The Forbidden World

Chapter 1844: long time no see

The funeral house has said so much, it is actually a word-chaos.

Humans, vampires, magicians, demon hunters, and church believers are all gathered in London. Now London looks calm under the confrontation of many forces, but it is actually a large gunpowder barrel, as long as a little Mars It will be fired!

Even a small conflict can cause a war to spread throughout London! And if someone deliberately pushes behind, the whole of London may be reduced to ruins!

Perceiving the seriousness of the matter, the funeral house made a request to Shirai: "No matter what kind of plan you want, can you tell Xiaosheng before you start, and Xiaosheng wants to tell everyone before your plan starts? The Dom Hawe family evacuated from London."

"The Vandomheim family is not that kind of insignificant family. Their sudden departure will inevitably attract the attention of others. I can't allow anything that might interfere with my plan, understand?"

The funeral house certainly understands Shiraitsu's meaning, and it is precisely because he understands that he feels more uneasy.

Although the Vandom Heme family is not an insignificant family, it is not a big family in London today. Under the circumstance that London was gradually controlled by non-humans, its original duty of the Queen’s running dogs gradually became meaningless, and now the Queen’s most important thing is to fight against those non-human Hellsing institutions.

However, the sudden departure of such a marginalized family will also interfere with Shirai's plan, which is enough to show how precise Baijingyue's plan is, and the more precise the plan, the more terrible the goal it often pursues!

Last time, Shiraitsu lurked in the black sect for hundreds of years, and finally killed the **** of the church belief, and split the church into two opposing individuals.

This time, Bai Jingyue used London as the stage, and what did he try to do? What kind of consequences will the war that may come! ?

As the **** of Hades, who controls some of the rules of death, he naturally does not have to worry about his personal safety, but the Vandom Heiwei family are all ordinary people. How do they survive in this vortex that is difficult to survive? He is in control of the rules of the death category. It is no problem to kill in this chaotic battlefield. If you protect people, then you are just thinking too much.

Just when the funeral house was thinking about how to keep the Van Dom Hawe family safe, Shirai said: "There is still a short period of time to implement the plan. If the Van Dome Hawe family can leave within half a month, then It doesn't matter."

The funeral house stood up excitedly, saluting toward Shiraitsu.

"Thank you for your generosity."

The half-month period is not long, and it is basically impossible for the industry to transfer, but it does not matter. In the face of such a devastating disaster, as long as you can keep people, if people are still there, everything is possible.

"Okay, so be it. Give you half a month to take away the Van Dom Hyvey family. Why do you want to think about it, but once the time limit is exceeded...I don't need to say more about the consequences?"

Bai Jingyue allowed Van Dom Heiwei to leave because he had liked the story of Kuroshitsuji, but this was also his last generosity. Whether it is Shire or Sebastian, he is no longer in this world. If the Vandom Heiwei family blocked his way, he will also ruthlessly sweep this family into the ruins.

It seems that in order to seize the time, after the funeral house saluted Bai Jingyue again, it directly disappeared into the shadows, obviously to start preparing for the evacuation of the family by Van Dom Hei now.

Seeing the disappearance of the funeral burial house, Shirai Sai did not stay much, and turned and left.

The general information is already known, just ask Remilia the rest. As for the funeral house, the question was asked why he came to him instead of asking the aristocratic alliance with the Red Devil Hall as the core... To be honest, Shiraitsu simply went along.

He brought Li Nali here to worship Komyi, and just found the funeral home. When Li Nali and Komyi were alone, Bai Jingyue felt idle and idle anyway, so he came by and asked for information. This gave the funeral home some strange associations that were unnecessary, and I'm really sorry. However, the funeral house guessed that he was going to make a big move in London. He really didn't guess wrong, and Shiraitsu simply couldn't explain it.

After walking out of the hut, Shiraiuki walked towards the location of Komyi’s tombstone, and suddenly stopped as soon as halfway through, looking at his side with a strange face.

There, an old man in a white robe looked at Li Nali's position with a very peaceful expression.

The old man first caught Bai Jingyue's attention because of his existence. The familiar essence tells Shiraitsu that the figure in front of him is a deity, a deity promoted with a lot of faith.

Um, upgrade. Bai Jingyue didn't use wrong words.

If he was right, this old man would have been just a normal human being, and still a dead human being. What appeared here at this moment is just the soul of the old man.

Perhaps it is because there are too many people admiring the old man. After the old man dies, the soul has not had time to go to the prefecture. A large amount of power of faith has swarmed in, turning his soul into a god.

Although it is said that the divine power is not strong, at most ordinary level gods but that is also a real **** who can live forever-as long as his name is not forgotten, as long as there are people willing to believe him!

This possibility will not appear, because as long as history is not cut off, anyone will remember that there was a person who successfully split the church at the end of the nineteenth century and established the British Puritanism that continues to this day.

"Really... a little unexpected. Good evening, Kom."

To be honest, Shiraitsu really did not expect such a thing to happen.

Komye’s British Puritanism can develop to the point where it is now. It’s no surprise that Shiraitsu is a good leader. After all, Komie himself is a good leader. The way of silently guarding the exorcists, under his leadership, the British Puritanism and the necessary evil church will be able to grow with majesty and tenderness.

However, Shiraitsu did not expect that Komichi could actually reach this point!

For decades, Komyi transformed his life into a book full of goodwill, which was displayed in front of everyone, let everyone remember him, and sincerely pay respect.

Perhaps because of his own position, while he was still alive, the power of faith gathered by the British Puritanism all stopped in the British Puritan Cathedral and waited for the so-called Lord until the moment of his death. Only then did he find his true master and turn him into a god.

After being spotted, Komye was no longer silent. He slowly turned his head to salute Bai Jingyue: "Long time no see, Marshal Mu En."

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