The Forbidden World

Chapter 1770: Change of title (2 in 1)

At the moment, the location of Shiraizuki Shira is a direct passage to the reincarnation hall of the non-curved straight hall. This passage is rarely visited. The souls who are tried usually go to the new **** to atone for the sins. Then go to the reincarnation from another channel. Under normal circumstances, this road is used as a dedicated passage for local government staff.

However, sometimes there will be one or two accidents. Although it is rare, there are still so many people in the world of saints. There are almost no sins in these people.

People who do not need atonement, such as Bellflower and Bollywood, can go directly to the reincarnation line to reincarnate after this trial. So it is not appropriate here to talk about business.

Right now, Qizhi Hall is under the control of Shiji Yingji's sister. It is not good to alternate the prefecture's power twice in a short period of time. Shiji Yingji took three people to his private residence in the prefecture.

The residence of Siji Yingji is a standard Han Dynasty-style front and rear courtyard, perhaps because of the private residence, the decoration is not like the non-Quzhi Hall, showing the majesty of the local government, but showing a warm feeling. .

After entering the courtyard, Siji Yingji took the three people to the parlor, then went to make tea in person and handed over the venue to the three people present. After Four Seasons Yingji left, Shiraiuki found a chair to sit down, and then explained what he had told Four Seasons Yingji about the seals of those evil spirits.

After listening to Bai Jingyue's story, Gu Ming Di Jue and Gu Ming Di Lian glanced at each other, then his eyes focused on Bai Jing Yue's body, with an incomprehensible look in his eyes.

"What's wrong, what's wrong?"

"Isn't it the test you left us to find the location of the seal?"

Hearing Gu Mingjue's words, Bai Jingyue chuckled.

He was also strange before, even if Siji Yingji couldn’t think of asking him for help. After all, Siji Yingji propped up the entire prefecture alone, and was used to solving problems by himself. It’s the first time that Gu Mingjiu and Guming love Mingming Why do you have such a high degree of consciousness when you go out to do things?

It turned out that finding the place of the seal was a test of his deliberate arrangement.

He did test Gu Mingdijue’s ideas, but he wanted to test how the two sisters were approaching within a hundred years, the internal troubles were not resolved, and the evil riots resolved the crisis in front of their eyes instead of letting the two The sisters went to find a needle in the haystack, so Shiraitsu planned to tell the two seal locations at the beginning.

After learning the real content of the test, Gu Ming still felt a little puzzled: " telling us directly, isn't it meaningless of the test?"

Now it’s no more than in the past. When the ordinary evil spirits have not been purified in the past, as long as these evil spirits are unblocked, it must be a riot that affects the entire hell. After all, before they are really purified, no evil spirits will admit that they are being purified Purify, the current generations get rid of the riots, they will naturally act together.

And now, there is no evil spirit in the dungeon that will act with the evil spirits who are out of trouble, only the monsters who flee from Fantasy Township and the ghost clan as the jailer, as long as they can find the sealing place of these evil spirits, the evil spirit riot may be The resulting chaos will turn into nothingness.

"Evil riots may make you feel troubled, and monster chaos is not necessary for you to test."

Although the monsters who escaped were not inferior to those evil spirits in overall strength, the impact of the two's troubles was decisively different. Evil spirits cannot be killed because of the rules of the Earth Mansion. Gu Mingdijue sisters can only calm down the evil spirits to catch the evil spirits one by one, and the monsters are not within the scope of the rule of the Earth Mansion. Just hand. What's more, these monsters are monsters who have escaped. They finally found a place to live. How could they think of turmoil before they could overthrow Sister Gu Mingdijue? When the time comes, they will take the initiative to help.

"I originally wanted you to experience a riot of evil spirits, increase your experience and use of abilities, so that you can step into the rule level. Now you break through the barriers of the rules in advance, and deal with the evil spirits early, this There is no need for the so-called test. Those escaping monsters are also pitiful enough. Don’t make any more disturbances. After you get the place of the seal, deal with the old **** as soon as possible. Right , After the matter is over, do you have any plans?"

Mentioning the plans afterwards, Gu Ming Di Jue and Gu Ming Di Lian both hesitated and did not know whether they should talk to Shirai Miyazaki, and they promised Bai Jingyue with one wave: "Boldly speaking, as long as it is your sincere thoughts, I must support you."

