The Forbidden World

Chapter 1767: Soul River

What is the river of soul?

In fact, it is another Santu River.

However, unlike the Santu River at the entrance of the prefecture, and the Forgotten River in the Huaxia region, this river of soul under the reincarnation channel has no ability to sink everything, nor has it the ability to flush the memory of the soul, and there is no other **** domain. The various abilities in the legend.

It is just a matter of matter gathered into the shape of a river.

However, it is the most important river of all the underworld rivers!

In myths and legends, the only result of beings touching the Styx is death. So where did the soul who died and immersed in the Styx finally went? What are the remaining things after the memories that were once owned and the marks once stamped in this world have been washed away by Styx?

The answer is this river of soul.

Pure, a river composed of pure and flawless souls!

As for why this river of soul is the most important one in Styx, then we have to talk about an interesting phenomenon.

Why, the human population has been growing?

If all the souls of newborns are reincarnated, then the maximum human population should be fixed at a certain value. However, the reality is that the total human population has been growing! So where do the souls of those who are not reincarnated come from?

The answer is this river of soul.

The souls in the river of souls are not only derived from human beings. Some beasts, worms, monsters and even souls that escape after the death of the gods will converge into this river after being completely washed by the river of the underworld into flawless souls. Reincarnation channelized into a new blank soul.

Because it is a pure blank, this kind of soul's ability to learn and accumulate is a bit worse than those of reincarnated ones, but because of the complexity of its soul, its qualification may be much better than that of a reincarnated soul!

Most of those who can break through the rule level are blank souls. Reincarnation souls, except for the occasional few rules and reincarnation links, are basically bound by the limits of the past, and it is difficult to break through.

The rebirth of samsara can be sustained, and it depends to a great extent on this river of souls that can continue to provide blank souls.

Then the question arises, among the souls that supplement the river of souls, the souls of monsters and gods, who occupy the largest share, come from?

Monsters also exist through the reincarnation system, but where do the souls of the original monsters that were born directly in the supernatural power that flooded the world come from? After these souls were born, how did they grow up?

In the past, it was through the accumulation of time, through the plunder of the spiritual power that exists in the world to make yourself strong, and nowadays, through the fear of mankind-another sense of the power of faith.

The source of the supernatural power is the world itself, that is to say, it is the world itself and the power of human faith that make the soul.

Let's talk about gods again.

Needless to say, the ruled gods are only granted authority by the world after they have reached a certain strength. They themselves are soul-bearing creatures, and the focus is on the belief gods.

Whether it is to become a **** by faith or to condense the soul by pure faith, it is through the power of faith. The former is the transformation of the soul, while the latter is the birth of the soul.

In the process of gods offering sacrifices to create miracles, beliefs can distort the world to create various substances that exist or not to achieve the effect of miracles. The aforementioned supernatural power of the birth monster can also be transformed in this way, and The existence of faith-like gods itself proves that faith can give birth to powerful souls.

Material and soul, reality and illusion.

It is absolutely no problem to say that faith evolves everything.

So, where does the power of faith come from?

Come from human prayer?

However, aliens can also have their own gods.

Come from the prayer of souls?

However, conscious undead can also produce the power of faith.

Therefore, the power of faith comes from the soul.

Everything went back to the origin again.

Many powerful species born of faith turned into a large number of new blank souls after the soul escaped and returned to the river of souls, and the blank souls contributed more or less faith to the world after reincarnating and gaining consciousness.

A complete reincarnation is established.

So, what is the first thing that appears in this world is faith? Or soul?

Does faith create everything, or does faith of soul create everything?

If it is the former, where did the original faith come from?

If it is the latter, who is the original soul?

Both are possible. Bai Jingyue wants to find out which one is correct, but his research is stuck here.

Simply thinking, I can’t think of an answer. I must conduct related experiments. However, Shirai cannot create another river of souls that conquers all souls. This river of soul is the only experimental material in front of me, but it is also The experimental material that he can't move at all-if it is not easy to get rid of the river of soul, there will be problems in the reincarnation of the whole world. How can Shirai Moon, who has decided to hide in this world, do this kind of thing that may collapse the entire world?

The self-healing after the collapse of the timeline, the source of the reincarnation between faith and soul, the mystery of the human soul, he has many conjectures about the nature of the world, but most of these conjectures are types that can only be guessed and cannot be verified. .

This is also the reason why Bai Jingyue has concentrated on Tai Chi and gossip in the past 100 years. In the absence of crazy experiments, he can only explore the truth by studying these things that contain the genesis of creation, and he will use the river of soul to do Crazy ideas such as experiments are pressed deep in my Walking to the edge of the river of soul like an abyss, Shiraitsu thought about how to hide a blank soul from the four seasons Yingji Lao and send him to the reincarnation with Kikyo At this moment, a lot of noise came from not far away.

Sikai Yingji, who was preparing to watch Shirai’s reincarnation of Campanulaceae by Shirai, frowned, and then walked to the noisy place, while Shijiyingji passed by to handle the affairs there, Shirai’s hand stretched out of the river of soul Fishing a bit.

Perhaps it's because the idea in my mind is making a blame. Bai Jingyue's fishing accidentally took a little more. If injected directly into the baby's body, it will definitely explode the baby's body.

Bai Jingyue slightly recalled the weight of Ge Wei's soul when he first met, and then cut the corresponding weight from the large blank soul in the palm of his hand.

After putting the bellflower soul and the jade of the four souls into the reincarnation passage, Shiraitsu gathered up the large group of blank souls that were left, and then it was unhurriedly toward the previous dispute. Go somewhere.

There are not many things that can be handled by Siji Yingji personally, and he is also curious about who dares to make trouble here.

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