The Forbidden World

Chapter 1771: Alliance (2 in 1)

On the Santu River, Shiraoi took Gu Mingzhijue's two sisters to the other side of the river bank in the boat of Onozuka Komachi. Perhaps it was still angry at Shiraitsuki. Onozuzu Komachi snorted after seeing Shiraitsu, and then a Without saying a word, he rowed the boat in silence.

The ship was moving silently on the Santu River. Bai Jingyue wanted to say something to pass the time, but he couldn't find anyone who could speak.

Konozuka Komachi is now in a hurry, and he certainly is not willing to take care of him, and Sister Gu Mingdijue is thinking about what he has just discussed with Shiji Yingji, wondering how to arrange the ghosts under his hand to assist the people sent by Shiji Yingji Dealing with those evil spirits, they have no time to chat with Shirai.

In desperation, Bai Jingyue had to choose silence.

About ten minutes have passed, Bai Jingyue couldn't help but sigh: "Come on, sooner or later I will arrive."

How could Konotsuka Komachi, who can adjust the distance of the ferry, arbitrarily not row the boat to the other side for so long? It must be that Onozuka Komachi deliberately lengthened the way!

As for why she did it... Of course not to retaliate Bai Jingyue. Bai Jingyue scared her by reincarnation, and did not let her use this naive method to retaliate against Bai Jingyue. Not to mention, she is also aware of the fact that Bai Jingyue is the boss of her boss, Siji Yingji. Until now, Onozuka Komachi has not talked to Shiraitsu, it is almost the limit of gas.

Therefore, Onozuka Komachi extended the boating route for another purpose.

If Bai Jingyue did not guess wrong, she should be in order to avoid standing in front of the jade algae that is releasing the sun's divine power on the bank of the Santu River.

The perennial mists on the Santu River are meaningless to people like Shiraitsu, and all four clearly saw the scene in front of Yuzao.

A ray of light suddenly gleamed on the shore, and the dead air diffused on the nether earth instantly dissipated, and the figure in front of Yuzao suddenly appeared on the Santu River, exuding God-level coercion. The dead souls waiting on the bank of Santu River tremble, they are afraid that they will be easily erased from the world by this light. Fortunately, while appearing in front of the jade algae, a barrier rises from the Santu River. The light around Yuzao was trapped in front of Yuzao. Although those dead souls can still feel the pressure of terror and the remaining temperature in the air that has not subsided, they don't have to worry about the ending of the soul.

Seeing this scene, Gu Mingdijue's expression was a bit embarrassing, and Onozuka Komachi's face appeared a little uneasy. She was not disturbed by the damage that Yuzao might have caused to the prefecture. This matter was obviously taken over by Siji Yingji, and she did not dare to participate in a small death. She was disturbed by the upcoming contact.

The barrier of the local government can only limit the power of the jade algae to a certain extent. It is impossible to stand far before the jade algae. Therefore, part of the Santu River is also located in the sun exposure area in front of the jade algae. And this part is the place where the sisters Guming Dijue will arrive in Onozuka Komachi.

Even if the **** provided by the prefecture became a **** of death, Onozuzu Komachi is still a soul of death. The sun power before Yuzao is naturally lethal to Onozuzu Komachi. As a **** of death, Onozuzu Komachi was able to use his divine power to resist Yuzao. However, the gap between the two was too great. Onozuzu Komachi was only a temporary deity given by the prefectural rules, and Yuzao was the creation of the Takarahara **** system. The King of the Kingdom of God! Although Gao Tianyuan is now alive and dead, and has even been called by the family as the Shirai **** system, but the character and divine power in front of Yuzao are here, Onozuka Komachi can't compete.

Although every time she left the field before Yuzao before the divine power was exhausted, the feeling that every time the divine power was squeezed out a little was really uncomfortable. This is also the reason why Onozuzu Komachi extended the boating journey, she hopes to be able to deal with this sunlight more preparation time.

Although Gu Mingdijue's sisters also found problems in the past, they did not point out this point out of a trace of guilt, and they deliberately delayed Onozuzu Komachi for about half an hour each time.

However, this time it was different. This time, there was Shiraitsu.

