The Forbidden World

Chapter 1160: Inuyasha vs Nuliang sliding scoop

On a verdant plain, the two figures approached quickly.

Inuyasha, I don't know when the powerful half-demon who has been famous for Japan and Japan.

Slave of Nuliang, led the people to beat the leader of the Nuliang group in Japan.

The huge iron broken teeth, and Binghan's short knife, will soon collide as the two approach.

Maybe two seconds or one second?

In the blink of an eye, there was less than half a meter between the two figures.

Inuyasha can clearly see the smile on Nu Liang's face, and Nu Liang's face can also be clearly seen. On the blade of the iron broken tooth, the trace of the space is slightly twisted.

At the next moment, the two blades meet!

Inuyasha's blade, as if cutting tofu, directly cleaved the blade of Nuliang Slider, and walked into the body of Nuliang Slider, and finally split the Nuliang Slider in half!

No, no! That's not Nuliang Slipper!

The slain Nuliang sliding scoop is like ink painting, directly dissolved into the air, that is a phantom! The real Slave Slipper didn't know when it had appeared behind Inuyasha's side and back, and the blade edged towards Inuyasha's waist sideways!

Feeling the chill behind him, Inuyasha simply did not close the knife, and continued the previous knife directly at the same time, while relaxing his control of the body, allowing the blade to move forward with his body!

Nu Liang's short knife finally only cut the fire rat fur on Inuyasha's body, and the iron broken teeth in Inuyasha's hand finally finally touched the ground gently.

In an instant, the strength of the jump around the broken iron teeth vented along the ground!

A sword wind directly cut through the ground, striking the direction of the Nuliang group along the ground!

This is certainly not a sneak attack, this is just a by-product of the battle between Inuyasha and Nuliang Slippers, but it is this by-product that also makes those watching the Nuliang group like a enemy!

A gloomy, long-haired middle-aged man stood in front of the group of monsters with a samurai sword, and greeted the crack in the ground with all his strength!

A clear symphony of sword fronts came from the man's hand, as if he had been hit hard. The man stepped back and forth a few steps, or did not fall under the help of the heavy demon behind him.

"Bull ghost, how are you?"

Beside the man, a monster with one eye asked in a relationship.

"Very strong...not weaker than general."

Under the prestigious reputation, Inuyasha's strength is really strong. A glance at the battlefield not far away, Niu Gui could not help but a hint of worry.

On the other side, Inuyasha and Nuliang Slipper are beating hi.

Inuyasha turned away from the blow behind him, but it was a phantom, and apparently, when the blade failed to work, Nu Lianghua had already left this dangerous position.

It must be said that this ability to create hallucinations to mislead others is terrible, especially in a single challenge, but it is not completely unsolved.

First of all, Nuliang Slipper's attack method is to wield a knife, then Nu Liang Slipper must be close.

Moreover, Nu Lianghua scoop can not exist in the place where the huge blade of the iron crushing tooth has just waved, then his possible position and the direction of the attack will be reduced again.

Inuyasha, trained by Shirai, naturally knows how to fight enemies based on this information.

The power of the jumping split has been wrapped around the iron broken teeth, and the figure of the Slipper is slashed again and again, and each time the result is like the first confrontation, but only a layer of phantom.

However, a slightly subtle difference from the first time is that Nu Liang was not able to take the opportunity to hit Inuyasha.

Sometimes, he just wanted to get a knife, and the iron broken teeth in Inuyasha's hands waved over, and he had to choose to retreat.

At other times, the blade has been handed out, but was turned away by Inuyasha who felt the danger!

Moreover, unlike the first time, Inuyasha did not hit the ground once.

Explain that Inuyasha has always been spared!

In this way, the two intertwined a few tricks, but the blades never really collided, as if it was hide and seek.

But everyone knows that there is a fierce confrontation!

"What to hide!? Fight me in the face!"

Inuyasha with the powerful sword always couldn't cut him, and a feeling of irritability flooded his heart, and he could not help but yell.

Hearing Inuyasha's words, Nu Liang's phantom suddenly dissipated and then condensed in front of Inuyasha.

"Oops~ This is my ability~ You can't let me abandon my ability to fight hard with you~"

"Obviously, my strength is still used in this fighting method? Haven't you tried to use all your strength to slash the collision battle? That kind of hearty fighting is the real battle!"

Inuyasha's words caused Nu Lianghua to raise her mouth slightly. Simply relying on the illusion ability, how could he serve the crowd?

To be honest, he prefers to play against opponents with his own abilities, and fights with a strong person who is equal to himself!

Raising his hand and covering his sharp eyes with a short knife, Nu Lianghua scoop reminded: "Then I'm coming!"

Another acceleration!

This time, Nuliang Slipper did not have his own ability to disturb the enemy's perception, but rushed towards Inuyasha just like that!

Inuyasha also accelerated again, just as the two started.

Double-edged, meet!

This is the first time the blades of the two have faced each other!

In an instant, a gust of wind spread from where the blades meet!

The plain where the two were located was swept by the wind, and all the land was lifted! Those grass blades were flying in the air, like a green rain, slowly falling.

The two close by looked at each other's faces through the blade.

"Well, is Uncle Ben so handsome?"

"You are really handsome now, the old bald in the future!"

Nu Liang's forehead was exposed with blue muscles, and Inuyasha raised his bald man again, making him unable to hold it.

"You bastard, look!"

With Nu Liang's roar, a blue flame suddenly appeared on his blade!

The flame followed the blade and rolled towards Inuyasha. In anxiety, Inuyasha took a step back and avoided the flame.

However, Nu Liang slipped a smile.

The short knife that was blocked by Inuyasha before was a wave, and a larger flame spewed out from the blade, directly covering the area where Inuyasha was!

The hot flames roasted the air, and the rising water vapor made people seem to have twisted the space from the outside.

Qibao couldn't help but worry.

"What to do!? Inuyasha is surrounded by flames!"

Bai Jingyue rubbed Qibao's head: "Don't Don't forget, Inuyasha's clothes."


After such a reminder from Shirai, Qibao finally remembered that Inuyasha had a treasure cloth that was not afraid of flames!

However, this matter, the people in the Nuliang group did not know!

At the moment, they are cheering for the victory of their general!

"The legendary half demon is nothing more than that! The general will surely be the master of the monster!"

"Our general is the strongest!"

And Nu Lianghua scoop also thought that the battle had been divided, and just stood there and shouted in the flames: "Hey, Inuyasha, will it work? If you admit defeat, I will withdraw these flames!"

However, what Nu Liang slipped did not expect was that Inuyasha did not use words to ask for mercy, and answered him with a bright red blade!

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