0101 Laozi even beats the elders of Sendai! (1/10, please subscribe!)

“Come out! Su Xin is out!”

“How can someone with that kind of murderous aura be afraid of the Son’s challenge?”

“I didn’t expect to see the battle of the holy son-level Tianjiao before the Holy Maiden of Tiancheng played the piano? You must know that this Yaochi event is not as intense as before, and it is difficult to see the open discussion between the holy sons.”

“It may not be possible to fight, let’s see what Jiang He has to say?”

Seeing Su Xin come out of the box with a cold face, the geniuses in the lobby on the first floor immediately began to discuss in a low voice, but when they saw Su Xin’s eyes swept over them, all of them suddenly tacitly did not speak, as if afraid of Su Xin Xin let go of his murderous intent again, making them uncomfortable.

I was also afraid that I would be inexplicably jealous of Su Xin.

“Su Xin, this is the place of the Holy Land of Yaochi. It is inconvenient for the elders of the sect to take action. You fight with me. If you lose, you can return to the sect with me.” Jiang He said coldly when he saw Su Xin.

“Two-five-seven” holy son is the supreme status among thousands of disciples, and naturally has his own unparalleled self-confidence.

Su Xin took out a handful of green spirit grass from the space ring, handed it to the other party, and said with an impatient expression: “Tell me, which of these grasses are you?”

Jiang He was stunned, and immediately understood Su Xin’s contempt.

However, this son didn’t take action immediately. He seemed to be concerned about the face of Yaochi Holy Land. Instead, he said, “This is not a place to fight.”

After saying that, he turned around and prepared to leave Yuxianglou, motioning Su Xin to fight him outside.

But what kind of character is Su Xin? He is a guy who dares to kill the younger generation of the great saint under the eyes of the great saint. What kind of occasion does he see?

“The fight depends on the occasion. Are you living in a dream?” Su Xin shouted, and punched Jiang He away.

His fists were violent, and his divine power rushed away, and the raging momentum alone scared the several true disciples beside Jiang He into discoloration one after another.

And the other Tianjiao didn’t expect Su Xin to take action without any warning, and they all looked surprised.

Jiang He looked angry, he turned his head sharply, and immediately took his right palm to Su Xin’s fist.

To be honest, Su Xin really didn’t expect that this guy wouldn’t use any supernatural powers, but instead directly hit the fist with his palm?

“Hundred times the power!” Originally it was just an ordinary punch, but in an instant, Su Xin directly used a hundred times the power to punch.

This punch directly blasted open the space, and with an unparalleled terrifying momentum, it smashed and pulled away.


At the beginning, Su Xin of the Fifth Heaven of Zifu was able to kill Xiantai-level Jinpeng monks, but now Zifu is complete, and how terrifying the explosive power of a punch is a hundred times more powerful.


When Jiang He’s right palm touched Su Xin’s right fist, his entire right arm exploded into a blood mist, and his stern expression instantly became extremely frightening, but his reaction was slow.

When he lifted the mark with his left hand, he shouted loudly, “One finger to break the sky!”

Boom boom boom!

Behind Jiang He, his own celestial sign emerged, which was a ‘the moon in the well’, and the person’s shattering finger did not refer to Su Xin himself, but the “moon in the well” in his celestial sign.

All this happened between the lightning and flint, and the appearance of Su Xin appeared in the well Zhongyue, and it slammed away with a memory and a finger, ignoring Su Xin’s defense and attacking his body directly like a finger in the air. Come on.

This kind of bizarre magical power seems to directly bypass other people’s defenses, instilling damage directly, and no resistance can be tolerated.

It has to be said that being a Holy Son naturally has something extraordinary, otherwise how can you sit firmly as a Holy Son in an environment where disciples like the Holy Land are competitive?

“Hmm!” It was just that his attack only caused Su Xin to snort. Whether the latter was injured or not, Tianjiao, who was watching in shock, didn’t know, but he saw Su Xin punch Jiang He’s right arm with his own eyes. It burst into a blood mist, and immediately it was a pair of being forced to look desperately.

“One more punch!” Su Xin grinned, his body was like a flash of thunder, and he came to Jiang He, who was flying upside down.


“Don’t stop! This is Yuxianglou, do you still have Yaochi Holy Land in your eyes!”

“Stop this old man!”

At this moment, several loud shouts sounded, but it was an elder from Sendai from the Imperial Palace and three elders from Sendai from Yaochi Holy Land.

They suddenly appeared in front of Su Xin and looked at Su Xin with warning eyes.

Of course, there was an indescribable shock in the depths of his eyes.

Some people think that Su Xin’s sneak attack is so shameless, some people think that Su Xin’s fighting strength is unbelievable, and he can’t make a move in front of the saints, and some people think that this “good show is due to Elder Sendai’s shot.” and ended early

“If you don’t come out to fight me, when I want to fight you will stop me. Now Laozi will beat up even you Sendai old men!

Su Xin yelled, making everyone unbelievable, Su Xin is going to fight with the four Sendai elders?

“Arrogant!” Seeing that Su Xin’s aura had locked them in, Elder Li of Yaochi Holy Land immediately shouted angrily, immediately clapped his hands, and danced with maple leaves all over his body.

These maple leaves don’t know where they came from, but their mighty power caused the space to be in a state of chaos, and they all gathered together, as if one leaf covered the sky and blocked Su Xin.

“The stars are immortal!” I saw Su Xin’s left hand, God of Punishment, Leizizi, and his right hand was burning fiercely with golden emperor flames. A pair of flesh fists carrying cards directly blasted away at Elder Li.

“God! What kind of power is this? How could Su Xin have such terrifying power in the Purple Mansion, is he a humanoid beast?”

“Not good! This Yuxiang Building can’t withstand Su Xin’s attack, the space is broken, and the building is about to fall apart.

“The four Sendai elders have shot together!”

“What kind of magical power is the Jiu Dao Jingguang next to Su Xin, it can easily reach the attack of the great master of Sendai!”

The atmosphere of Yuxianglou was completely boiling. Some people saw Su Xin fighting the four Sendai elders alone, and their faces were ruddy and extremely excited. , and still four!

Hua Xiangrong was stunned, and felt that Cailu’s joking reminder ‘3.0 seemed so ridiculous at the moment.

Liu Xiaoxiao stuck her mouth shut, but looking at Su Xin’s beautiful eyes, she was full of admiration.

“Brother, he’s so strong, can you also fight against four seniors from Xiantai at the same time?” Ji Yuehua stunned, and then sent a voice transmission to Ji Wuming, who had a solemn expression.

“I can, but I am a half-step Xiantai, and he is the Great Perfection of Zifu.” Ji Wuming’s pair of star eyes are very condensed.

“Yeah, he seems to have just completed the Zi Mansion.” Ji Yuehua fell into a trance again.

Su Xin didn’t use all his strength, only a fool would show his trump card in such a public event, and everyone who can see his trump card is a dead person!

“Ahhh! Why are you messing with me!” Su Xin shouted frantically, and his aura rose again.

“Who messed with you, please calm down!” The four Sendai elders shouted back in unison.

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