Since Shiraiuki agreed to resolve the matter, of course, it is better to resolve it as soon as possible. How can Konotsuka Komachi be allowed to delay time here? However, Shiraitsu also understands the difficulties of Onozuka Komachi, he added: "Although you can row a boat, I will help you isolate."

Konotsuka Komachi is of course extremely trusting in Shiraitsu’s strength. Since Shiraitsu has made a guarantee, she will also speed up the pace with confidence. Soon, the boat will come to the edge of the magical field in front of Yuzao.

Shiraitsu walked to the bow of the ship, prepared to contact the power before Yuzao for the first time, and then made a corresponding protective cover for Onozuzu Komachi. As a result, he just passed through the enchantment of the prefecture and was in contact with the power before Yuzao. .

This is not the sun divine power that burned everything in his imagination and burned everything!

Although it is uncomfortably hot, this temperature is definitely not high, and it is almost the same temperature as the sunlight felt in midsummer. Not to mention burning everything, you have to use a magnifying glass to burn a piece of paper.

The curious Bai Jingyue analyzed it a little bit, and found that the divine power contained in it is not the light power that destroys the soul of the dead indiscriminately, but a new divine power that blends judgment and purification! Even if those souls are directly covered by this divine power, they will not disappear, but they will be completely eliminated from the evil thoughts in the body, and they will be cut off from the possibility of becoming evil spirits.

Looking at the calm face in front of Yuzao, where does this look like blackening?

Originally, Bai Jingyue also planned to use the behavior of Yuzao to interfere with the work of Sister Gu Mingdijue to persuade Yuzao. As a result, think carefully, the behavior of Yuzao is not interference, but help! After the evil thoughts are removed, the new evil spirits will not be born, and the old evil spirits will also die quickly. It is not possible for the Sister Gu Mingdijue to deal with the evil spirits in the old **** within a hundred years. The light of the judgment before Yuzao came out Shao Li!

Why didn't Sister Gu Mingdijue, Shiki Eihime and Onozuka Komachi notice it?

Not because they responded too quickly! Before the light in front of the jade algae irradiated the ordinary souls, the souls were closely protected, and a protective cover made of divine power was used to fight the jade algae.

The divine power of the local government is a ghost attribute anyway, and the divine power in front of Yuzao is a natural mismatch. It is normal for the divine power to conflict with each other, so that they did not even want to explore the effect of the divine power before Yuzao. Sister Gu Mingdijue had the opportunity to analyze the power of Yuzao before. After all, they walked with Yuzao before every day, but they didn't have the strength to explore the attributes of Yuzao's power! In their view, the reason why they can't feel the destructive power of Yuzao's divine power is because Yuzao deliberately controlled the divine power to bypass them!

So why didn't Yuzao explain it before, so it was misunderstood by others?

Just think about it, of course, for Sister Gu Mingdijue!

Sister Gu Mingdijue still thinks that the cleanup of the old **** is the result of their own efforts. If they let them know that Yuzao had put a lot of effort in it, it would be very shocked and their self-confidence would be damaged. So Yuzao didn't explain anything before. Just letting others guess is just a matter of hard work.

As for why the old **** has been cleaned up, Yuzao still has to do this, of course it is a full set of acting!

If she stopped this behavior immediately after the old **** was cleaned up, who could guess that there was a problem, she intentionally maintained her current behavior, consuming the divine reserve of power, so that Shiji Yingji could not help notifying Shiraitsu, etc. As soon as Shiraizuki came, she had enough excuses to stop her current behavior.

Sure enough, Bai Jingyue had just walked to Yuzao's side, and hadn't said a word yet, Yuzao had dispersed into the field of divine power, and he had been persuaded.

Bai Jingyue couldn't help feeling, Yuzao was really spoiled by these daughters.

"You are also lucky, but in this case, the test I set is useless."

"What test is needed, as long as it can break through to the rule level?"

Yuzao glanced at his mouth unpleasantly. She initially agreed with Sister Gu Mingdijue going to the old hell, but she soon regretted it. In the past, when Sister Gu Mingjue was at home, it was by her side every day, watching the girls learn and grow, and Yuzao felt joy from the bottom of her heart. But now? During the day, only Lumiya was still with her, and Sister Gu Mingdijue would only come back at night. After returning, she would not get tired of her. Most of the topics he talked about were how to treat the old hell, which made Yuzao eat very much. taste.

