0147 Call me Su Xin! (7/10, please subscribe!)

In the seventh stage, one hundred and twenty-eight people have reached the top talent of all races, the second only to the young emperor, which is the level of space.

There are over a hundred people, and each of them is in the late Sendai stage, which has already made Su Xin feel a little pressure.

The Will War Spirit is still unable to deal with so many opponents, so Su Xin is not stingy to take action.

If Su Xin at the god-level gene level entered the Sendai realm, even if one hundred and twenty-eight geniuses of the same space were besieging Su Xin, they would not be Su Xin’s opponent, because Su Xin had always been fighting by leapfrog, and the same realm. Down, the combat power should be invincible!

What’s more, today’s Su Xin is still at the level of emperor-level genes!

Thinking of the space, facing the hundred and twenty-eight people, Su Xin suddenly clasped his hands together, and shouted with a somewhat grim expression: “Thousand-handed fighting Buddha!”


I saw a golden battle Buddha that was over ten thousand feet tall immediately appeared behind him, and the 128 opponents surrounded by Su Xin suddenly seemed incomparably small in front of this golden battle Buddha.

As soon as the golden battle Buddha came out, Su Xin’s mind was mad, and the thousand arms of the thousand-handed battle Buddha blasted away at the one hundred and twenty-eight opponents.

“Finger of thunder!”

“Purple flames in the sky!

“Frozen for thousands of miles!”

“Fire Burial!”

No arm represents an attacking talent of Su Xin, although not to the extent that each arm is a different talent, there are also multiple arms that display the same talent.

But under the control of Su Xin, these thousand arms really exploded with a formidable combat power far surpassing the space monks, and in just an instant, the thousand bergamot hands were blasted away like a thousand mountains.

The aura was simply indescribable, this thousand-handed battle Buddha was copied by Su Xin, and combined with his own innate abilities, it seemed to have reached an outrageous level.

In the one-on-three arena, Su Xin hadn’t used this move yet, otherwise, the three opponents would be defeated in an instant!

This move, judging from the current power, has surpassed the Eight Discord Demon Dragon.

The golden light dashed recklessly in the space of the Fengshen Pagoda, and the old man Zhundi, who was peeking in the dark, showed a hint of surprise in his eyes: “This kid really has something to hide! The test of the Fengshen Pagoda is not about comprehension, perseverance, etc., but combat. Only those with unparalleled combat power can pass the Conferred God Pagoda. From the current point of view, this kid may really have such a chance to make friends.

Kick, Kick, Kick!

With the sound of a series of earth-shattering bombings, Su Xin entered the eighth level, two hundred and fifty-six people, all of them in the late Sendai stage, and all of them were the arrogance of the young emperor.

This is the penultimate level, and the pressure on Su Xin is already a little heavy.

But as the old man Zhundi said, there is no difference, the test of the conferred god tower is the combat power, the conferred gods in the first battle!

And Su Xin’s combat power is naturally invincible at the realm, and he is extremely good at large-scale and large-scale bombardment methods. In addition, he entered the Immortal Realm at this time. As long as the opponent is not a young emperor in the Saint Realm, then after all, it will only bring Su Xin. Stress, but a life-and-death crisis!

These two hundred and fifty-six people can’t kill Su Xin, then Su Xin, who has strong resilience, can consume them alive.

It’s just that the latter doesn’t like such a time-consuming style of play.

The two hundred and fifty-six people displayed supernatural power moves that Su Xin had never seen before. These supernatural power moves turned into divine lights and scattered in front of Su Xin. Each divine light represented the purest combat power. .

It is this formation that dispenses with the fancy performance of magical powers, and is just a simple way of expressing combat power with divine light.

So it’s not a supernatural power, and Su Xin can’t replicate it.

With a thousand-handed fighting Buddha, a fighting spirit of will with endless murderous aura, and a star fist with a hundred times the power, Su Xin smashed all of these 256 opponents who were equivalent to the young emperor in ten minutes.

Just to the point where there is no stagnant gap.

“Judging from the current combat power, he should be able to pass the ninth level, but the tenth level,” the old man quasi-emperor was overwhelmed.

The ninth level, 512 people, is equivalent to Su Xin’s talent at the level of god-level genes, but it is naturally far inferior to Su Xin, because what Su Xin is powerful is not perception and talent, but an endless stream of innate abilities.

Even the combat power is not as strong as Su Xin, who is in the Heaven Phase Realm, but he is already able to crush the Young Emperor.

There was pressure, but it also made Su Xin never feel the crisis of life and death. At this time, even Su Xin himself was surprised by his combat power at this time.

Because since he entered Sendai, he has never fully demonstrated his full combat power once.

Half an hour later, Su Xin beheaded 512 people with a pale face, and the aura of the realm fluctuated back and forth between the early and middle stages of Sendai.

It is certain that as long as Su Xin enters the tenth level, then the pressure brought by the tenth level will surely push him to break through to the middle stage of Sendai, but the difficulty of the tenth level cannot be ignored.

In the tenth level, Su Xin did not guess wrong. In terms of talent, he should be equivalent to the emperor-level gene without talent.

It is good to say that the number is small, but it is a thousand people!

In fact, this array of illusions has restrained some of Su Xin’s abilities, that is, swallowing the sky and breaking the ground. If you encounter a thousand saints to besiege Su Xin in reality, every time Su Xin kills one person, It can be quickly refined, and the combat power can be skyrocketed in battle, of course, the price may be loss of reason.

However, in this Pagoda of the Gods, even the condensing of blood essence has been curbed, which is a kind of restriction on Su Xin.

“This kid shouldn’t give up, but his performance in the ninth level doesn’t seem to be the limit state, is it because he is afraid that the tenth level’s difficulty cannot be handled by his limit state?” Xin.

To enter the tenth level, Su Xin naturally waited until the exhaustion in the ninth level was fully recovered, and then went to the tenth level to maintain the peak state.

He has immortal nirvana, rapid regeneration, and a fortune that is rich or even not weaker than the quasi-emperor weapon waiting for him.

What dare not step into the tenth level!


When he quickly recovered to his peak state, Su Xin entered the tenth level.

The momentum of the tenth level has changed. One thousand soldiers are equivalent to Su Xin’s combat power with emperor-level genes. That is to say, their basic strength and basic defense are equivalent to the foundation of Su Xin, but they have no innate ability. Su Xin’s winning point is given.

A large number of people is indeed a great advantage, but in front of Su Xin, the latter can limit the advantage of the number of people infinitely.

Come on, “Today, I, Su Xin, are going to kill a thousand people!”

Su Xin roared at a thousand opponents, and the thousand-handed war Buddha, the eight-disparate demonic dragon, the slaughtering war spirit, the endless light body, a hundred times the power, the burning blood, etc. all burst out in an instant.


The first outbreak, kill as many as you can!

Time stopped, and a thousand opponents were frozen in place in an instant, and more than half of them were killed by Su Xin’s instant explosion!

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