0109 Dare to take action against my senior sister Hua, are you yellow? [9/10, please subscribe!)

The Tianjiao Conference is just around the corner, the Human Race is full of preparations for battle, and now they are provoked by five people from the Golden Race, and the Udon is still defeated in seconds. Naturally, they all want to find their way back.

However, in Su Xin’s eyes, their strength was that they were looking for abuse in the past. The four people behind Tuqi of the golden family were probably average, but this Tuqi was probably equivalent to the elder brother of the Ji family.

If you can make Su Xin’s evaluation of strength okay, you know that the strength of this golden family Tucci is not weak.

This is also normal, if it is normal, how can it take the initiative to provoke.

“Chen Qingquan, the Holy Land of Human Race Taiyi!” No, the famous Tianjiao disciple immediately stood up again.

“Golden Fist!”

Tucci didn’t seem to object to the wheel battle, and shot again, blowing the opponent away with one punch.

“Zhuo Yifan, the Great Evolution Holy Land of the Human Race!”

“Golden Fist!”

Twitch punched again and defeated the opponent.


“Golden Fist!”

“The human race.

“Golden Fist!”


“Golden Fist!”

After a while, a dozen people lay down on the Terran side.

Hahaha “..cough cough cough.” Su Xin finally couldn’t help laughing and coughed violently, what the hell is this Golden Race Tuqi doing, is it necessary to throw a punch and roar with a ferocious expression?

Don’t forget it once, you and him come a dozen times, it looks funny, bastard! 260

Su Xin’s laughter made the dignified atmosphere on the side of the tribe a little uncoordinated, and the arrogances of the human race all glared at each other, and even more dissatisfied with Su Xin: “Su Xin, you are also my human race, don’t you think I am the arrogance of the human race? Are you happy to be beaten?”

“Not very happy, a trace of sadness slipped through my heart.”

“Then why are you laughing, don’t take away the momentum of my human race.”

“Okay, I won’t laugh, you guys continue.” Su Xin restrained her expression.

Then, another Tianjiao stood up, what is this called? This is called losing momentum!

“The human race.

“Golden Fist!

“Ahahahaha!” Su Xin, who had been holding back his laughter, burst into laughter again.

The Terran Tianjiao who appeared again was naturally defeated with one punch, and this Twitch didn’t seem to consume much at all. Su Xin (cdda) had already equated the opponent’s general with the top ten Terran Tianjiao paintings.

This kind of character hall, if there is no corresponding Tianjiao on the side of the human race, it is estimated that it will be difficult to end.

Just as Su Xin was laughing, he felt someone behind him gently pull on the corner of his shirt.

Looking back, it was Ji Wuming’s sister Ji Yuehua who came to know him.

“Don’t laugh, it’s very bad for our morale like this.” The little girl reminded her through voice transmission, and her face was very serious.

“Don’t you think it’s funny? That yellow-haired golden fist called the golden fist.” Su Xin asked rhetorically.

“No, he is so strong. Why do I find it funny?” Ji Yuehua was a little puzzled.

When Su Xin heard it, he realized that what he thought was funny might be worth dignified in the eyes of other Tianjiao, because the vision is not at the same level.

“Why don’t you go and defeat Su Xin, can you?” Ji Yuehua asked tentatively after waiting for a while.

“As for your brother, it should be more appropriate for him to appear.”

“My brother said that this Tianjiao Conference should not be underestimated, he is retreating to break through the fairyland, saying that only when he reaches the fairyland will he have the confidence to get a good ranking.

“Oh.” Su Xin responded and stopped talking.

Ji Yuehua put out her mouth, his eldest brother told her not to provoke Su Xin, but she still couldn’t help touching Su Xin.

“Huaxiangrong of the human race, please advise.” Su Xin thought about it for a while, and felt that it was time to vomit blood and extract the genes. However, at this time, something unexpected happened to him.

Hua Xiangrong actually walked out on her own initiative, which surprised Su Xin. Hua Xiangrong was not strong enough, she should have come to see the Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Conference.

How could she be Tucci’s opponent?

“Hmph, to even have a woman to stand up, you humans are really shameless!” Tu Qi snorted disdainfully when he saw Hua Xiangrong come out.

Su Xin touched her chin, a little confused about Hua Xiangrong’s mind.

“Woman, you have successfully caught my Tucci’s attention! But I, Tucci, will never show mercy just because you are a woman, give you a chance and step back now!”

“You shoot.” Hua Xiangrong shook her head, took out the brand new Tianwu spear, and her aura suddenly became fierce.

“Okay! Golden Fist!”

Tu Qi shouted loudly, with a ferocious expression, his right fist was wrapped in hot golden light, and his power surged like a turbulent sea, which was extremely terrifying.

“Are you yellow!”

Just when all the people were sweating for Hua Xiangrong, thinking that Hua Xiangrong was about to lie on the ground in the next moment, Su Xin’s loud roar suddenly made them stunned.

I saw Su Xin instantly appeared in front of Hua Xiangrong, and easily caught the punch of the opponent’s powerful power with one palm.

Hua Xiangrong’s eyes were filled with joy, you really did it!

But she said coldly on the surface: “What are you doing, I don’t need you to help me!”

Tu Qi’s eyes shrank suddenly, and his golden fist, which was inexorable, was actually blocked by a cultivator of the Heavenly Phase Realm?

His expression was a little shocked, and he said with a condensed expression: “Who are you?”

“I’m your father!” Su Xin grinned, released the opponent’s right fist, and immediately blasted away with the Xingchen Immortal Fist.

“Good come!”

Seeing this, Tu Qi’s eyes suddenly brightened, and he shouted loudly, full of fighting spirit.

He was covered in golden light, facing Su Xin’s Star Indestructible Fist, he didn’t keep his hand at all, and the powerful Golden Divine Fist slammed away madly.

Kick, Kick, Kick!

The speed of the two’s fists was too fast, and the others couldn’t tell them apart with the naked eye.

“Impossible! His power is still rising!”

Tu Qi was startled, and gradually began to fall behind. After a short while, he was beaten by Su Xin with his bare hands and flew out. A blood spurted out, and Su Xin took a drop.

“Ding, the gene extraction was successful, and the Saint-level Jinyuan gene was obtained. Is it fusion now?” The gene extracted by the gene tool did not make Su Xin happy.

“Tu Qi is defeated, this day, the human race boy is extraordinary!”

Tuqi’s companion, Tuqi, was defeated, and with a low voice, he left with the seriously injured Tuqi.

“Good! Su Xin, nice job!”

“Brother Su is really fighting for face for my human race!

“Golden clan reckless man, I, Zhuo Yifan, will definitely challenge you golden clan again!”

Tu Qi was defeated, and the Terran Tianjiao suddenly shouted.

Su Xin looked at Hua Xiangrong with a puzzled look on her face, as if asking her why she took the initiative to seek abuse.

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