The Forbidden World

Chapter 1835: Black beast, attack!

"This gentleman, what kind of flavor do you need?"

"One chocolate, one strawberry."

"Ok, sir, please take it."

Taking the prepared crepes from the clerk, Shiraoi turned and walked towards the little table by the road, where Kyobashi Kyobashi was waiting for him.

"Hasn't it eased yet? This state is not suitable for capacity development in the afternoon."

Kangqiao Kyoko, who was lying on the table as if the whole person was soft and muddy, turned his head slightly, a look of unreasonable expression.

"Master...Like this morning's training, how long will it last?"

If the difficulty of the training plan customized by Bai Jingyue before coming to the academy city is Samsung, then the difficulty of the training she experienced this morning is five stars, various restrictions plus some peculiar requirements, if not sent to her for treatment , Her body is estimated to collapse directly.

"If you don't tell the teacher, just calculate according to the level of self-protection, at least four to five years?"

Hearing such arduous training will continue for several years, Cangqiao Kyoko can’t help but leave tears of despair, once had a rare opportunity to lay in front of her, but she didn’t cherish it, if God gave her another chance to choose, She would never say the words I would like on the day a few months ago.

"Okay, don’t be frustrated. No matter what you learn, if you want to succeed, you have to work hard. By the way, don’t you still have something you need to know? As long as you can persist, I will tell you those things, how?"

Kurabashi Kyoko bit his lower lip lightly and was very tangled.

She really wanted to know the plan that Shirai said before, but the training of this difficulty was really exhausting.

"Don't worry too much, you are not getting used to it now, just wait for a while."


Kurabashi Kyoko slowly propped up his body and looked at Shiraitsuki with expectant eyes, hoping to get an affirmative answer, and Baijingyue did not disappoint Kurakyokyoko.

"Of course it is true. The physical fitness exercise in the previous period was bitter only because your physical fitness did not meet the standards. When your physical fitness comes up, you will not feel bitter. Now, chocolate and strawberry, which one do you like? ?"

Looking at the two crepes in Shirai's hand, Kurabashi Kyoko thought for a moment and pointed to Shirai's left hand: "I want this one."

"Chocolate, here."

Kurabashi Kyoko took the crepe with both hands, and opened his mouth gently at the edge, and the whole person could not help whimpering at the next moment: "Good... delicious!"

"Of course it's delicious. This crepe was endorsed by Lily and Joan of Arc. It is ranked the highest among all desserts in the academy city."

"Lily, Jeanne?"

"The two of them are the most famous foodies in the academy city. You saw them last night. They are the two who eat the most on the table and look like sisters on their faces."

Kurabashi Kyoko recalled the good times last night, and after finding the two people said by Bai Jingyue, he could not help but tilted his head and expressed disbelief.

Are those two... so powerful?

"It's hard to say how to cook, but when it comes to tasting food, the two of them are really great. Now the store in the academy city doesn't dare to ask them to try it without a standard. For the food they endorse, sales have risen by dozens. Percentage is not a problem at all."

Mentioning this, Bai Jingyue also felt a little crying and laughing. At first, the two people just tried to eat back and forth around the city of the academy. Later, in order to be able to taste various cuisines, they began to give suggestions to those shops. Some of those stores ignored these suggestions, while others tried according to the guidance, and the results were much better than before. After this incident spread, Altria and Jeanne became recognized foodies.

Although only a foodie in the academy city, Shiraiuki believes that the two of them can definitely appreciate the cuisine in the world.

To be reasonable, how do the foodies with at least a hundred years of experience compare to the powerful people who have been eating for thousands of years?

After Shiraizuki's introduction, Kurabashi Kyoko looked at the crepe in her hand again and couldn't help swallowing a sip of water. She opened her sip and planned to taste the delicious food carefully, but she was interrupted by a rapid alarm bell.

"Master! Is this?"

"Don't worry, there is only a spiritual disaster. Under normal circumstances, the academy city will strangle the spiritual disaster before its birth. This time it is estimated that it is a little late and let the spiritual disaster come out."

"So shall we help?"

Kurabashi Kyoko stood up, looked at the crepes in his hand, and then looked at the spiritual points that began to twist in the streets that were not far away, and hesitated.

"No, in the words of someone's famous saying, [maintaining the security of the academy city is the job of the Commissioner for Discipline], if we hurriedly intervene, it is a denial of their work."

"If the elder sister had the consciousness of the elder brother before, how good it would be."

Suddenly, Shiraiko in front of Shiraizuki and Kuroko Kashiko pinched his waist with one hand, and the other hand slowly stroked his long brown hair.

"In that case, the workload of our 177 branches will be reduced by at least half."

"Even if Meiqin doesn't mess up, your 177 branch workload will not drop much?"

The contradiction between the original school urban ability and incapacity and the desire of those who research Lv6 ability How many incidents have been created, sometimes even if you do nothing, the danger will come to your door. .

"Speaking of Kuroko, why are you here today? A spiritual disaster shouldn't let you be dispatched?"

Hakuko Shirai is now the leader of the school discipline committee. Although he has the god-level space ability, he can rush to every corner of the school district in an instant. What are you doing?

"Hiding people...I now understand how my older sister feels."

Shirai Kuroko sighed helplessly, and Shiraitsu was about to laugh out loud.

Although the appearance of Shirako Kuroko hasn't changed much in recent years, after so many things, the whole person has become much more mature. In the eyes of the young girls, there is quite the style of Misaka Misaka.

Then one day, after Shiraoi Kuroko's handsome rescue of a little girl, a small follower like that of Shiraoi Kuroko was born.

Fortunately, this little follower's ability is not instantaneous, and there is not such a big energy to find the residence of Shiraoi Kuroko, otherwise it will be really fun.

When Shiraizuki chats with Shiraoi Kuroko, the spiritual disaster on the other side is finally formed, and a mass of black mist gradually condenses into an entity, and finally becomes a bear-like creature about two people tall.

The black beast snarled all around, and the two fore palms slammed hard, expelling a large amount of cracks on the asphalt floor.

"Well, it seems that our little buddy can't wait any longer, so it's you, let's go! Black beast!"

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