0148 Thirty-three Heavenly Conferred God Code (8/10, please subscribe! 】

“In the end, it was transformed by the formation, but I looked at them highly!”

In the tenth level, Su Xin was passively bombarded by more than 300 opponents, but there was no panic in his eyes.

He didn’t even have the intention to perform spiritual transformation, let alone force him to perform immortal nirvana.

What the quasi-emperor puppet old man said was too intrusive, making Su Xin think that the holy-level trial was too powerful. In fact, Su Xin was shocked, but it was not the holy-level trial, but the standard of the emperor-level trial. Let him subconsciously think that the holy-level trial may force him to use all his combat power, or even restart Nirvana without dying.

But I never thought that, without the talent and ability equivalent to the emperor-level genes, their combat power can indeed crush the arrogance of the young emperor level, but it is not enough to see Su Xin.

Because Su Xin is not afraid of consumption or injury to affect the combat power, he even has trump cards that he has not displayed at this time, such as the blood demon sacrifice, the true spirit transformation and so on.

If these 1,000 opponents were replaced by the Great Sage Heiyuan, they might completely force out all of Su Xin’s territory, but the combined combat power is combined after all, and their individual combat power is far less than Su Xin’s. Xin, the number advantage is nothing in front of Su Xin.

Well, the pressure on Su Xin can still do it.

At this time, Su Xin was passively beaten by 283. With the help of pressure, he attacked the middle stage of Sendai, and he even did not hesitate to be seriously injured, as long as he did not die.

In this situation, which is equivalent to a self-mutilation breakthrough, Su Xin’s realm improved again after half a month, and came to the middle stage of Sendai.

Really “underestimate this kid.” The old quasi-emperor retracted the probe, and there was no need to continue watching.

This kid’s physical recovery is astonishingly strong, and now he has broken through the realm, killing the tenth level and leaving more than 300 opponents is more than enough.

The old man Zhundi waited impatiently in the palace hall outside.

“Hahaha, I passed! Where’s my fortune?” After a while, Su Xin was filled with excitement and walked out of the Conferred God Pagoda.

The quasi-emperor puppet old man’s expression was a little brooding. Seeing this, Su Xin restrained his laughter and muttered in his heart. This old man doesn’t think it’s too easy for him to clear the customs, so he wants to go back on it, right?

After a while, the old quasi-emperor said, “A person can only come to Fengshen Emperor Palace once.”

What he said was somewhat inexplicable, Su Xin said: “That has something to do with my creation?”

“Yes, you can get more fortunes, but (cdda) also depends on your future achievements, whether you can fight against the emperor in the Great Sacred Realm.” The quasi-emperor old man nodded, his face very serious.

Su Xincheng fell silent, then stretched out his hand and said, “You first give me the good fortune you promised me.

“Old man will naturally not default on your debts. You have passed the sage-level trial. Congratulations, you have obtained the “Thirty-three Heavenly Conferred Gods Code” created by the supreme being who established the Emperor’s Palace.” The old man said with a stern expression on his face.

Hearing this, Su Xin was immediately a little excited. The supreme cultivation technique created by the master who established this palace of the gods and emperors, then… that might be more powerful than his own special innate abilities?

He had forgotten that the old man had a punctuated character in his speech.

“The first floor.” The old man said the complete words.

“Aah.” Su Xin laughed coldly, with no interest in it.

The exercises are not complete, what should I do with the exercises?

“Don’t underestimate the first floor. The first floor contains detailed instructions for the three major systems of fleshly body, primordial spirit, and supernatural powers. This is the first floor of cultivation techniques you have obtained since the establishment of the Conferred God Emperor Palace. ”

“This? There are other Emperor Palaces?” Su Xin hesitated and asked.

“Cough cough, yes, are there any other conferred god emperor palaces?” The old man Zhundi asked along with Su Xin’s words in confusion, and he was a little bit squeamish.

“It’s worth far more than the emperor’s soldiers!” The old man Zhundi added.

Su Xin is still not interested. He is not interested in incomplete things at all. What do you mean? I want him to find a way to collect the following exercises in the future.

Bring “.” but give up naturally will not.

The old man Zhundi took out a jade slip from his arms and handed it to Su Qing, while Su Xin stuck it on the Tianling cover and browsed it carefully.

Seeing this, Su Xin’s eyes changed completely. Although he didn’t spend a day on cultivating supernatural powers, even the Demon Emperor Jiu Zhan asked Lin’er to practice, and then copied it himself, but it didn’t mean Su Xin’s Poor understanding.

He is just a little lazy, but his perception can be described as horror.

But this is Su Xin, reading the first level of the “Thirty-three Heavenly Conferred God’s Code” feels extremely obscure and difficult to understand, which seems not to be about comprehension, but about the understanding of the Dao.

“Look, if you want to fully understand the first level, it is estimated that you will have to wait until you become a great sage or even a stronger realm, and you still don’t like it now?” The old man Zhundi said.

Su Xin glanced at the old man angrily, clasped his fists and said, “Farewell!!

“Don’t leave yet, you leave now, you can’t come back later.”

“Why am I coming back?”

“Participate in the emperor-level trial.”

“But doesn’t this Divine Emperor Palace only open during the Tianjiao Conference in every era? So I…” Su Xin hesitated, “Live to the next era and come back?”

“No, there is another way. You passed the test of the Conferred God Pagoda, congratulations on opening the hidden test, as long as you pass the hidden test, you will be able to return to the Fengshen Emperor Palace to participate in the emperor-level test again. Opportunity, how is it, are you not happy?” The old quasi-emperor headed over.

Is Laozi happy with you!

Are you hiding trials, playing games? Are you an NPC?

Su Xin kept slandering in his heart, resisting the urge to kick this old quasi-distress away.

“You tell me the reward of the hidden level first.

“What level is a hidden trial. Your opponent will no longer be the opponent transformed by the formation, and if you pass the hidden trial, you can choose one of the three types of physical body, primordial spirit, and supernatural power. The supreme cultivation method created by the Supreme Being.” The old man Zhundi’s expression became condensed, and he continued, “And there is no division of the number of layers, it is complete, of course, it is not comparable to the “Thirty-three Heavenly Conferred God Code”.

Hearing this, Su Xin pondered deeply. He has been looking for the cultivation method of Yuanshen, so that the power of Yuanshen and physical body can be balanced.

Perhaps, the current hidden trial is an opportunity?

Thinking of this, one more person suddenly came to this hall.

Su Xin fixed his eyes and looked a little surprised, it turned out to be the spear with no arrogance.

When the latter saw Su Xin, he immediately showed a look of shock: “You, did you pass the Holy Trial, or did you give up halfway through?”

“You seem to be familiar with the rules of the Holy Trial.” Su Xin’s eyes jumped upon hearing this.

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