The Forbidden World

Chapter 1768: reincarnation

Coming to Siji Yingji, Shiraiuki froze for a moment.

It's not anyone else who's making trouble here, it's Bayun Purple! To be precise, it was the soul fragment that Yakumo Zi threw at the side of Bolly Lotus Seed!

The soul fragment that already has the outline of human beings and binocular godless, apparently the memory has been embraced by the sealed Boli lotus seed. The soul fragment is surrounded by the power of the silk realm. Once the staff of the local government stepped forward, this realm of realm The force will dissipate and bounce the person away, so that the staff can't follow up on the soul of Bolly Lotus.

Under normal circumstances, there is no follow-up operation, they only need to watch the soul walk into the reincarnation channel, do not walk crookedly into the river of soul, but it is abnormal for Lilianzi! She was specially explained by Shiraitsu, and she wanted to be reincarnated to the soul of a wealthy family!

The prefecture arranges the reincarnation of the soul, and it is not something that can be arranged casually. A lot of preparation work needs to be done in advance.

The channel of reincarnation is the product of the world's self-evolution when the land was opened. Its responsibility is to maintain the stability of the soul source in the world. How can such a vital thing make the land control if it wants to control it?

Normally, after the soul enters the reincarnation channel, it will be compressed into a baby-like soul that no one can discern, and then reincarnate randomly through those large and small channels, and no one knows what his next life will be, and the capital is no exception. .

Only as a manager, the prefecture can arbitrarily investigate the reincarnation channel. After years of management and investigation, the prefecture has barely found out the rules of the reincarnation channel, and through these rules, it controls the reincarnation to a certain extent.

When the soul is reincarnated, the reincarnation channel will read the information contained in the soul. If it is a blank soul without any information, it will naturally be a random reincarnation, and the soul with the past information will be arranged according to a complex set of rules. The law of soul zeroing is the most critical point in this set of rules.

If there is a lot of loneliness in the soul, the opening on the other side of the reincarnation channel changes back to a place where there is a large number of souls, that is, a prosperous family.

If the soul is filled with a lot of maliciousness, the opening on the other side of the reincarnation channel will be opened in a place full of good intentions, or it is a model family.

If good thoughts are everywhere in the soul, then the opening on the other side of the reincarnation channel is likely to be a dark organization's old nest.

There seems to be a template in the reincarnation channel. The reincarnation channel will allow the soul to develop in the direction of this template. A soul that is too good will be born in a bad environment, and a soul that is too bad will be born in An excellent environment.

This is why there are always sayings in the world that you can't be rich for three generations and poor for five clothes. The fact that Mingmen is sending out traitors and demon organizations to organize heroes is also related to this.

Fortunately, compared with the blank souls, the number of these reincarnated souls is not much, and most of the souls of the wicked have to atone for decades or even hundreds of years of sin in hell, which makes the present world relatively stable. .

Speaking of this, it is precisely these series of shocking events that the rebellious souls do after the reincarnation that keeps the human world from a pool of stagnant water, so is the rule of reincarnation passage to maintain the fairness of soul reincarnation or to maintain the human world The changes in this prefecture did not know.

As the administrator of reincarnation, it is impossible for the prefecture to take apart the reincarnation channel and look at it. They can only collect intelligence and arrange reincarnation to a certain extent based on the existing information.

As for the method, it is natural to deal with soul. The reincarnation channel is uncontrollable. They can only induce the reincarnation channel to arrange by adding some specific information on the surface of the soul.

And the current situation is that the fragment of Yakumo Zi's soul protects the soul of Boli Lianzi, and does not allow the staff of the prefecture to add camouflage information to the surface of Boli Lianzi's soul.

"What's the situation with Bayun Purple?"

Four Seasons Yingji is very puzzled. It was because of Yakumo Zi that Bai Jingyue asked the prefecture to choose a good person to reincarnate for the Boli lotus seeds.

It was Bai Jingyue, and at a glance he could see what was happening now.