"You think so, but they don't think so."

Bai Jingyue took Sister Gu Mingdijue's seal location as a test of his setting, and tried to deal with the behavior himself. Then he informed Yuzao of the fact that Sister Gu Ming Di Jue wanted to stay in the old **** next.

"The concubine disagrees!"

Jade algae was blown directly.

"The concubine did so much, not to keep them busy in the old hell!"

Before seeing this kind of jade algae, Bai Jingyue shook her head helplessly.

I want both the child to grow up and the child to be tied around, how can things be so perfect.

"I know... but this is their own desire, they want to grow, they want to become stronger, they don't want to be just a child. As parents, at this time we should show understanding to them and be silent behind them Support them?"

Yuzao also wanted to refute Bai Jingyue, but when she saw the expression on the face of Sister Gu Mingdijue behind Bai Jingyue, she couldn't say a word.

After a long time, Yuzao sighed.

"Forget it, let them do it. But the concubine has a sentence to stay here. If Jue and Lian are wronged in the old hell, then there is no need for the old **** to exist."

Yuzao’s voice was very soft. It seemed that this was just a casual statement, but Bai Jingyue knew that Yuzao was serious. For her, the most important thing now is that, apart from Shiraizhai, these daughters are raised and raised. For these daughters, she does not mind overturning the whole world!

Bai Jingyue quickly nodded and agreed. Before finally convinced Yuzao, he was really afraid of Yuzao's remorse. If the sister Gu Mingdijue had assisted, he suspected that Yuzao would argue with him for several hours! If you don't get it, you will have to succeed in nightwear.

Gu Mingdijue's sisters were relieved after they knew about this matter. Afterwards, they looked at Bai Jingyue with admiring eyes, and Gu Ming Di Lian shouted happily: "Brother is so powerful!"

Bai Jingyue suddenly froze!

In the moment when his brother came out, Shirai Tsuki suddenly felt that a murderous line of sight shot from the eye pupil in front of Yuzao.

It’s not a metaphor, it’s really a sight to kill! The highly condensed and devastating sun power floats back and forth again and again on Baijingyue. If it is not Baijingyue's quick response, it is estimated that it has been poked by two holes!

"Xiaoyu, what's wrong?"

"what happened?"

Yuzao tilted his head and smiled in front of his But the wisps of black gas rising from behind made Shiraimo feel cold from the bottom of his heart.

"Yue, you are this, do you want to shoot your daughter?"

"I am not! I am not! How is this possible?"

Bai Jingyue waved his hand decisively and said it was just a misunderstanding.

"Lian Lian said that I looked very young, and it was weird to call my father, so I proposed to change it. If you are not satisfied, how about letting them call your sister?"

Yuzao didn't pay attention to Bai Jingyue before, but looked at Sister Gu Ming Di Jue aside.

At this moment, it seemed to know that he was in trouble. Gu Mingdi loved to hide behind Gu Mingjijue. From time to time, he protruded his head to explore the situation here. After feeling the gaze in front of Yuzao, he made a grimace by sticking out his tongue.

However, at this moment, Yuzao's eyes were not on Gu Mingdi, who claimed to be calling, but on Gu Mingdi, whose face was pale, and her eyes were free to dare to meet her.

After a while, Yuzao sighed softly in front of him, and then as if nothing had happened, he first walked towards the distance. Bai Jingyue knew that Yuzao had not yet died down at the moment, and quickly followed up and said that he would never have this idea. Sister Gu Mingdijue stood there for a long time.

Gu Mingdi shook his sister's arm worriedly, trying to say something to comfort, but thinking about it, but couldn't say anything.

About a minute later, Gu Mingjue suddenly laughed, and smiled a little brightly.

"Lian Lian, I know you are thinking for me, but don't do such a thing."

"Sister, did you give up?"

"Give up? Maybe a good choice."

It was said to give up, but in Gu Ming's eyes, there was no hint of wanting to give up: "Lian Lian, do you think that sister Yiyi needs an ally?"

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