0156 Gentlemen, I like war! (6/10, please subscribe! 】

After half a month, the sword is born!

Looking at Tian Linggai’s sword-shaped little man exuding Ling Jian intent, Su Xin finally showed a smile. For the past half month, he has put all his mind on the condensed sword-shaped body, and he didn’t dare to slack off, for fear of making mistakes in the middle. lead to failure.

“Xuezhao, this Wuji sword tire will be yours from now on.” Su Xin turned to look at the sword spirit Xuezhao, and immediately motioned for the other party to merge into the sword tire.

Xue Zhao was also ready for a long time. The purple long sword Su Xin of the Nine Palaces Great Sage was going to give to Liu Yiling. He was not short of weapons.

Liu Yiling is recognized as her own woman, there may be malicious villains who use Liu Yiling to make a fuss, and Su Xin can’t stay by Liu Yiling’s side all the time.

With the help and promotion of Su Xin, Xue Nao began to integrate into the sword embryo. She has to learn how to master Su Xin’s infinite sword intent, and she will naturally lead the sword embryo in the future.

Everything went smoothly, except that after Xueyu was integrated into the sword body, the eyebrows of the sword body were not Su Xin, but somewhat similar to Xueyu. Su Xin23 was stunned and did not care about this small detail.

“The war between the three clans broke out?” Su Xin walked out of the Young Emperor’s Palace, and happened to bump into the Saintess Tianxuan. When the latter saw Su Xin retreating out of the retreat, even if he briefly explained the events of the past half month, Su Xin heard it before his eyes. A bright.

“Why do you seem very happy? Now the demons and the demons are joining forces to attack our human race, which is very unfavorable to our human race!” Seeing Su Xin’s expression, Tianxuan Saint Maiden immediately looked suspicious.

“Damn it! The demons and the demons have eaten the guts of bears and leopards. As the young emperor of the human race, how can I sit and watch my human monk die tragically at the hands of these two monks?” Su Xin’s expression condensed, and halfway through, Suddenly thinking of something, the conversation changed, “What about Linger now? I said before that I wanted to retreat to the Immortal Terrace, but it was successful?”

“You think everyone is the same as you, and Junior Sister Yiling hasn’t left the border yet. Su Xin, what did you mean to defend against the two clans? This is absolutely impossible, the demon clan and the demon clan unite, and you win the battle. The first place in the Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Conference may be a big reason.”

“Which great emperor have you ever seen treated like a son? There is a crisis, but if I’m so good at killing, they’ll just come and kill me.” Su Xin laughed.

War is another great opportunity for him to rapidly improve his strength, and Zunhunfan can collect countless souls again.

Of course, this time Su Xin’s position is the human race, and he will not do anything to the human race monks, but the number of monks from the demon race and the demon race is no longer a small number. When this kind of war breaks out, no one will wait for him to kill Su Xin.

As for the exposure of the trail, the powerful sages of the two clans were attracted to join forces to kill or something. What kind of powerful sages would Su Xin be afraid of chasing after him?

“What you said seems to make sense, but you are going to the frontline battlefield, do you want to talk to Zong Nei?” Tian Sheng Nu was thoughtful.

“Okay, I’ll go talk about it now.” Su Xin nodded, and then walked directly towards the gate of the sect of the Jade Pool Holy Land.

The direction was wrong, and the expression of Saintess Tianxuan was a little subtle.

Why do I need to tell people? How could Xin do this? He is not a disciple of the Yaochi Holy Land or any holy land force, he is just a simple human race, strictly a loose cultivator.

He can maintain a good relationship with Yaochi Holy Land, but he will not let Yaochi Holy Land constrain him.

At the teleportation hall of Yaochi City, the monk guarding the formation was startled when he saw Su Xin, and asked uncertainly, “Master Shaodi?”

“Well, I’m going to Nanling City.

“Okay, okay!” When the cultivator was in a trance, he didn’t expect to see Su Xin with his own eyes. The more he looked at Su Xin, the more he felt that the other party was extraordinary.

Fees, of course, are free for the entire human race for life, and now no one dares to accept Su Xin’s money.

This invisibly rising status, to be honest, is really a bit English.

In the Nanling Mountains, there are scenes of human race monks and demon race monks fighting each other, and even Sendai and saint-level powerhouses appear from time to time.

Right now, a big battle broke out, with thousands of cultivators from the human race on one side, and a similar number of warriors from the demon race on the other.

On the Human Race side, the disciples and elders from the Ten Great Holy Lands came to unite with the Human Race cultivators to resist, and the Demon Race was similar, and each race had a strong generation ahead.

“Kill all these humans!”

“Kill kill kill!

“Formation, don’t spread out!”

“Damn demons, today I’ll let you know how tragic the fate of anyone who dares to take action against my human race, kill kill kill!”

The two sides roared, and the war was about to break out!

However, at this moment, a huge thunder and lightning palm suddenly appeared in the sky above the thousands of warriors of the demon race, and immediately slammed down.


Thousands of demon warriors seemed to evaporate in an instant, and then a small black flag appeared in the sky, and the souls of thousands of demon warriors kept flying towards the black flag.

“This, which senior of my human race took the shot?”

“Good! Good kill!”

“So strong! This palm is so terrifying!

The human cultivators were stunned for a while, and then each shouted in surprise.

“Cough cough.” Su Xin took the black flag, and then his body stood in the air with his hands tied, “The demons violated the agreement between the two tribes and invaded our human territory. As a…

“Ah ah ah!” Su Xin was about to say some high-sounding words, but halfway through the words, a human cultivator below suddenly shouted passionately, startling him.

“It’s my Highness Su Xin, the young emperor of the human race!”

“It’s His Royal Highness Young Emperor!”

“What? It turned out to be His Highness the Young Emperor, and His Highness the Young Emperor killed thousands of demon warriors!

“His Royal Highness Young Emperor, look here!”

This scene caught Su Xin by surprise, and she didn’t even know what to say next.

“No, His Royal Highness Shaodi should not be here. If the demons learn of His Highness’s trace, they will definitely send strong men to strangle His Highness.” At this time, a human monk suddenly thought of something and exclaimed. .

“You don’t need to worry about me, as a member of the human race, how can I sit back and watch my human race cultivators fight on the battlefield, while I stay leisurely in the human race hinterland? The human race is my family, and prosperity depends on everyone! I ask you, whether Are you willing to follow me to kill the evil races of the demon race?”

Su Xin took a deep breath and immediately opened his mouth.

“I’m waiting for it!”

“His Royal Highness the Young Emperor is so considerate of the human race, how can I retreat from my cowardice!”

“The human race is my home, and prosperity depends on everyone!

This loud shout immediately resonated with thousands of cultivators, and with a grim smile on Su Xin’s face, he took the thousands of human cultivators to attack and kill the demon warriors in Nanling City!

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