"Bayun Zi didn't control this soul fragment, it was just the spontaneous reaction of the soul fragment. This fragment is the soul fragment of Bay Yunzi. Boli Lianzi, so I only use the little power in my soul to block you."

"Is she irrational?"

After talking about the four seasons, Ying Ji shook her head. Soul fragments are all named after fragments, where is the reason? Before it grew up, it was just a wild beast with a touch of emotion.

"So, what should I do now? It's easy to separate the two of them, but it's a little difficult without hurting the soul fragment."

The shards of Yakumo Zi are close to the soul body of Boli Lianzi. If it was not Bai Jingyue, a layer of protection was put on Boli Lianzi a long time ago. It is estimated that the souls of the two began to merge. At this distance, if you insist on Pulling the two apart, the soul of Boli Lianzi is definitely okay, but the fragment of the soul of Yakumo Zi is hard to say. It was originally debris, and the composition was not very stable. It was not impossible for it to break up directly after any stimulation.

"Let me come."

Bai Jingyue took the initiative to stand up.

If it is the seasons of Yingji, it is nothing more than mobilizing the divinity of the land, and separating the two toughly, and Shirai can mobilize the shell protection he put on the soul of the boli lotus seed before.

Just need to increase the protective layer a little bit, and the shards of Yakuzi will naturally be separated from the Boli lotus seeds.

Standing in front of Boli Lianzi, Bai Jingyue carefully looked at the tangled soul fragments on Boli Lianzi.

Although the strength of that realm is weak, it is indeed the power of Yakumo Zi. According to Yakumo Zi’s statement, this part of the Soul Fragment should be part of the common sense that was divided. There should be no such power. Then, How does this soul fragment control this force at this moment?

The curious Shiraitsu reached out directly towards the soul fragment.

To understand a thing, there is nothing faster than touch analysis.

It seemed that he felt the danger, and the power of the soul fragments began to boil. However, even the deity of the eight cloud purple deities may not be able to block the reach of Bai Jingyue, let alone the soul fragments with poor power.

The power of the realm was broken in an instant, and there was no obstacle between Soul Shard and Shiraoi, and the feared Soul Shard receded towards the rear, but a soft but irresistible force erupted behind her, moving her forward. Push.

The Soul Shard hadn't reacted yet, so he was caught by Shirai.

She struggled in the hands of Shiraitsu, but after a terrible chill spread all over her body, the soul fragments quieted down.

It's not that she calmed down. How could the soul fragments that acted by feeling alone calm down? This piece of soul is simply frozen.

Tossed the separated Lilian seeds to the staff behind to make them disguised, and then Shiraiki focused all his attention on this soul fragment. A moment later, Shirai looked at the piece with strange looks, and some did not know what to say.

The source of the realm power of this piece of imperial ambassador is already very clear. That is the power of Yakumo Zi. It was the power that Yakumo Zi was placed in this soul shard in order to be able to protect the reincarnated Bollyon seeds at any time.

However, that kind of power should only be able to be used with the authorization of Yakumo Zi himself.

This is not even possible. After all, the Soul Fragment is originally part of Yakumo Zi. Although there is no very conscious power, the authority should still be there. If you have strong thoughts, it is not impossible to mobilize this power by consciousness. The problem is that Bai Jingyue is in A message was parsed out of this soul fragment.

It is common sense to have a super friendship with women.

If Shi Jingyue's soul fragment is a male's soul fragment, Bai Jingyue is not surprising at all. After all, for most men, this is common sense.

The problem is that Yakumo Zi itself is also a woman!

Should I say that it's a fantasy town known as Baixhe Township?

In this way, this soul fragment can mobilize the power of Yakumo Zi and it makes sense. After all, love is one of the strongest emotions of human beings. In other words, if this is split as common sense, then before the soul splits, is Yakumo Zi a male and female take it all?

That being said, Yakumo Zi and Youxing Zi of Xixing Temple, Yakumo Zi and Bori lotus seeds...

