The Forbidden World

Chapter 1183: Correct

"Su···Suzhan Mingzun!"

Jianshan Hush hurriedly saluted Bai Jingyue. Although it was a new **** born after the dusk of the gods, all the gods on this land still belong to Gao Tianyuan under the condition that the **** of the kingdom of God before Yuzao did not fall.

"It looks like you have worked hard to restrain these bad luck."

"Yes, it is."

As a deity, unable to restrain his own strength, this is a sad thing.

However, Jianshan Hina is helpless.

Under normal circumstances, who believes in God of Evil? Most people avoid the God of Evil.

As a result, Jianshan Hina can only receive some faith from those who throw the Hina dolls during the festival.

The divine power transformed by these beliefs is equivalent to the doom brought by the young puppets. On the day of the last festival, fortunately, a little divine power is not enough to cope with the thicker doom day by day.

As a **** of doom, Jianshan Chin will not be hurt by doom, but she can't let doom spread. If these collected doom has spread out, causing human death and injury, it is her negligence!

Therefore, she spins here, sacrifices her body to attract doom, and binds many dooms firmly around her.

However, this is not a long-term solution. One day, when her body can't restrain doom, these dooms will run wild, and even become a source of evil that destroys all.

For this reason, Jianshan Hutch has been very distressed.

until today.

Su Zhanming, one of the three royal gods, appeared in front of her!

"Adult, as you can see, is a doom god, but I don't have enough power to control these dooms. If it leaks out, it will cause very serious consequences. Master, do you have a solution?"

"What is your name?"

" name is Jianshan Hina."

"Shout your chick, is it okay?"

"But...Yes, lord."

"It's actually very simple to solve bad luck, as long as you have enough strength."

The sound of Shiraitsu just fell, and the divine power that permeated the cave suddenly dissipated, and the one who dispersed with one of them, and do not know how many years of doom accumulated in this cave!

Jian Shan hatchling suddenly felt relaxed for a while.

Although for her, these dooms are also her strength, but the power beyond control is only burdensome.

"Sense...Thank you, Master!"

Looking at the Jianshan young bird bowing his head, Bai Jingyue shook his head.

"It's not time to thank me. Things haven't been completely resolved yet."


Jianshan Hutch raised his head and followed Shirai's sight to the pile of young puppets behind him.

I saw the black breath flowing on the young puppet, and then merged into the pool. The already clear bottom pool was actually black again!

"This...this is?"

"Hina, even if there are few people who believe, you are already a doom god. The idle doom in the world will naturally gather towards you. If you want to solve the problem of doom forever, you have to be strong. It is not me, but you Myself."


Jian Shan is a little embarrassed, and she also wants to become stronger, but she, who has a scarce belief, is very difficult to maintain her current strength, let alone become stronger.

"This is not completely impossible. Hina, would you like to be a **** of Gao Tianyuan?"


Bai Jingyue smiled slightly and didn't explain.

It's not that he didn't want to explain, but there was no need to explain. When Jianshan Chu really joined Gao Tianyuan, she would understand.

In fact, Jianshan cubs and the water gods that Shirai met before were all nominally affiliated with Gao Tianyuan, but were not recognized by Gao Tianyuan's leader Yu Zaoqian.

Simply put, it is temporary workers.

At this time, they can only survive by the power of faith they have acquired. Once the power of faith is used up, the divinity dissipates, and even the individual will disappear.

However, Gao Tianyuan is different, and all regular gods belonging to Gao Tianyuan can receive subsidies from Gao Tianyuan. Even if the belief dies, as long as Gao Tianyuan still exists, the gods can survive, just like the original Gao Tianyuan gods in the era of mythology.

And Bai Jingyue's proposal for Jianshan Hutchison was to turn the key hill Hutchison into a formal deity and change it from a temporary worker to a formal **** in the original copy of Gao Tianyuan.

In this way, Jianshan Hutch can use the entire Gao Tianyuan's faith to control doom. Her strength is no longer limited by her faith, but only by her own control over divine power.

As long as Jianshan Chin joins Gao Tianyuan, under the condition that excess doom has been eliminated by Shiraitsu, Jianshan Chin will no longer have to worry about the doom. Bai Jingyue believes that the speed of doom gathering will not be faster than that of the girl.

After thinking over and over again, Jianshan Chick nodded and agreed with Bai Jingyue's proposal. Although she didn't know what it meant for her to join Gao Tianyuan, she believed that Su Zhan Ming Zun, one of the three imperial deities, would not harm her.

In the moment when Jianshan Chick nodded, Shenwei came back!

This time, not for deterrence, but for imperial authority!

The majestic and thick voice echoed in the cave!

"I announce to the world in the name of Su Zhan Ming Zun!"

At the moment Sakurai said this sentence, the entire Japanese and Japanese gods stopped their current actions. Whether it is the gods in the series who passed the dusk of the gods, or the gods who were born later, they all heard the announcement from the highest god, Su Zhanmingzun!

"The **** of doom, Jianshan cub, belongs to the kingdom of gods today, Gao Tianyuan!"

A simple sentence has changed the fate of Jianshan Hutchison. Since today, Jianshan Hutch is a **** attached to Gao Tianyuan.

After Bai Jingyue finished speaking, Jianshan Hina closed her eyes and began to digest the changes brought to her by the kingdom of God system. After a while, Jianshan Hina frowned slightly.

"Master Suzhan can't mobilize the power of faith..."

After knowing that he could mobilize the power of faith to improve his ability to control doom, Jianshan Hutch experimented immediately. However, it failed.

To this, Shiraitsu is not surprising.

Bai Jingyue's Divine Power Announcement is only to allow Jian Shanchu to obtain the post certificate, but the myth system has not yet entered her information.

In fact, Bai Jingyue can also handle this part, but recently Bai Jingyue has been paying attention to the construction of life. He has not studied the myth system, so he has to leave it to another person to complete it.

Bai Jingyue held out his hand to Jianshan Hutch and smiled and said, "There is still a step missing, Hina, come with me and meet the owner of Gao Tianyuan."

Looking at Bai Jingyue's smile and the clean and beautiful hands, Jian Shanchu blinked.

"Sorry, I can't go."

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