The Forbidden World

Chapter 1679: New Year plus 9

Under the careful protection of the people, the ship that brought the people across the ocean was not damaged. None of the ordinary people were killed, but it was the sea where the ring of cloud and water could be played perfectly.

Then their battle was on land, and the battle scale and battle intensity would increase by more than one grade. They were even harder to protect themselves, let alone protect ordinary people.

"In other words, this is the end of our journey, isn't it?"

Anita stood on the deck with a smile, and waved goodbye to the many exorcists who had just fought.

"Then we will return to this place and hope that the exorcist masters will win!"

"That won't work."

Bai Jingyue stopped Anita's crew from switching sails.

"You just go back to the sea and something will happen. Although after learning that we are coming, the other party will gather the main force in this area, but there will still be demon wandering at sea. If you meet, then there will be no vitality at all, just Let Luqi go back with you."

"How does this work?"

Not only did Shirai's words surprise Anita, she repeatedly waved her hands to refuse.

Although I don’t know what Shiraitsu and their exorcists are going to do in this country, there must be a very dangerous battle ahead. In this case, the combat effectiveness of each exorcist is very valuable. The division came to **** them a group of ordinary people who are no longer useful for war?

"Don’t refuse, as you think, the battle ahead is very dangerous. However, unlike the previous battles, this time our battles are more one person and one less. The difference is not much. And the combat strength and water of Eltridge There is a very close relationship. Her combat effectiveness at sea is okay. Once on the land, her combat effectiveness will be reduced a lot, and it is likely to drag her legs, so it is better to let her **** you away."

Anita wanted to refute, but Shirai’s serious face made Anita understand that Shirai had already made up her mind. In this case, she certainly could not convince Shirai, so she turned to look at the others In order to get the help of other exorcists, the other exorcists turned their heads in unison and ignored her request for help.

This made Anita stunned. Don't these exorcists know the consequences of missing one companion?

Of course they know.

Yalian and others were indeed surprised by Bai Jingyue's sudden proposal, but they were only surprised. They did not have any opinions on the matter itself.

They were indeed going to the base camp of the Millennium Earl, and it was possible to fight face-to-face with the Millennium Earl. They also understood that this matter was a waste of Alterucci’s fighting power, but they were escorted by Alterucci before they The idea of ​​the vessel returning to the sea all agreed.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the exorcist is a high apostle of the gods, but in the eyes of these exorcists, they are just warriors who protect ordinary people and fight for ordinary people.

As a matter of course, the lives of ordinary people such as Anita and others need protection.

Moreover, Shiraiuki was right, and their lack of an exorcist had little effect on the front.

If the front is the location of the decisive battle, then Shirai will inevitably use the skill of clearing the game in the mouth of Allianz, and then they just have to besiege the Millennium Count.

If even the siege can't beat the Millennium Earl, then one or two more ordinary exorcists have little effect on the war.

Seeing that all the exorcists thought this was the case, Anita gave up her struggle. She watched with respect, Shiraizuki and the other four exorcists deep into the land, and then sailed back.

Unlike the smooth sailing at sea, the five-person team on land did not move smoothly, and a large number of demons appeared endlessly, hindering their progress.

After knocking a devil in front of him with a hammer into a pie, the rabbi gaspedly asked Shiraiuki who was walking in the forefront: "In other words, if we guessed wrong, what should we do if it is not actually the lair of the Millennium Earl?"

"Not a lair is also an important stronghold, just destroy it."

After solving several level three demons that appeared in front of him, Shiraitsu found a map from a house next to him, and spread it out in front of him.

"At this rate, we will be able to reach Seoul in about half a day. At that time, we will first look at the situation. If there is no Millennium Earl, then I will clear it. You will be responsible for finishing up. If the Millennium Earl is there, then I will still clear it. Line of defense, just draw the attention of the Millennium Earl."

In fact, Bai Jingyue's plan is not very good. Everyone knows that the strength of the Millennium Earl is far better than that of the Marshal. Only Bai Jingyue can compete. If Bai Jingyue releases his great strength, then they are likely to have a sudden wind in the Millennium Earl. The rain collapsed and fell apart.

However, they also have no better way. In the situation where Shiraizuki can't defeat the Earl of the Thousand Years and can only hold back, they are actually useless in any way of fighting.

The biggest advantage of Bai Jingyue's method is that it can create an opportunity.

"For Marshal Kuros?"

"Well, according to Tim Gambi’s instructions, Kuros should have arrived in he will definitely seize the opportunity we created."

Although I don't know what mission Kulos is going to perform, but the mission that allows him to come here at this risk must be crucial!

Before Kuros could not complete the mission, it was because no matter how capable Kuros was, he was just a human being, and it was difficult to make a difference in the tightly guarded base camp of the Millennium Earl.

However, they are different with Baijingyue. The value of Baijingyue and their group is enough to tear the defense line of the Millennium Earl into a hole, and Kuros can take advantage of it!

After confirming the approximate battle plan, Shiraitsu put away the map and found a place to sit down.

"Let's take a break here, adjust the state, and then the most difficult battle."

Bai Jingyue's proposal is very correct, because in these days of continuous fighting, many of them have reached the limit. In this case, confrontation with the Millennium Earl, it is simply looking for death, but sometimes, things happen Development will always exceed people's expectations.

Just as everyone was about to rest, Yalian suddenly fell to the ground, trembling with his left eye covered.


"Demon! Many demons are approaching! No, no! They are passing by!"

According to the results of his left eye investigation, Yalian spoke out the information he had speculated.

"They are gathering in the direction of Seoul!"

Allian's words made everyone silent, and Bai Jingyue shrugged a moment later.

"No matter what the Millennium Count will do, we will stop him. The rest is over, everyone, are you ready to die?"

Everyone didn't speak, but just answered Bai Jingyue's question with action.

Everyone stood up and stepped in the direction of Seoul without hesitation!

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