It seems that he knew something terrible!

After thinking for a while, Shiraitsu decided to still bury this matter deeply in his heart, and speaking it was nothing more than annoyance. It would be better to pretend to know nothing like this.

And relative to this lace news, another news is more important. Looking at the soul fragments in his hand, Bai Jingyue couldn't help but sigh. This time, Ba Yun Zi is estimated to be out of touch.

The split between common sense and extraordinary knowledge is far more serious than Yakumo Zi imagined. Although this piece of soul is only a part of the eight cloud purple soul, the soul piece with complete [common sense] has a very high evolutionary ability. It is only a hundred years that the Underworld has been with Bolly Lotus, it has made the soul very strong. Feelings, and formed a human-shaped outline, if it is born as a newborn and grows up, it is likely to form a complete soul.

A complete soul means an independent individual, which is a complete split! By that time, it will no longer be possible for Ba Yun Zi to recover this soul fragment, because the two have become two completely different souls!

But even knowing that this will happen, Yakumo Zi will still do it. The split of the soul is a foregone conclusion. Yakumo Zi will make the same choice in order to live peacefully after the rebirth of the lotus seed.

Shaking his head slightly, Bai Jingyue pinched this piece of soul into a ball, and then threw it into the hands of the staff behind him. At this moment, Boli Lianzi's soul has already been disguised as information, and then it is the turn of this piece of soul of Yakumo Zi.

Unlike Bolly Lotus Seed, the disguise of this Soul Fragment is much simpler. After all, Yakumo Zi has only one requirement for the reincarnation of Soul Fragment, that is, near Bolly Lotus Seed, which can protect Bolly Lotus Seed at all times.

In this case, it is enough to attach a message, that is, there is a strong bond between her and Bollywood.

This disguised information is not aimed at the law of soul zeroing, but at another law, the law of entanglement and entanglement.

When the reincarnation channel reads the target, it will check whether there is any special information. If not, it will be processed according to the law of soul zeroing. If the soul has a very deep bond with a reincarnated soul, then the reincarnation channel will Give priority to the soul to such a family. This method will allow two people with deep bondages to establish new bondages again, but this method has a bad thing, that is, the previous life couple, this life is likely to be a brother and sister, and the reincarnation time is slightly worse, Will become a father and daughter, or even grandchildren.

To some extent, it is considered a tragedy.

However, this rule is still very useful in some cases, such as Barnyard Ali. Barnyard Ali was reincarnated in this way. Her soul was solidified by the barnyard family's fetters. When the reincarnation channel arranged for Barnyard Ali's reincarnation, she was directly arranged to the barnyard family.

This is also the method used by Yakumo's Soul Shard.

She has a deep bond with Boli Lianzi, and will be arranged nearby by the reincarnation channel, which is likely to be a neighbor, and it is not impossible to become a sister.

And as long as this is enough.

After the two souls were attached with camouflage, Bai Jingyue personally sent the two souls into the reincarnation channel. After watching the two souls disappear in the reincarnation channel, Shirai prepared to say goodbye to the four seasons.

The bellflower is soul fragments of Boli Lianzi and Yakumo Zi are also reincarnated. It doesn’t make much sense for him to stay in the prefecture. Now the most important thing he wants to do is the news of the reincarnation of Boli Lianzi Tell Ya Yunzi.

In recent decades, in order to maintain and improve the Great Enchantment, Yakumo Zi is not too tired. This good news should make Yakumo Zi a little happier.

However, when Shiraitsu was about to leave, Shiji Yingji stopped him.

"Is there a problem?"

"Your two daughters will come over to discuss the matter of the old hell. When it is over, please go back with them."


The daughter said by Siji Yingji, of course, Shiraitsu knows what is going on. It means nothing more than Guming Dijue and Guming Diqing who work in the old hell, but why did he ask him to take them back?

"By the way, Master Baijing, please tell Tianzhao Daiyushen, when you come to pick up people, don't turn on the [light] in the mansion!"

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