"That, we want to stay in the old hell."

Gu Mingjiu, who got the promise from Shirai, explained why they chose so.

"We have watched the process of the transformation of human evil spirits from evil to pure white in the old **** for decades, and we want to look at the hearts of those monsters as a comparison with the former. And after the old **** is abandoned, it is also There are a lot of problems. Hell flames that become harmful after losing the rule of the **** need to be contained. Some wandering wraiths also need to be arranged."

Gu Ming Di Jue’s thoughts made Shirai a little surprised, it seems that the two sisters really brought themselves into the role of the old **** manager, but Bai Jingyue is not against this, if the two can rely on their own abilities It's also good to make a career and achievement outside. And as Gu Mingdijue said, using more mind-reading abilities and realizing the other inner hearts is very beneficial to the growth of the power of their family. Although the two have become rule-level, but they can become stronger, no one will dislike it, right?

But this is only the case. Gu Mingdijue should not need to be so hesitant. The distance between the old **** and Fantasy Township is not far away. The evil spirits have also been resolved. They will have more free time than before and can return at any time at night. Home, so what are they worried about?

" father, can you not let the mother come to pick us up?"

Gu Mingdi's tone was full of embarrassment.

As the leader of the old **** in the real sense today, my mother came to pick me up every day after work. This kind of feeling is really awkward. Both the excitement of maternal love and the feeling that no matter what achievements are made are regarded as children. The sadness, especially in Gu Ming Di Jue's heart, there is still a secret that only Gu Ming Di Lian knows for a while. That secret makes Gu Ming Di Jue always feel a little uncomfortable when facing Yu Yuzao who came to pick her up.

In addition to that, there was the sunlight that Yuzao bloomed every time she picked her up.

This time with the help of Shiraitsu, they can set the treatment plan of the old **** with Shiji Yingji at one time, so in the future, the souls on the bank of the Santu River do not have to worry about being burned inexplicably, but those in the old **** take advantage of The wraiths that slipped in by the rules of the local government were not good.

These wraiths are basically souls who have no money to cross Santuhe, or do not want to cross Santuhe at all, and thus wander aimlessly on the Santuhe side. Among them, those who have no money to cross the river are evaporated by the sun in front of Yuzao. They have no opinions, but those souls who are too fettered with reality, or are unwilling to reincarnate with unsolved complaints, or want to wait for reincarnation with others, are Innocent.

Every time before work, in order to prevent this part of the wraiths from being purified by Yuzao, they have to spend a lot of effort to gather them into the deep hell. There were the rules of the old **** before, and the flames of **** will not cause them anything. Harm, if this time they successfully remove the old **** from the **** system, this method of refuge will not work.

For this reason, the issue of releasing sunlight when Yuzao came to pick them up had to be dealt with.

"Relax, I will convince Xiaoyu."

Say so, but Shiraitsu still had a headache. Don't look at Yuzao's docile and perfect wife on weekdays. If it turns black, it is definitely one of the most powerful girls he knows.

Before and after Bai Jingyue agreed to persuade Yuzao, the sisters of Gu Ming Di Jue were relieved, and then seemed to remember something. Gu Ming Di Jue said again: "Yes, father, we found a human soul that slipped into the old hell. After the investigation, It is confirmed that it is Abe Harumi, the great Onmyoji in the Heian era. Because I learned from the younger sister of Ibuki Choka that you went to find him last time but did not solve him, so we dare not dispose of it at will."

"Abe Ching Ming... how is his situation recently?"

Seeing that Bai Jingyue did not say how to deal with Abe Qingming, instead asking about Abe Qingming's situation. Gu Mingdi and Gu Mingdi immediately understood that their previous conjecture was right. This Abe Qingming should have been intentionally let go by Bai Jingyue, but she didn't know Bai Jing What are you planning for the month?

"Abe Harumi seems to be looking around for some unconscious wraiths, and then sent these wraiths away through some kind of sacrifice. He also often contacted ghosts and persuaded them to leave the old **** with him. Although no one has promised, But many ghost families are starting to feel shaken about their current lives."

