0108 Golden family, golden power, golden fist! [8/10, please subscribe!)

The flying magic weapon of the great sage has the ability to travel through the void, otherwise it would take several years to reach the Emperor Fengshen Market by flying alone.

But this journey took a long enough time, about half a month.

The human race is one of the powerful races in the Xuantian Continent, and it is also a frequent visitor to the Ten Thousand Races Tianjiao Conference in all dynasties, and has its own fixed area in the Emperor Fengshen Ruins.

It’s just that Su Xin originally thought that the Emperor Fengshen Ruins should be a ruin full of vicissitudes, but he didn’t expect it to be a huge palace!

The size of this palace is several times larger than that of Yaochi City!

“This is the Emperor Fengshen Ruins?” Su Xin looked suspicious, looking at the Saintess of Tiancheng.

Seeing Su Xin with her head resting on Liu Yiling’s shoulder, Saintess Tianxuan raised her brows and said, “Yes, this is the Emperor Fengshen Ruins. Even if you gather the strength of all the tribes, you will not be able to forcibly enter the palace.”

Speaking of this, Saintess Tianxuan added a sentence, saying: “This is what the master in the sect told me, I don’t know the specifics, this world is very big, and the human race is not the protagonist.

In front of the huge palace, there is a huge arena with a length and width of about 10,000 miles, which was artificially divided into 108 parts. Presumably this is the system adopted by the Tianjiao Conference. .

The human race built a palace in the Fengshen Ruins. In addition, many man-made palaces can be seen lined up in the Fengshen Emperor Ruins.

Su Xin was shocked by the majesty of the palace, but at this moment, he suddenly felt something in his heart, and the immortal picture in the Fei Hua Zhuyue Emperor in his space ring felt a little throbbing.

This time, there are more than 500 people in the younger generation of cultivators who are at the elder level. The palace built by the human race can fully accommodate them, and everyone can even have a separate room.

But no matter what, Su Xin wanted to be in the same room with Liu Yiling.

“Su Xin, the Tianjiao Conference will be held in a month, but the powerful races who come to the Fengshen Emperor Ruins are no longer a few. Are you interested in going with me to other races to spy on the situation?” After settling down, Su Xin received an invitation from Saintess Tianxuan.

“You mean, go to the gym?” Su Xin moved in his heart and said with a smile.

Saintess Tianxuan was stunned, how could this guy have such thoughts?

“You misunderstood, there are quite a few races that have friends with my human race, we can go to the arrogance in their race,

“Then go, you, remember to tell me carefully when you come back, Linger, let’s go.” Su Xin interrupted her directly, and dragged the shy Liu Yiling into the room.

Saintess Tianxuan clenched her fists, tried her best to keep smiling, and then left in a huff.

On the night that the human race came to the Fengshen Emperor Ruins, Su Xin was going to go out to find Mang, a monk of other races.

He was originally a peek at the genes of other races, and naturally it was impossible for him to come here and do nothing to wait for the official start of the Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao pretending to coerce conference.

It’s just that someone seems to be moving faster than him.

“Laozi Golden Clan Tuqi! Human waste, get out of Laozi!” A roar sounded from outside the human palace, but the strong human did not come forward. Naturally, they could not criticize this kind of competition between the juniors. An unspoken rule attached to the Tianjiao Conference.

There are also some who have not yet fully started the conference, and the talents of various ethnic groups have already discussed it privately.

Hearing this roar, Su Xin raised her eyebrows involuntarily. The appearance of the golden race is almost the same as that of the human race, but the physical quality may even be stronger than that of the demon race, and the blood flowing in the body is golden.

Su Xin suddenly felt intrigued, and trotted outside the human palace.

I saw a group of five golden-haired men standing outside the palace with their shirtless upper body, extremely provocative gestures.

“Arrogant!” In the face of provocation, how could the human race show weakness, and immediately a true disciple of the Imperial Palace stood up.

“Which one are you?” Tu Qi, headed by him, looked at the true disciple Udon, and raised his golden brows.

Su Xin saw that the golden people were glittering with gold, and couldn’t help but wonder, is their dangling hair also golden?

However, this kind of scene seemed quite interesting, and he watched it on the sidelines.

The top ten geniuses did not come forward. They should have retained their strength and would not easily take action. Otherwise, other races would see through the reality in advance. With the method of targeting, it would be difficult to fight in the arena after that.

And what is the purpose of the Tianjiao Conference, whether it is to pull the Tianjiao of all ethnic groups to play a turn-based system, Su Xin is still unclear, because he has no time to understand this aspect before.

But no matter what, if the talents of all races can get together, it will be a great opportunity for him to collect genes and improve his strength.

“Old man Wuxiu!

Udon shouted loudly and stepped forward, and the younger generation of the human race behind him immediately cheered him up.

“Okay! Brother Wu, you can show this reckless man of the golden race to see the prestige of my human race.

“Brother Wu, come on!”

“It’s opening, it’s opening, the human race Wuxiu has a one-to-one odds against the golden-haired golden-haired guy, and the odds are as much as possible. There is no ceiling!” Su Xin’s voice was particularly harsh in their cheers.

Yet no one bought it.

Udon and Twitch of the golden family fought together, which was really straightforward.

I saw Udon holding the king’s war sword, the sword qi ripping apart the sky, and the other side’s Tu Qi showed contempt and shouted: “Golden divine might, invincible! Golden divine fist!”

When he shouted, a pair of huge fists flickered with golden light (the king’s), even more dazzling than Su Xin’s golden light bricks.

These two people are both half-step Sendai cultivation bases, but the strength of the other party is obviously stronger, which is a bit outrageous.

Bang! Poof!

Twitch’s body was covered with golden light, and his strength was so strong that he smashed Udon’s sword into pieces with one punch, and a right fist bombarded the latter’s chest, causing the latter to spit blood and fly upside down.

Immediately after that, his head tilted, and he fell into a coma.

“Hmph, garbage!” Tucci snorted lightly, his face full of disdain.

“The Golden Clan is famous for its strong physique and strength, and it’s not bad. This half-step Sendai’s Golden Retriever is really good in terms of strength.” Seeing this scene, Su Xin whispered in her heart, but she was not in a hurry to go up.

On the Terran side, one by one was shocked at first, and then became angry.

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