The Forbidden World

Chapter 1184: God's dwelling


Even Bai Jingyue was stupefied there.

He really didn't expect Jianshan Hutch to refuse. Not because of how confident they are in their own charm, but because there is really no reason for Jianshan Chin to refuse!

As long as Yuzao gave her access to the myth system, she would not have to worry about the power of faith in the future, and she would not have to worry about the casualties caused by the leak of doom.

She didn't have any losses herself, why refused?

But soon, Shiraizuki saw the reason in Jianshan's eyes.

That is the many young puppets piled up by the pool, to be precise, it is the doom that continuously flows out of the young puppets and converges into the pool.

Bai Jingyue sighed silently, and at the same time couldn't help being surprised by the girl's kindness.

It is really moving to give up the opportunity to join Gao Tianyuan, even if it is sacrificed by oneself, and to suppress these dooms forever because one's own dooms may be unregulated.

But at the same time, Bai Jingyue felt crying and laughing.

"Hina, did you choose to refuse because of this..."

"Hug... I'm sorry, Master Suzhan Mingzun! These misfortunes can't be ignored..."

Bai Jingyue was speechless again. While gently rubbing the hair of Jianshan Hina, he smiled bitterly and said, "Hina, you are a god! What about building a shrine, wouldn't it?"


After some discussion, Jian Shan hugs his face flushed next to the puppets and began to build a shrine.

The shrine mentioned by Shirai is of course not a shrine built and worshiped by human beings. That kind of shrine is simply to build a channel between gods and mortals, and it is a place to collect faith. The purpose is not only to receive faith, but also to give believers strength.

The shrine mentioned by Shirai is just like the place where the water **** Yuxi lives. It is a dwelling place of the gods. Its nature is exactly the same as that of the former kingdom of gods, Takatenhara. It is a place where the power of the gods can be controlled.

This kind of shrine can only be built by the gods themselves.

Of course, this kind of shrine is not used for logging and building by hand, but for shaping the divine power and empowering the gods.

Now Jianshan Hutch is doing this.

Generally speaking, a deity like this requires a controller as a gathering of shrine capabilities.

The jade mirror in the hands of Yuzao, and the spear of the jade in Yuxi are all such controllers. The difference is that the jade mirror is just the weapon in front of Yuzao, and the spear of the jade is the proof of the gods of Yuxi. Only then did the spear of the gods get taken away, and the divine power was controlled by others.

The controller chosen by Jianshan Hina is a young puppet with a red coat, whose appearance at first glance looks exactly the same as that of Jianshan Hina.

But if you look closely, you can still find a little bit different.

It was another young puppet who looked very simple but had a delicate face, and was thrust into his arms by Jianshan young.

Soon, under the guidance of Shirai, the establishment of the shrine was completed. With the formation of the shrine, the doom that flowed into the pool suddenly rose and then merged into the shrine.

If you look closely, you can see that the young dolls in the shrine are dancing, and those bad luck are wrapped around the dolls.

At the same time, a layer of mist rose in the cave.

In the moment that the shrine was completed, this place has been transformed into a dwelling place of the gods, and the dwelling place of the gods is naturally a place where mortals cannot peep.

This shrine will assume the role of the **** of doom, absorb the doom, and then pass it to the key mountain chick through the myth system, and the key mountain chick only needs to obtain the power of faith from the Gaotianyuan myth system, and then control the doom. Too.

Without worrying about the leak of doom, Jianshan Hina has no reason to refuse, so he naturally left here with Shiraiuki.

It was like an ordinary traveler. Two people crossed the mountains, walked across the wilderness, strolled between the mountains and rivers, hungry, ate some wild fruits, tired, and fell asleep on the ground.

A few days later, the two came to a place not far from Pingcheng Jing.

"Admiral Shirai... is it really possible?"

On Shirai’s side, Jian Shanchu looked at the entrance of Pingcheng Jing with a worried look.

There are people coming and going, and there are lots of traffic. As the old capital, Pingcheng Jing is still very lively.

People, however, are the most feared things about Jian Shanchu.

It's not that they are worried about their own safety. What Jianshan is worried about is the safety of these human beings.

Despite the fact that there was no leakage of bad luck around him, Jian Shanchu was still worried. What if it hurts others?

Along the way, because of the fear of Jianshan young, Shirai and her are walking around the village. Until today, Shirai has told her that she must go into the city.

Bai Jingyue's request frightened Jian Shan's youngsters, fearing that he accidentally let bad luck leak out. There are so many people here. If the bad luck leaks out, what terrible consequences will it cause?

She wanted to refuse, but Bai Jingyue ignored her and forced her into the city.

"Hina, believe me, you can do it."

In fact, Shiraoi doesn’t want to force the Jianshan chicks, but once the Jianshan chicks get into the habit of avoiding human beings, she can really only be a canary in the future. This cage was built by herself!

Finally, under the constant encouragement of Shiraitsu, Jianshan Chin stepped into Pingcheng Jing, and when he entered Pingcheng Jing, the eyes of Jianshan Chin brightened.

This is her. For the first time, she walked into the city of human beings. The prosperous and lively scene let Jian Shan's young eyes look at flowers. Compared with her silent and empty cave, it is like two worlds!

"Is this the city?"

Unlike the villages on the road that are threatened by robbers and then monsters, the people in the city have smiles on their faces and seem to be living a good life.

The variety of entertainment in the city also attracted the attention of Jian Shanchu.

Drama, Cuju, Gambling, Song Ji, etc. etc...

Since its birth, it has only been spinning alone and a little humming key mountain chick, for the first time know that there are so many ways of entertainment.

"Can I... please go and see?"

Can't help but Jianshan chick made such a request. She wants to experience it firsthand and experience these human lifestyles.

"of course can."

In response, Bai Jingyue readily accepted.

That's Shiraizuki accompanied Jianshan Chin to play in the city for a whole day until nightfall.

Amidst the moonlight, Bai Jingyue walked into the depths of the jungle with the key mountain cubs he had never been interested in.

After walking for a few hours, the two stopped in front of a large mansion.

"We have arrived."

Hearing Bai Jingyue's words, Jian Shanchu looked up at the gate, and on the wooden plaque, the words "baijingzhai" were vigorous and powerful.

"Here... is Gao Tianyuan?"

There is no building similar to the human house seen on the road, is it the legendary Gao Tianyuan? If it wasn’t Shiraitsu’s genuine three-magnificent divine power, Jianshan Hina thought he was deceived.

"Yes, this is it."

After answering Jianshan Hutch with an affirmative tone, Bai Jingyue pushed open the door of Bai Jing Zhai.

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