The Forbidden World

Chapter 1854: Hunt

At the time when night and day alternate, even the most prosperous area of ​​London is very deserted. Only a few shops are infested, most of the shops are not even opened, and pedestrians are scarce.

Such a scene is actually a bit strange. London is the capital of the United Kingdom, and it is the most prosperous neighborhood in the capital. Even at this time, it will not be so desolate.

But if you think about it, you will understand.

Although the Hellsing agency and several other agencies have been targeting low-level vampires in London, these people are still too few compared to a metropolis with a population of nearly 10 million people, and they are simply not enough to protect everyone.

Low-level vampires make trouble everywhere, there will always be omissions, one or two murders will happen every three, and everyone will be nervous, and subconsciously avoid this sparsely populated time point, because this sparsely populated time point is the most frequent occurrence of those strange homicides Frequent time points.

Why is the most frequent point of murder not at late night but at the moment when the sun is about to rise? In the middle of the night, all major institutions stared at their defense zones with concentration. At that time, crimes were easily caught. Creatures in the dark could not enjoy the laws of ordinary people. Once they were caught, most of them were executed on the spot. So those low-level vampires generally endure their predatory desires and desires, and when the night is about to end, everyone starts to relax when they are vigilant.

No, in the alleyway not far away, there is a low-level vampire who endures the environment that is gradually becoming hot, looking for food to order.

"Do you want to take care of it?"

"No, the Demon Hunter has arrived."

Low-level vampires will look for defense loopholes, and those institutions will naturally fill the loopholes. For this black and white alternating time, they have paid more attention in recent years. Although they can not isolate all tragedies, they are already very good. To curb the actions of these low-level vampires.

The low-level vampire lurking in the alleyway did not yet know that he had become the prey of others. He gasped and forcibly endured the displeasure caused by the spreading sunlight, and his eyes turned red.

Finally, he found the right prey.

It was a figure wearing a long black cloak and leaning against the wall alone. He could clearly feel the blood on the figure pulsating like a river.

This kind of energetic blood is his favorite. When it is drawn, the sweet blood vigorously rinses his mouth, which will bring a very good taste, and the power that can be obtained from it is very much. , He can continue lurking for several months!

When he thought that the disgusting sun was about to rise in a moment, he couldn't bear the longing in his heart any more, like an arrow rushing out of the corner!

However, he chose the wrong target.

Blood pulsation is powerful, not only good taste for vampires, but also dangerous! Only those who often exercise themselves and hone their bodies can have such energetic blood, and this kind of people may be just ordinary people who like to exercise, but they may also be warriors stationed in London to hunt vampires!

At the moment when the low-level vampire jumped high, the figure in a black robe suddenly raised his hand, revealing a somewhat exaggerated bow and crossbow, above the crossbow string, a silver-plated arrow was ready to go!

The vampire leaping in the air discovered that he had chosen the wrong opponent. The pressure from the rising sun made him ignore the danger lurking in the city, and the hasty action made him face the crisis of death instantly!

Should I say that a vampire is a vampire? At the moment when the form was critical, he twisted his body violently, avoiding arrows and kicking his feet towards the walls on both sides of the roadway. He changed his trajectory with actions that humans absolutely couldn't make. A casual glance at the enemy made the vampire in despair.

Facing a vampire with a higher physical quality than himself, the demon hunter did not seize the opportunity of a good sneak attack, but waited for him to be frightened by an arrow and changed the trajectory to pull the trigger!

Seeing the arrow is about to hit himself, the vampire gritted his teeth and twisted his body again to forcibly change his trajectory. Although it was somewhat reluctant, he finally avoided the outcome of the arrow directly hitting the heart.

The silver-plated arrow stabbed him in the left arm, causing him to lose consciousness throughout his left arm, but it didn't matter, as long as it wasn't hit, the injury could be brought back sooner or later. The vampire raised his head and looked at the demon hunter fiercely. The enemy of one arrow could never be the case. Just now that there is no weapon in the hand of the demon hunter, then a demon hunter without a weapon does not want to squeeze as much as he wants.

However, the scene in front left the vampire a little overwhelmed. The demon hunter, who had no weapons in his eyes, took the other hand out of his sleeve. That hand was actually another crossbow!

Perhaps it was the surprise in the heart of the vampire, the grin on the face of the demon hunter, and he immediately pulled the trigger without hesitation!

Vampires will naturally not be hit by this linear attack launched in front of the face, but just slightly tilted their head to escape the arrow, but this is the strangest place.

The distance between him and the demon hunter is definitely not enough for the demon hunter to load the third arrow. For what reason is the demon hunter shooting the life-saving arrow so easily?

However, there was not much time left for him to think. The demon hunter in front of him didn't seem to see him. He generally began to load arrows for the crossbow, and Chen Hui, which was gradually spilling into the lane, reminded him that it was time to end it.

The vampire does not know what kind of hole cards the demon hunter has, but he believes in the power contained in his body, and he has not encountered a vampire hunter before, but as long as he is careful to avoid the opponent’s final hole card, the opponent is nothing like the ordinary people. Both are still food that cannot be escaped.

The low-level vampire sprinted at the demon hunter, and the demon hunter, as if not seen, was still filling the bow and crossbow slowly, watching the demon hunter dying under the claws of the vampire, the vampire rushed forward Suddenly stopped!

The vampire, who had always had a trace of doubts, finally discovered the secret weapon of the demon hunter. It was a thin line lying in the alleyway. It seemed to be coated with some special paint. Even the vampire’s vision was about to be in sight. I discovered it only when I moved.

This thin line hindered the vampire's attack line, but it made the vampire feel relieved because he escaped the last weapon of the demon hunter.

It seems that the final hole card failure caused the demon hunter to panic. He panicked the movement of loading the crossbow. He accidentally dropped the crossbow to the ground. In this case, the demon hunter did not escape, but quickly took out My first bow and crossbow, reloading.

Unfortunately, the time seems to be too late. At this moment, the distance between the vampire and the demon hunter is less than three meters. The vampire can easily bypass the thin line that is deadly to the vampire and then kill the demon hunter.

Several pieces of paper with strange symbols rise from the place where the vampire stands, imprisoning the vampire's ability to act, but the vampire is not panic at This kind of not too strong **** can easily break free, The vampire, who saw the hunters filling the bow and crossbows not far away, thought he was holding the winning ticket, could not help laughing.

"Don't panic, after a wonderful time, you will be one with me!"

With a smile like an idiot, the vampire stretched out his claws towards the demon hunter, and the imprisoned runes lost their effects and scattered on the ground. The demon hunter had not yet loaded his weapon at this moment, and could only stand and tremble!

Seeing the vampire's claws touching the hunter's throat, the hunter suddenly looked up and smiled disdainfully at the vampire.

Before the vampire knew what was going on, there was a tingling in the ankle!

The severe tingling sensation made the vampire unable to control his body. The whole person collapsed to the ground. He looked back and found that a strange arrow was inserted on his foot. There was no silver plating on it, but several engraved on it. Runes he can't understand!

The demon hunter picked up the crossbow that he had just dropped to the ground. At this moment, a magic rune appeared on the crossbow. The magic rune gleamed, echoing the flashing luster on the arrow.

The vampire finally understood that this special arrow was the most critical weapon of the demon hunter, but it was too late. The vampire who was nailed to the ground by an unknown magic arrow could only prostrate and watch the demon hunter will load The good crossbow is aimed at his head.

This time, it was a silver-plated arrow.

"Into one? It's a pity that I didn't have the idea of ​​becoming a monster."

The demon hunter happily exposed his white teeth, and then pulled the trigger hard!

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