The Forbidden World

Chapter 1680: Confluence

Seoul, the capital of the Jianxian dynasty, was supposed to be the most prosperous city in Jianxian, but it was quiet and unsettling at the moment.

In the town enveloped by the night, countless shadows swim, waiting for the opportunity to devour all living things close to the city. In the center of Seoul, the tallest building in the palace, a slightly fat figure stood.

"Is that the Millennium Earl?"

In the bushes on the edge of the city, the rabbi whispered to others.

"Yes, that's the Millennium Earl. We saw him in the last battle."

After answering Rabbi's question, Allian glanced at the location of the Millennium Earl with his left eye, and asked with a puzzled expression on his face, softly asked: "Who the **** are those guys next to the Millennium Earl?"

Hearing the problems of Allianz, everyone's eyes were slightly deflected, and they looked at several figures not far from the Millennium Count or standing or sitting.

"Isn't it a demon?"

"My left eye cannot see their soul, they are not demons."

"It should be the Noah family."

Bai Jingyue gave an explanation at this time.

"The Noahs are companions of the Earl of the Thousand Years, and they all have special abilities. At the same time, they are also our enemies. We have dealt with them once, and every Noah has a fighting power close to the Marshal."

Although this explanation is not perfect, it is enough. Bai Jingyue does not intend to let everyone involve the secret story between Jehovah and the God of Noah, so that everyone can understand what strength the Noah family has and their hostile positions.

"Is it so strong?"

"Okay, quite weak in my eyes."

Bai Jingyue didn't comfort everyone at all. Although these people of Noah's family were weak in Bai Jingyue's eyes, after a while, Bai Jingyue must have no combat ability after releasing the big move. What they want to fight with these people is They!

I originally thought it would be enough to block the Millennium Earl, but now the opponent has four more Noah fighters. How do they fight?

"Don't worry, even if the Millennium Count hit me with a stroke of sunshine, I would be injured. These people of the Noah family are at least seriously injured. You are fine. Probably..."

Everyone was almost persuaded by Bai Jingyue, and his confidence was greatly increased. As a result, Bai Jingyue finally came to [probably], which made everyone suffocated and suddenly relieved by half.

"Marshal Mu En! Don't joke at such times!"

"I'm not kidding, although my attack can hit them hard, but they are still strong, plus the advantage in numbers, it's really hard to say if you can hold it. Alas? It feels like..."

Bai Jingyue suddenly divorced the topic, making everyone feel up and down suddenly, they did not dare to disturb Bai Jingyue, they had to wait quietly.

After about five minutes, Bai Jingyue looked at everyone with a slightly happy smile: "Good news, we have reinforcements."


Bai Jingyue didn't explain much. Instead, he directly led the crowd around Seoul and began to move horizontally through the gap between the demon army rushing to Seoul. Finally, he came to a hill full of woods.

"Tiedonuro, you are here too, is there any mission?"

Marshal Tiedonuro stood up and replied with a smile: "Yes, Marshal mission. How about you, Marshal Muen? Shouldn't the Grand Marshal dare to give you Marshal mission?"

"Isn't there a task to protect the marshal before for the ordinary exorcist? I was idle, and I joined one of the troops and rushed here to protect the guy in Kuros."

"Do you know what mission Marshal Kuros is performing?"

"I don't know yet. We haven't encountered a guide here. Kuros thinks that I don't need a guide, so I didn't assign it."

Hearing Shiraizuki's words, Tiedenuro looked down slightly, and the glasses he wore reflected the shimmer.

"That means, Marshal Mu En, do you know the so-called guide?"

While Tiedonuro said this, a figure was pressed out by Kanda Yu and Kanda Lian together, and Mary followed.

Seeing the crushed young woman, Allian immediately entered a state of alert: "Demon!?"

"Don't be too nervous, Yalian."

Bai Jingyue raised his hand to stop the same alert companions. Before he could explain it, Tim Camby next to Allen ran to the woman's head and sat down.

"Tim Gambi!?"

The first time I saw Tim Gambie running above the demon’s head, Allen felt that his entire outlook on life had been subverted, and the rabbi was also at a loss: “Is this a malfunction!? Why did Tim Gambi stay here? Above the devil's head!?"

"Of course it is because Tim Gambi felt his master's breath."

Bai Jingyue approached the demon and carefully looked at the devil's human posture.

"Sure enough, this guy, Kuros, will only transform the devil of the female appearance, and have a color embryo."

"Marshal Mu En! What the **** is going on!"

Impatiently, the white rabbi glanced, Shiraizuki frowned and said, "Aren't I saying that? This is the guide, the demon he has remodeled. Ask your master specifically, he also knows this matter."

Bai Jingyue's words made everyone's attention turn to Shu Weng, and Shu Wong nodded. "Marshal Kuros is the only one who can transform the demon. No one in the Black Order knows this, except me and the station. Marshal Mu En over there."

Immediately, everyone's eyes focused on Bai Jingyue again, but found that Bai Jingyue shook his head again and again in front of the demon.

"What's wrong, Marshal Mu En?"

"After so many years, Kuros' level of transforming demons hasn't improved a bit~ still can only temporarily suppress the demonic nature."

"What does it mean?"

"Meaning that I still have difficulty suppressing the urge to kill~"

The loosed demon moved his shoulder, and then answered the rabbi's question.

"What if you have the urge to kill again?"

This time it was Shuweng who was inquiring, and everyone else was quiet now, waiting quietly for an answer.

"Curos has installed a self-protection device~ as long as I raise the urge to kill, I will bang with a bang~"

This answer silenced everyone. Although it had been expected for a long time, it really felt a little subtle.

"So, it's better to destroy you as soon as possible?"

Bai Jingyue's sudden words surprised everyone, and to everyone's surprise even more, the transforming demon himself also agreed to this!

"Yeah, please destroy me as soon as possible."

"Marshal Mu En! What's going on!"

"Don't you know? That's right, after all, you didn't meet."

Bai Jingyue took Tim Gambi over the demon's head and threw it back to Yalian.

"If the demon is destroyed by holiness, the soul as material will be liberated, but if it is self-preservation or swallowed, then nothing will be left. So, for the sake of this demon, before she explodes, It’s better to destroy her. So, who of you will do it?"

"Let me do it."

Unlike other people, Allian was fighting with the attitude of redeeming the demon soul, so when others hesitated, Allian stood up directly and his left hand was sanctified.

Coming to the demon's side, Yalian was about to start, but was stopped by Shirai.

"Don't worry, ask clearly before the destruction. What mission is Kuros performing?"

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