The Forbidden World

Chapter 1836: d

"Your sister's black beast! Really when I don't watch pet Pokemon?"

"My stupid sister, is it time to quarrel this? Don't hurry to solve the spiritual disaster?"

Shiraoi Kuroko turned his head and refused.

"The security officer has arrived, so I won't interfere."

The voice of Shirako Kuroko has just fallen. A series of alarm bells are coming from far and near. Along with the noisy alarm bells, several black armored vehicles for police officers are coming not far from the street. When the bear-shaped spiritual disaster has not yet responded , The armored vehicle made several circles on the ground in turn, encircling the bear-like spirit disaster.

The work of the Commissioner for Discipline is to maintain the urban security of the school. This sudden disaster is not something that the Commissioner for Discipline should not deal with. If the police officer did not arrive, Shirako Shirai had solved the spiritual disaster himself, but when the police officer had arrived, it would be inappropriate for her to intervene.

So after discovering that these guards were about to arrive, she decisively interrupted the attack that was about to be launched, and chose to watch the drama with Shirai.

Watching those guards walk down the vehicle with explosion-proof shields and advanced guns, Shiraiuki suddenly remembered a problem. He turned his head to look at Shirai Kuroko, who sat elegantly in a chair and tasted a cup of black tea from somewhere. If I remember correctly, the person in charge of the guards of the seventh school district..."

"Well, it's her, because the dark department management organization hosted by Sakura is here, so she has never changed places."

In between words, Shiraizuki and Shiraoi Kuroko have appeared on the battlefield.

The lavender hair was about to fall to her ankles. Behind her, a black workplace suit made a strong contrast with the other armed policemen. The perfect flat mirror added a touch of intellectuality to the wild and angry.

"Rider is still attached to Sakura as always."

"The mutuality between them is so good, if it is not that Sakura does not have that intention, I estimate that the two of them will eventually become like me."

Seemingly feeling a different gaze, after Medusa got off the car, she immediately turned to look at this side. After seeing Shiraizuki and Shiraoi Kuroko, she waved gently and then turned back to focus on commanding the battle on.

As the person in charge of the seventh district police officer, Medusa is still very responsible.

Under the command of Medusa, the guards relied on the armored vehicles around them, fan-shaped surrounding the bear-shaped spiritual disaster. When the bear-shaped spiritual disaster was still wondering what was the situation, a canned thing from the armored vehicle The top of the squirted out, and then burst out of the head of the bear-like spirit disaster!

A lot of water glowing with spirit light was poured on the body of the bear-shaped spirit disaster. The feeling of deepening into the bone marrow caused the bear-shaped spirit disaster to roar upward, and it seemed to want to use the cry to relieve the pain on his body.

"what is this?"

"This is spiritual water, mixed with spiritual water."

Feeling the mixed spiritual power in these waters, Shiraizuki couldn't help feeling a little bit, and Rin Tosaka actually succeeded.

It is easy to make spiritual water simply, as long as you input some spiritual power into the water that will not dissipate too quickly, but turning the process of making spiritual water into a streamline is not so easy.

Unexpectedly, after taking over the de-weapon production line, Tosaka Rinaka actually researched this black technology for several years.

"The source of inspiration is the holy water of the Western church, where the holy water can restrain dark creatures to a certain extent, then the spiritual water we made with spiritual power should also have a restraining effect on these demons and ghosts."

Between the words, several more cans were fired and then exploded in the air.

"Although because it is not used by humans, the damage of spiritual power has dropped a lot, but this spiritual water was not originally created to cause damage to the enemy."

Seeing the bear-like spirit disaster not far away descending at a rate visible with eyes, Bai Jingyue smiled.

"The discomfort that permeates the soul and the spiritual environment it creates can greatly reduce the individual strength of spirit disasters and monsters. As long as the amount of pouring is enough, even the big monsters have to bow their heads. It’s a bit big, even if the production of spirit water becomes a flow operation, the amount of production is limited."

The bear-shaped spirit disaster found the source of its pain, and it roared towards the armored vehicle that launched the spirit water tank. But how could the guards sit idly by? At the order of Medusa, they pulled the trigger in their hands, engraved the bullets of the demon rune, and vented out, digging big holes in the bear-like spirit disaster!

The pain caused the bear-like spirit disaster to stand upright. It held its palms high and then slammed towards the ground in front of it!

The earth shattered, but what made it desperate happened. The attack that could cause tens of meters of cracks on the earth had not spread to three meters. At this time, it discovered that its strength had been weakened a lot.

The shadow of death is approaching, the body covered with spirit water, the metal storm with the engraved spirit rune removed, all of these are pushing the bear-shaped spirit disaster just born to the dead end.

Looking sadly at the sky, the bear-like spirit disaster is very puzzled. Is it the meaning of its birth to be killed? Helpless, unwilling, and resentful, they kept pouring into the heart of the bear-like spirit disaster. At the end of life, it gave a slightly desolate roar, and then used its last strength to charge towards the figure in front of it.

The bullet continued to penetrate its weaker body, but its pace did not stagnate at all. It was hard enough to deal with those fatal injuries, and finally came to the thinnest female villain.

Just when it was about to rush up and knock this person into pieces, a ray of light suddenly rose on the ground and bound it tightly in place! Looking down, the rut marks left by the previous armored vehicles are now emitting a golden glow!

Not waiting for it to complain about the injustice of The villain in front of him took off the decoration on his face, and then he completely lost consciousness.

"The knot... is it over?"

"Yeah, it's over, how are you feeling?"

Kurabashi Kyoko is a little bit boring.

From the perspective of spiritual disaster, this battle is indeed a bit cruel, but from the perspective of humans, it is a danger-free spirit removal.

In the outside world, the spirit disaster of the level B monster is so easily defeated by some ordinary people.

Although the beautiful big sister was petrified by some unknown power, she could see that the big sister was just a finishing touch, and it was the instruments used by ordinary people that really worked.

Spiritual water, engraved with bullets for removing spirits, and wheels for depicting spiritual enchantment.

These things can greatly improve the ability of ordinary people to resist spirit disasters and monsters, and the powerful and powerful Onmyoji will not only sit and wait to die because of the exhaustion of spiritual power.

"It will definitely be provided, but not now. After all, we need to maintain a balance. Didn’t I say the specific content of the plan? As long as you can keep training, I will tell you everything."

Rubbing Kyoko Kurabashi's little head, and when Kyoko Kurabashi reorganized her hair angrily, Shirai and Kuroko said goodbye: "Then I'll take her away first to see what kind of ability she will wake up to ."

"That hospital?"

"Of course, in terms of awakening ability, where is that hospital better?"

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