"Sacrifice? Do you know what it is?"

Gu Ming Di Jue did not immediately answer Shiraitsu, but looked back at the door and confirmed that the Four Seasons Yingji had not come back. Then he said: "It is the Taishan Mansion, he seems to be using the Taishan Mansion to steal the power of the underworld , I can still watch the soul of the underworld linger on his soul more than ten years ago. Recently, it is difficult for me to see his depth. He should have entered the rule level, and it is still based on the rules of the underworld. Because of this, someone who advocates strength will be persuaded. Except for the two ghost kings of Yi Chu Cui Xiang and Xing Xiong Yong Yi, all other ghost races have been defeated by him."

After listening, Bai Jingyue smiled and nodded, seeming to be very satisfied with Abe's movements, and then said: "It's okay, don't care about him. After you get rid of the old hell, try to avoid him, probably 17 or 8 In the year, he will open the old **** to the present world, and he will take away whoever he takes away.

The monsters gathered here in the old **** are dissatisfied with Fantasy Township, but is Fantasy Township dissatisfied with these monsters? The refuge of Fantasy Township is limited. Instead of letting these monsters survive painfully under the protection of the Great Enchantment, it is better to send these monsters out and let them confront and vacate the human protectors who have already flourished. The location can also give reality to those monsters who can’t stand but can’t find a way out.

As for the ghost races, they already knew the truth of Fantasy Township and Old Hell from Four Seasons Yingji, and how to choose life is their own business. If it is not for the consideration of their companions, the two ghost kings will not choose to hide in Fantasy Township, and if the people of the ghost family want to go out and fight to death, they will not block it.

At this point, it is almost the same. The rest is how to arrange the evil spirits in the seal. The matter in this regard still depends on the four seasons Yingji, so a few people just sit still and wait for the four seasons Yingji Return.

After waiting for a while, Gu Ming Di Lian could not bear it. Gu Ming Di Lian, who was not closed like [Fate], had a little more jump than Gu Ming Di Lian in Bai Jingyue's impression, and she rolled her eyes quizzically, Then he asked Shiraii: "My father! You look so young. When we call our father, it seems that we are calling you old. In the future, we will call your brother okay~?"


Bai Jingyue hadn't responded yet, and Gu Mingjue refuted with a blush. Others don't know what Gu Ming thought he wanted to do, didn't she know? Nothing more than want to read her jokes. Now she can still use her father's name to suppress her careful thoughts. If she changes her mind, her careful thoughts will surely be seen by the family. When she thinks of the scene, Gu Mingzhi's face is a little hot.

"But Sister Lumia also had an old-school relationship with her father?"

"Sister Lumia is because it is just an adoption, and it is the body that talks to your father's adult!

"But we are just adopters? We are also ontology now~"

Gu Mingdi Jue was a little speechless. Whether he could not find a rebuttal, or he didn't want to rebut his heart, it is estimated that only Gu Mingdi Jue knew.

Bai Jingyue, who has watched a debate, doesn't understand the inside story. He just nodded his head very calmly: "If you call just want to."

Unlike the maternal girls at home, Bai Jingyue's fatherhood is not so strong. The adopted daughters will be happy if he is regarded as a father, but he doesn't mind if he is treated as a brother.

Well, as long as you don’t always try to misbehave him like a yukata.

Gu Mingdijue, who didn't know Shirai's thoughts at the moment, froze after hearing Shiraitsu, and his skin began to show a flush of red from the inside out. Gu Ming Di Lian has started to call out her brother, but she finds that she can't say a word. She always feels that once she says it, her accumulated emotions for many years will burst out in a flash.

It was at this time that Siji Yingji walked in with a few cups of freshly brewed tea, found Gu Ming Di Jue Lima, who had vented, and passed Si Si Ying Ji, and began to discuss the matter of the old hell. Unhappy for a while, but soon Gu Minglian joined the conversation. Also as the manager of the old hell, Gu Ming Di Lian still has a clear distinction between the primary and the secondary. The elder sister can play teasing at any time, but the treatment of the old **** can be done this time.

Bai Jingyue, who was on the side, found that he couldn't plug in for a while, and he slowly sipped tea on the side, waiting for the conversation to end.

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