0102 Ning Zhan sage strong, never provoke Su Xin! (2/10, please subscribe! 】

The four elders from Sendai, the two holy places, were already going all out at this moment, because Su Xin’s combat power had risen to the point where they had to deal with it with all their might.

Elder Li of the Yaochi Holy Land was the first to take action, so Su Xin’s Star Indestructible Fist combined two new talents and abilities against the latter, and it was a blast.

At this moment, the entire hall on the first floor of the Yuxiang Building was under the terrifying fists of Su Xin’s pair of starlights, and there was a vision.

Everyone suddenly felt that they were in the starry sky. Every time Su Xin’s punch fell, a star exploded, and the whole scene was full of endless destruction.

Elder Zhao of the Earth Palace’s eyes were full of disbelief at this time. This person is also a melee expert. When he made his move, the energy of heaven and earth turned into seven silver wolves and attacked Su Xin violently.

“Seven Evil Wolf Fist!”

bang bang bang!

However, although Elder Zhao’s offensive shook the space and showed the true nature of Sendai’s great power, the bombardment on Su Xin’s Nine Crystal Shield of Profound Light only caused the latter’s crystal light to flicker, and it was impossible to break Su Xin’s defense for a while.

Xuanguang Jiujing Shield, this brand-new seemingly innate ability allows Su Xin to ignore the attacks of the four Sendai powers at this moment, and attack to his heart’s content.

The other 23 elders of the Yaochi Holy Land, Elder Jia and Elder Shi.

These two powers, one is very good at all kinds of supernatural powers, and every time he makes a shot, dazzling supernatural powers drip out, and their power is naturally good, but they still can’t break Su Xin’s defense.

Another Elder Shi is struggling to cultivate a magic weapon like a jade, which is extremely powerful, but in front of Su Xin’s Star Indestructible Fist, it is only a little bit resistant.

At first, these four people just wanted to stop Su Xin, not to let this son be too arrogant, let the Yaochi event turn into a farce, attracting people from all over the world to laugh. But I didn’t expect Su Xin’s combat power to be so strong, it was simply incredible.

If they dared to keep their hands, they would not be Su Xin’s opponents at all.

Su You has a lot of trump cards that he has yet to use, such as the powerful supernatural powers of the Eight Disparities Demon Dragon, the Supreme Treasure of the Evil Dao Soul Banner, the True Spirit Change, and so on.

This was the first time he had fought since months of boring retreats. Although he didn’t do his best, he was still a bit hearty.

This kind of situation is not suitable for killing people, so Su Xin is not in a hurry to defeat the four Sendai under his fists, but is honing the fusion of Xingchen Immortality Fist and the combination of Shenlei and Diyan in criminal law.

“It’s so powerful, but the strongest one was just when he smashed the right arm of the Holy Son of Earth Palace with one punch. That kind of instant attack, if I didn’t stand in the Buddha’s Eight Forms, I would never be able to take it, Uncle Shi. That’s right, this era is a golden age for the younger generation!”

The space monk clasped his hands together, but his eyes were very clear as he watched Su Xin’s battle, and his heart sank.

Buddha, should be indisputable in the world, but what Kong Wen cultivates is the inheritance of war Buddha that is hard to come out of Wanfo Temple in ten thousand years, that is, to sublimate in battle. The birth of the space is praised by the Wanfo Temple as being born in response to this era, so the space will be born. Otherwise, with the attitude of Wanfo Temple, they will not send the Yaochi grand meeting or the Wanzu Tianjiao Conference. The disciples of the sect participated.

The space made Su Xin pay a little attention, because this monk is in the fairyland! There are definitely not ten people under the age of 30 in the fairyland. This is the background of this golden age, and there were only three in the last era.

The real Tianjiao will not attend this Yaochi event, they each have their own preparations, and put their whole body and mind on the extraordinary stage of the Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Conference.

All the arrogances of all races in the Xuantian Continent gathered in one place, and a hundred gallops competed for each other.

“The siege of the four Sendai is about to be broken!” At this moment, the Ji family elder brother suddenly froze in front of his eyes and couldn’t help but speak.

When everyone heard it, they immediately stared at it.

I saw Su Xin roared, his right fist drummed with galloping divine power, purple divine thunder and golden emperor flames turned into two shocking exercises wrapped around Su Xin’s right fist, accompanied by a terrifying attack of star-shattering slamming towards the front. Punch out.

Su Xin still did not use 100 times the strength, otherwise the siege situation would have been broken in an instant, and four punches in a row with 100 times the strength would have paralyzed the four Sendai Great Experts.

Under this kind of spectacle, Su Xin’s performance is very high-profile and arrogant, but he is not too ignorant to show others his moves.

If you want to see Su Xin’s trump card, then take your life to see it!

“Not good!” Elder Li who bore the brunt immediately exclaimed, and the maple leaves in the sky turned into a huge shield to protect the body, but after the maple leaf shield touched Su Xin’s fist, it was torn apart like a piece of paper.

Su Xin’s fist slammed into Elder Li’s chest.


The latter’s throat was sweet, and he immediately spurted a mouthful of blood, and his body was like a broken kite flying towards the rear.

“This kid didn’t use all his strength just now!” The other three Sendai elders immediately froze when they saw this scene.

However, at this moment, Su Xin’s right hand turned into a cyan vine, and as soon as the vine used it, he brought back Elder Li’s figure.

Laozi “Let you mess with me!” Su Xin shouted loudly, and slammed his fist into Elder Li’s head.

He didn’t mean to kill Elder Li, but this scene of hammering his head was still chilling in everyone’s hearts.

“Stop! He’s an elder!” Another elder in Yaochi Holy Land felt his scalp tingle when he saw this, and shouted.

Su Xin defeats the elders of Sendai, which proves that he is indeed arrogant enough to stand out from the crowd, but what does it mean that you have defeated the elders of others, and you even grabbed them and hammered them in the head?

Space, Ji Wuming, and all the arrogance of Tianjiao watched with fear in their hearts. They didn’t even give face to the elders of Yaochi Holy Land. This guy must not be provoked!

Kick, Kick!

The battle continued for a while again, and Su Xin severely injured all four Sendai elders one after another.

Jiang He, who had lost his arm, was already silent at this moment. He was half-stepped into Sendai’s cultivation. As a saint, he could defeat the Sendai elders, but he had no way to face the four Sendai elders.

Whoever is stronger or weaker, decides.

He was silent, and it was not as good as Su Xin to be silent.

Su Xin was still beating up the last elder of the Earth Palace, and the other three Sendai elders were ashamed and angry at the moment, and they wanted to find a hole in the ground to burrow into.

“Too strong, too strong!”

“Did you find that it is easy to defeat the four Sendai elders. My human race has a lot of talent to do it, but they are probably all in the Xiantai realm, and Su Xin is only in the purple palace realm!”

“Su Xin’s talent should be No. 1 in the human race!”

Talent “I won’t talk about it, this Su Xin is really a wife, even the elders of the Holy Land dare to beat up. I would rather fight against the strong saints and never provoke Su Xin!”

Su Xin once again shocked many monks, and almost everyone listed Su Xin as the object of “never provoke”!

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