The Forbidden World

Chapter 1845: Justify people

"Marshal Mu En... is really a nostalgic title."

Bai Jingyue erected a barrier in front of him to ensure that Li Nali could not see this side, and chatted with Kom Yi.

"People often say that when you get old, you get ugly, but looking at you like this, you're pretty handsome when you get old."

"Marshal Mu En laughed and laughed. After all, he is still old, and he can't compare with you."

Looking at Bai Jingyue and Li Nali's unchanging appearance, Kom Yi slightly understood why Li Nali did not want to meet him while he was alive. One youth is still there, and one is getting older. This is a kind of torture for both parties. It is better to fix each other's impression at the initial moment, which is good for both parties.

"Right, Marshal Mu En, do you know what is happening to me now? Is it a ghost? Or something else?"

Hearing Komui’s inquiry, Shiraoi couldn’t help but want to laugh: “I said, you don’t even know what’s going on now?”

"I should be dead now, but still standing here. It looks like a ghost, but if I want to, I can touch things, so... I don't really know."

Komye's voice was very calm, and there was no feeling of escape. It was completely different from Komye, who was known to have been nervous at the time.

But this is also normal. After all, as an ordinary person, Komyi has really experienced a lot in these decades. He has participated in jihad, witnessed wars, developed churches, and experienced death. Decades of hard work have made Komyi a true great man, as he can be known from his practice as an adult tutor by many believers.

Seeing this, Bai Jingyue did not force Komyi to become what he used to be, but took the initiative to slow down the speed of speaking and seriously introduced Komyi to the concept of belief in God.

Now this era can be different from the mythological era, as long as you give some sweetness, you can harvest a large number of beliefs. In this age of information explosion, God can become a **** through faith. Even if Komyi is not Li Nali's brother, he deserves the most basic respect.

"That's probably how it is, how do you feel?"

"So... am I even a god?"

Even if it was Komyo after the storm, after understanding the meaning of Shiraizuki's words, it was still unbelievable.

Before learning that Bai Jingyue was going to kill Jehovah and liberate mankind from the shackles of faith, he still believed in God. After being in the British Puritan for so many years, he also shaped a bishop of the British Puritan like Lola, but he never thought that he would become a god.

"Don’t think too much. Your **** is completely different from the Lord in your faith, which is probably equivalent to the village cadre. It can only barely control the power of faith, and the control range is terrible. The original Jehovah’s power was then more than half The Earth's."

Bai Jingyue was so comforted, but Komye was still somewhat at a loss. He suddenly thought of a question: "According to Marshal Mu En, the British Puritan deity should be the one I imagined. Why is it that I become the god? "

Bai Jingyue rolled his eyes: "There is no carrier to turn a concept into a **** out of thin air. Do you know how difficult it is? This naturally born indigenous **** is rare in the mythological era. Only one has appeared in recent years, or It’s piled up with an absolute number of people. Now this bad faith extraction rate, based on the number of people on the ground in the United Kingdom, you have piled up one in about a hundred years. You are already amazing.”

Although Komye still didn't understand it, he didn't keep asking. Because the news now known is enough for him to digest for a long time. However, there is a question he must ask. This question has been entangled with him for more than a hundred years. Without whitening this, he is really unwilling.

"Marshal Mu En, who the **** are you?"

Knowing this level of knowledge about the gods, and even knowing the mysteries of the mythological era, this looks nothing like humans.

"The name I use now is Shiraitsuki. As for my identity... I'm a little bit bad, you just treat me as a human being."

"Forget it, Marshal Mu En, just be happy."

Komui couldn't help crying and laughing, since Shiraiuki was unwilling to say, then he didn't ask. As for the salutation, he really can't change it for a while, so let's use the original salutation for the time being.

"By the right, Comey, how did you come here today? Although this is your burial place, it should not be your godlike place, your god's dwelling place, should it be where you died?"

"The dwelling place of God is the place where you say the power of God's driving? If I am not mistaken, it should be the sanctuary built for me by the British Puritan Cathedral."

Komye shook his head slightly, expressing his dissatisfaction with this matter: "If possible, I want to put the sanctuary here, because they can hear their voices more clearly."

"You...are really a qualified deity."

The gods who listen to prayers, respond to prayers, and do such things in person are rare even in the age of mythology.

Bai Jingyue and the group of people in his family basically responded to the prayer automatically by the Gaotianyuan God Kingdom system supported by Yuzao. It is basically impossible to listen to the prayer face to face.

It feels awkward to talk on this topic, Shiraoi quickly changed the topic: "Speaking of Komyi, you are already here, don't you go to meet Li Nali? You died in the ~She is really sad."

Something unexpectedly happened to Shiraitsu, Komyi actually panicked because of his problem! Bai Jingyue could clearly feel the anxiety from his body.

After about a few minutes, Komyi squeezed out a sentence: "Am I really qualified?"

Bai Jingyue froze. What happened to the two brothers and sisters? How do you struggle with the qualifications one by one?

Comey smiled bitterly, and expressed his inner concerns.

"When I returned to the headquarters of the Black Church, I quickly recovered my memory. I remembered Li Nali's identity and my delusions of that year. I was not Li Nali's brother at all. Is the villain approaching Li Nali with a different purpose really qualified to be her brother?"

Bai Jingyue is speechless. He is a pretender who likes to do things everywhere, not a caring elder sister who comforts people everywhere. How come one or two find him for psychological counseling?

A glance at Li Nali, whose mood was still not far away, Bai Jingyue was helpless.

"Okay, don't worry about this thing. When you weren't forced to synchronize with Li Nali when you were caught by the church, you already explained a lot of problems. Li Nali knew all the time that you are still your brother, and you are your brother. What did you do when these sisters came to see you? Give me the past!"

After speaking, Shiraoi did not wait for Komyi to refute, kicking Komyi in front of his own grave.

He usually likes to serve people with reason, but sometimes he should still serve people with reason.

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