The Forbidden World

Chapter 1853: Blood pouring the flower of victory

In the end, Li Nali didn't ask for specific methods from Bai Jingyue. Bai Jingyue's reason was that there were too many ways, and he hadn't figured out which one to use.

This reason seems to be a little shirk, but Li Nali knows that Shiraitsu is not that kind of person. Since Shiraitsu said that it will guarantee the safety of ordinary people in London, he will definitely do it.

Li Nali, who chose to believe Shiraiuki, decided not to ask related questions again. She glanced at the gradually whitening sky, and then took Shiraiuki's hand toward the most prosperous area of ​​London.

It's not about dating. If you just left the cemetery, there may be something to play here, but they have been spending too much time at the Hellsing institution. Now is the time when night and day alternate, even in the most prosperous area of ​​London, at this time it will become a lot of bleakness, and it is really not suitable for dating.

She brought Shiraiuki to here simply because of the way.

I don't know if it is a coincidence. If London is the central point, the location of the Hellsing institution is exactly opposite to the Red Devils Hall. If Bai Jingyue and Li Nali coming out of the Hellsing institution want to return to the Red Devils Museum as quickly as possible, they will naturally have to go through the city of London.

When Bai Jingyue left Hellsing's office, he originally wanted to use his ability to directly open a space channel to the Red Devil Hall, but after Li Nali took his hand, he took back the idea.

Anyway, if you are in a hurry, why do you do such a big deal? Walking home slowly like this is also a kind of romance, isn't it?

The two people walked slowly along the path towards London, like an ordinary couple, until they saw the Thames across London from afar.

Li Nali found an open space by the Thames and sat down, holding her knees with both hands, watching the river flowing quietly with Shirai. A moment later, she whispered softly to Shiraitsu: "Yue, we are going to start a terrible war, is this really okay?"

She can understand the battle of Kyoto that Shiraitsu created in order to introduce the monster into Fantasy Township. Because the total strength of the monsters still prevailed at the time, the monsters were not willing to escape from reality, and humans must have a battle that can show their strength. .

She can understand the danger of the Vatican created by Shiraitsu in order to kill Jehovah, because only at the last moment will the devil and Noah and the culprit Jehovah gather together to give them a chance to fight.

She can understand that in these battles, human heroes died like chess pieces in Shirai's layout, because Shirai's plans are beneficial to the future of humanity in the long run.

This time, however, the situation is slightly different.

The vampire family is not a scattered monster, nor a demon rushing around. Under Remilia’s rule, the high-level of the vampire family is completely under control, and all are gathered in this London land, no matter how to deal with it. Convenience.

Those low-level vampires that must be eliminated should be Bai Jingyue's ability. Li Nali knows that Bai Jingyue has this ability, and there is no need to summon foreign enemies.

In this case, why did you deliberately create a war involving humanity?

War means madness, tragedy, and death. Li Nali, who has experienced jihad personally and has seen many deaths of her companions, does not want to see such a war again.

Bai Jingyue understands Li Nali's feeling very well, however...

"This war has to be fought, not only to reduce the number of vampires, but also to recover the vampire who escaped for Remy."

Touching Li Nali's low head, Bai Jingyue sighed.

"You know what the Third Reich did that year. Do you think that having such an army of vampires in their hands would affect the world?"

The army of vampires is not afraid of ordinary ammunition, even if the body is penetrated, it does not matter if the head and the crown of the heart are not devastated. The bullets can be regarded as nothing, plus the physical qualities far beyond ordinary people, this is absolutely Would be the most terrifying army in the world.

And the body of this army is still the elite remnant of the Third Reich. The crazy will and superb combat qualities matched this almost invincible individual quality, which is by no means a joke.

"So, we have to wipe out this force completely, and we can't let any one go. To destroy people, we must first make them crazy, and if we want to destroy them all, we must show our enemies and weaken them. My own plan was successful, and then put all the military power on the sea lion plan that was unsuccessful that year. When all their military power arrived in London, it was when we closed the net, and before that..."

Until then, there are still many human hero sacrifices.

"Furthermore, this army originally had the idea of ​​continuing the Sea Lions plan, and its leaders wanted to use the army of vampires to fight a war with the United Kingdom. In this How can the United Kingdom get away? Affair?"

Li Nali nodded her head and accepted Bai Jingyue's explanation.

Thinking of the truth of the world and the various struggles made by human beings in various regions in order to break free from alien claws, Li Nali couldn't help but sigh. Does every victory for humanity have to be made with blood?

"Human victory is not necessarily made of blood, but it is precisely because countless humans are irrigated with blood that the flower of victory will bloom so early."

If it were not for countless people who went to the battlefield with the aliens, and the aliens had already enslaved human beings, that way, perhaps only on the day when the world completely wiped out the supernatural powers, the human beings would be able to be free, instead of putting aliens like now In the shadow of the world, there are only a few places where there are aliens.

"Okay, don’t think about it so much. This time there are well-planned plans, and it will not be as tragic as the previous ones. I dare not say that there are no casualties, but there will definitely not be too many casualties, and this time the Red Devils will participate in the war, If there are few enemies at the **** level, we can’t even warm up."

Bai Jingyue said that, Li Nali was relieved.

Regarding the current configuration of the Red Devils Hall, even without Bai Jingyue, it can hold five or six gods. What about the remnants of the Third Reich? Can they have gods as combat power? impossible!

If there is, she writes Li Nali upside down!

Li Nali, who didn't know what he set up, stood up, smiled like a flower, and took Shiraiuki along the Thames to the most prosperous area of ​​London.

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