The Forbidden World

Chapter 1161: Future world

"Are you too happy too early!?"

When everyone in Nuliang Slippers and Nuliang Group was very happy for victory, a figure surrounded by a blue flame burst out from the flames!

The red iron broken teeth were chopped towards the unguarded Slave!

"Relax your vigilance before the battle ends, will you?"

With a fierce cut, Nu Liang slipped directly!

However, Nu Liang's figure was still dissipating like a phantom.

Then it appeared in another place.

"I haven't relaxed my guard~"

Nu Lianghuadiao, who put the blade on her shoulder, smiled and refuted Inuyasha's rebuke.

"Oh? You said this at this time, but there is no convincing."

Inuyasha stared at Nu Liang's clothes and smiled.

Looking down, Nuliang Slipper looked down, and finally found the clue.

Although the knife was avoided by him, he was still careless after all. At this moment, his clothes were cut with a big mouth.

"Hey! My clothes are expensive, OK?"

"Then don't let him get hit by me!"

With that said, Inuyasha raised the knife again, and the two again fought together!

The sound of the intersection of the blades resounded everywhere, and the impact of the collision of power never stopped.

Flames burst from time to time, and a gust of wind swept from time to time.

"Inuyasha, really made great progress."

Bai Jingyue suddenly sighed.

"How to say?"

"Did you see that when Inuyasha just came out of the flames, the iron broken teeth were red?"

"Red? Isn't that the power to break the enchantment?"

"Yes, that's the power to break the enchantment. In the flames, Inuyasha used red iron broken teeth to test whether the other party used the ability of illusion enchantment. And after the end of the trial, decisively revoked that Power, hiding the ability to break the barrier."

Bai Jingyue was a little relieved that Inuyasha was not only about strength, but also greatly improved his fighting consciousness.

Inuyasha will gain more and more abilities with iron broken teeth in the future. If he can control each ability perfectly, he can become the strongest under the hood!

Of course, that is the most ideal state. Judging from the number of surviving monsters that can provide Inuyasha with power, Shiraitsu estimates that Inuyasha is at most more powerful than the general rule level. Probably equivalent to the appearance of a medium **** on the moon.

If Inuyasha stays in the outside world afterwards, then this strength is enough, but most of Yakumo Zi will not let Inuyasha such a high-level combat power linger in the outside world.

Since Inuyasha hasn't seen himself in the future, Bai Jingyue's conjecture should be confirmed.

The strength of the middle gods is put into the fantasy town in the future, which is almost the level of not being bullied.

Of course, there is no absolute thing, and it is possible that Inuyasha will be martyred by the death of Kagome and Bellflower.

All in all, as an elder, seeing Inuyasha's progress, Shirai is still very pleased.

On the other side, the battle between Inuyasha and Nuliang Slider has intensified. Once again, Inuyasha and Nuliang Slider have discovered that with their current strength, it is impossible to get the other side, and they want to win or lose. Then more powerful force must be used!

The two hands force at the same time to bounce each other away.

"Hey, fight for a long time, what is your name?"

"Uncle Ben's name is Nuliang Slipper! The general of the Nuliang group!"

"I am Inuyasha, as you see, a half demon."

The wind suddenly flowed.

This is not a wind wound, but a simple flow of magic power!

With Inuyasha as the center, the magic power is like a whirlpool, and the surrounding wind is rolled over.

Inuyasha is scrolling the air with his own power!

The constant battles have made Inuyasha's strength a breakthrough. Not only the swordsmanship, but also the ability, and even its own demon power, Inuyasha has taken it to the next level.

The violent demon power made Nu Lianghua scooter look grim. This is also a reminder of Inuyasha to Slave.

Next, he was going to release his trick. If Nu Lianghua scooped out that he couldn't take it, it would be better to surrender earlier.

How could Nu Lianghua scoop back? ? He is determined to be the existence of the Lord of the Ghosts! Even if Inuyasha's strength is high, he will try to cross!

"Inuyasha, come on, I'm not alone!"

With Nu Liang's words, an inexplicable momentum rose from his body, and at the same time, there was a huge force.

It's a force similar to demon power, but different.

Fear, this belongs to the power of monsters in the new era.

In addition to the special monsters born in nature, many monsters were born out of human fear.

Just like gods, monsters can gain power from human fear.

It can be said that for many monsters, fear is the source of strength!

Originally, there were not many human beings, and the monsters that gained power through fear were not strong. Most of them were dominated by primitive monsters such as killing pills, so the strength of the monster was based on the content of evil power in the monster.

That is demon power.

With the increase in the number of human beings, human beings have more and more influence on monster fear, and the power of fear will become the mainstream of monsters.

This will also be the standard for judging the strength of future monsters.

Many monsters hand over a part of their fear to the leader to form a group. This is the group.

It is also a form of future monsters.

Now all over the country, various groups are emerging, and Nuliang group is one of the leaders.

The origin of many powerful monsters, fear, is now gathered in the body of Nuliang Slipper, which is why Nu Liang Slipper says he is not alone.

As the power rose, the air flow erupted from Nuliang Slipper, and the clothes that had been cut through the mouth were torn momentarily, revealing the entire upper body of Slug Slipper.

At this moment, the standing direction of Inuyasha and Nuliang Slider are at a 90-degree angle to their own position, so Bai Jingyue and others saw the scenery behind Nuliang Slider.

That is a magic tattoo! It is a picture of a hundred ghosts drawn by hundreds of magical powers!

That is the proof of the Nuliang group!

"Don't die! Inuyasha!"

The power of fear and the power of the demon, both of which were wrapped with the short knife in the hands of Nu Lianghua scoop, and the momentum that did not lose to Inuyasha suddenly filled the entire space.

Inuyasha was relieved when she saw Nuliang Huaxiu take it seriously.

To be honest, he never dared to use his full strength, fearing that he would kill Nu Liang by accident.

Anyway, he has a good relationship with Nuliang Lusheng's grandson Nuliang the Nuliang team collapsed at this time, wouldn't Nuliang Lusheng disappear?

However, it seems that the strength of Nuliang Slippers, or the Nuliang group, is much stronger than what he has seen in the future!

In this way, he can also be polite!

The enchantment suddenly converged, and then all injected into the iron broken teeth!

The opponent is the leader of the Nuliang group, Nuliang Slippers, which gathers the power of a group of fears, and he is also the strongest attack that can be released except for the defensive counterattack burst!

This is also the first confrontation between pure demon power and fear power!

Stir the Blade of Wind and Cloud, and slash it!

Slash that shattered the sky, so howl!

"Wind wound!"

ps: I have something to go out temporarily during the day, but I am missing three more today, and I will make it up tomorrow.

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