancestor, and said lightly.

When Lingyue heard this, her expression changed immediately.

“You wait for me here, if I die…” Su Xin stood up and took a deep look at Lingyue, “You will die with me!

After saying that, he walked out of the dark killing world.

I saw a ray of blood galloping from afar, filled with endless killing intent shrouding the world.

“Su Xin! I want you to die!!!” The person who came had already discovered Su Xin, and before the person arrived, a voice full of killing intent and anger echoed violently in Su Xin’s ears.

The person who came was full of blood, and his expression was extremely ferocious and distorted.

But it was the Great Sage of the Devil who led the team to the Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Conference that day.

Well, like Shi Yuan, he was a monk in the early stage of the Great Sage.

Seeing that it was the early stage of the Great Sage, Su Xin naturally didn’t intend to leave, but instead stood in the same place and waited with a somewhat comfortable expression.

Soon, the great sage of the devil came to Su Xin. He looked at Su Xin. There was no need to say anything about his anger and hatred. He said in a cold voice: “Su Xin, if you kill my son, you will be killed today!”

“According to what you said, I also killed the Golden God Son of the Golden Clan. Even though it was on a fair stage like the Tianjiao Conference, do they also want to kill me?” Su Xin grinned, without the slightest fear in his eyes.

“You don’t need to tell me, the golden clan can’t get involved in the battle between the three clans. But if you really dare to leave the human clan and the golden clan will send the strong to kill you, will you be surprised?” According to Su Xin’s words, Su Xin was speculating whether the Golden Clan would secretly support both the Demon Clan and the Demon Clan.

Such a racial battle, or it has always been a bloody battle between the middle and lower-level cultivators of each ethnic group, and will only be stopped when they are exhausted to a certain extent.

Either it has evolved into an uncontrollable situation, and it is the turn of the top powerhouses in each clan to take action. If the golden clan intends to help the demon clan and the demon clan, it will be a great disadvantage for the human clan.

A big clan like the human race won’t be easily exterminated, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be exterminated.

Although Su Xin is a child, her philosophy has always been freedom, but she doesn’t expect the human race to be destroyed.

“Okay, come here if you want to take revenge for your son. I’ll do something good today to reunite your father and son.” Su Xin shook his head, his eyes became serious.

It was the first time to fight against a great sage, and naturally he could not tolerate his contempt.


The Great Sage of Demon Heaven let out a low roar, his arms spread out, his whole body imposing as if a demon god had descended into the world.

“Magic world!

Boom boom~

I saw that there was suddenly a continuous cloud of demons covering the sky above the sky, and the whole world seemed to be forcibly pulled into a dark abyss.

This is the power of the great sage, drawing the ground as a boundary and making rules!

hoo hoo hoo~

Endless roars and roars spread from this pitch-dark world, and in Su Xin’s eyes, he could clearly see the dark cloud slowly descending a huge demonic figure.

The figure of this Demon Venerable is undoubtedly similar to the Great Sage of Demon Heaven, but his aura is terrifying.

The Great Sage Demon Tian knew Su Xin’s talent and would not give any hold of him at all. As soon as he made a move, he would naturally kill Su Xin Thunder, how could he leave a variable.

Immediately afterwards, the Great Sage of Demon Heaven merged into the world and turned into a surging black beam of light that shot into the figure of Demon Venerable.

“I’m the devil, the devil’s palm is broken!” The sound of the devil’s way came from the devil’s body, shocking his mind, and then the huge devil slapped Su Xin under him fiercely.

The power of this hall is so terrifying that I don’t know how to form it. Wherever the hall passes, the space is shattered, and Su Xin is firmly locked, and there is no way to hide!

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