0155 Condensing the sword tire, the three clan war broke out (5/10, please subscribe!)

Yaochi Holy Land, the Holy Land specially prepared a Young Emperor Palace for Su Xin, and at this time in the palace hall, a young girl with a blushing face lowered her head and a pair of crystal-white jade arms pinched the corners of her clothes, looking a little bit. Hasty and restless.

Next to her, there was a ruddy-looking old man sitting. The old demon’s aura revealed that he was actually a strong man at the level of a great sage.

The old lady is from the Supreme Elder of Taishang Jiuqing Palace, and the girl beside her is also his direct bloodline. This year, fifteenth year, she is unparalleled in talent and beautiful, and she specially came to give Su Xin as a concubine.

And she’s not the first, nor should she be the last.

Su Xin’s eyes were a little numb. At first, he felt that someone had given him his granddaughter as a concubine. He felt a little fresh when he was treated like an emperor.

But gradually, more and more “two eight seven” came, and Su Xin’s heart became completely numb.

“This is the old granddaughter Chen Xiuxiu. After hearing that Su Xiaoyou defeated the arrogance of the Ten Thousand Races and won the first place in the arrogance of the ten thousand clans, he kept talking about meeting such a young hero like Su Xiaoyou.” Taishang Elder of Jiuqing Palace After saying a few words that didn’t hurt, he started to introduce the girl.

Su Xin is very sloppy in her heart, how could she be passively prostituting herself?

Show! Well, very show, show show.

“Yeah.” Su Xin replied lightly.

“Grandma~” The girl said coquettishly, her face flushed.

These great sages in the Holy Land of the Human Race all know that Su Xin has Liu Yiling, and Liu Yiling is very likely to become Su Xin’s official companion, but these four calls do not prevent them from introducing their outstanding girls to Su Xin as concubines .

There is no other reason, in the final analysis it is talent and a promising future.

A human race who can show that kind of talent at the Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Conference, even if they don’t expect to have a good relationship with Su Xin, at least they can’t fall behind to other Holy Land forces.

Throughout the ages, the Great Emperor has been admired by people, but who knows the secret behind the Great Emperor, who knows whether the Great Emperor’s harem is an exaggerated number.

Su Xin doesn’t hate beautiful women, but he doesn’t like this kind of door-to-door service. If he really likes a certain girl, he will naturally go to win the other party’s heart, but he won’t be like an emperor accepting a concubine. Just accept it?

Although I thought so in my heart, the words were still very gentle.

In the face of this situation, either one will not be accepted, or all of them will be accepted, so that the minds of the great saints in these holy places will be balanced.

Not long after the great sage was sent away, Zi Yuan came to Su Xin’s Palace of the Young Emperor.

Su Xin has been in Yaochi City for about a month. If she goes out at the beginning, if she doesn’t hide it, she will be recognized by others, and she will definitely suffer from “traffic jams.”

“It’s the young emperor Su Xin! I am the young emperor of the age of the human race, and the only young emperor of the age of the ten thousand tribes”

“What! Where is the young emperor? I’m going to pay homage to his Bu Shiying

“As expected of the young emperor, this kind of temperament really makes me feel ashamed, etc.” Su Xin has heard the words these days.

There must be something to do with Zi Yuan’s visit this time, but she said somewhat mockingly: “They are all the arrogant daughters of my human race, why don’t you like one? I feel that Yiling will perform in this regard. It’s a big deal.”

“Senior Ziyuan, don’t make fun of the junior, have you collected all the sword tire materials that the junior needs?” Su Xin glanced at Ziyuan angrily, and then went to the main topic.

“I knew that you stayed in the Jade Lake Holy Land these days just to wait for this, and it’s all done.” Zi Yuan heard that she was indeed here today because of this person.

After saying that, he handed Su Xin a storage ring, Su Xin took it over and took a look, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

“I won’t disturb you in this seat.” Zi Yuan said and left without waiting for Su Xin’s order to evict guests.

Su Xin pondered for a while, then entered the secret room with the materials, preparing to condense the Wuji sword tire without stopping.

There is no such thing as a sword embryo that is directly powerful and terrifying as soon as it is condensed, the important thing is the cultivation of the monks who use it in the future.

Jian Xiu’s sword embryo is like a second body, Su Xin wants to condense the sword embryo, and then integrate his own infinite sword intent into it, followed by the sword spirit sister Xue Zhao.

Thinking of this, Su Xin made Xue Rou appear in a phantom.

“Xuezhao has seen Master, Master.” The pretty girl with sword spirit suspended in mid-air and gave a salute, looking unusually friendly.

“Call me Young Master in the future. You will feel my Wuji Sword Intent by the side. I hope you can master it in the future…” Su Xin smiled, a girl with a sword spirit is naturally in her mind Comfortable things.

As for the title “Master”, let his battle maid call it.

“Okay, son.” Xue Nao’s clear eyes flashed a strange color, and then nodded.

Next, it is time to condense the sword tire.

The condensed sword embryo is different from the refining tool. When it comes to this refining tool, in fact, Su Xin has integrated so many Jin Yuan genes of different levels. If he is really indulging in the refining method and adding the eye of all magic, he will become a refining tool. Master, that’s a no-brainer.

Furthermore, this condensed sword embryo is essentially different from the refining tool, and the focus of the sword embryo is its own sword intent!

After admitting that everything was ready, Su Xin began to condense the sword embryo, and the golden emperor flames galloped and burned, and began to temper those extremely precious gold-based refining materials.

In Nanling City, there are two or three monks guarding the city gate. They chatted with each other, and the topic was the young emperor Su Xin.

“I didn’t expect that such a heaven-defying character would appear in my human race. The arrogance of all clans is the first. If he doesn’t fall in the middle, even if he is not the great emperor, he is a quasi-emperor character, right?”

“That’s right, the young emperor believed him, and halfway through the conversation, the person who answered the question looked towards the front of the city gate strangely.

3.0 saw a large number of cultivators, all wounded, fleeing towards Nanling City.

“The big thing is not good. There are suddenly countless warriors of the demon race and various races on the demon clan. They are going to take Nanling City!”

The person at the head is a true disciple of the Sun Moon Holy Land. Originally, Nanling City was a place where the demons and the juniors of the human race fought and tempered each other.

It wasn’t just Nanling that happened. Under the dazzling light of the Xuanguang Mountains, which separated the human race and the monster race, an endless army of monsters suddenly appeared.

The demon clan and the demon clan actually seemed to have negotiated and attacked the human clan at the same time!

As a result, the three clan war is about to break out completely.

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