The Forbidden World

Chapter 1158: Nuliang Group and Xunyu Group

"So, where is Bailing Mountain!?"

Several days have passed since the departure of the crowd, but the shadow of the mountain is still not seen.

Bai Jingyue glanced at the restless Inuyasha and sighed.

"Bailing Mountain is in the northeast direction, but this is not the point, Inuyasha, you have not observed the current situation?"


"Did you discover in recent travels that there are fewer and fewer sporadic monsters, and that human battles rarely occur?"

Bai Jingyue said this, and the people who didn't pay much attention immediately began to recall, only to find out that the number of times they saw the battlefield plummeted when they did not know when.

Among the people, Ge Wei, who had seen this history in the book, first reacted.

"Sengoku Period... Is it over?"

"Well, yeah. The dispute that lasted for hundreds of years is finally coming to an end, and the war between humans and monsters is coming to an end."

The Warring States Period, which was born with great talents, is coming to an end, and the split plan of the Four Soul Jade hosted by Yakumo Zi will also come to an end at the moment the war ends.

"Human...War with monsters?"

"Do you think that the Warring States era was so chaotic, just because of humans? The more humans who died, the more monsters were born, and then more monsters were produced. More monsters caused greater chaos. For more than two hundred years, Not only the war between humans and humans, but also the war between humans and monsters."

"But we..."

Maitreya and Coral looked at each other with a puzzled look.

"We don't feel this is a war?"

"That's because we are all in a squad. And, who said we were not involved in the war?"

Bai Jingyue glanced at them, and then said: "The battle between us and Naraku is also the epitome of this war. You can imagine what kind of harm will happen if a monster like Naraku is not contained by us."

Everyone looked at each other, and some understood what Bai Jingyue meant.

"Then Master Shirai, you said that the war is over, did humans win?"

"Now human wars are declining, society is stabilizing, and the number of monsters is also greatly reduced. At present, it seems that this war is the upper hand of human beings. But the outcome is still impossible to judge. Monsters, there is the last counterattack."

"The last... counterattack?"

"Well, some of the current monsters have chosen to lurk in some dense environments, such as Tono, or the ancestral land of the dog family, and for example..."

The voice came to an abrupt end here, and there is still a secret realm that has not yet been established. It is inappropriate to say it here.

"Dog family... is Inuyasha?"

When it comes to Inuyasha, Kagome cares a lot. In this war between humans and monsters, Kagome doesn't want to see Inuyasha and the dog family going against each other.

Hearing the Inu Clan, Inuyasha's ears also move slightly. In any case, the Inuyasha is a group led by his father. Inuyasha still cares a little about the race.

"Do not worry about the dog family, they knew the final result of the war and hid in the secret realm long before the war began. You look at the whole dog family, besides killing the pill, who else do you see?"

Everyone recalled that they found the pure dog family, except for one killing pill, none of them saw it.

Kagome and Inuyasha could not help being relieved.

Bai Jingyue then went on to say: "There are still some monsters who choose to give up, choose to become someone's god, or fall in love with a human being, and then enter the half demon. For example..."

Bai Jingyue's eyes glanced at Inuyasha, and in less than a moment, Inuyasha was all red.

Even carrying Ge Wei was a little embarrassed.

Seeing the appearance of the two people, Shiraitsu knew that it was not suitable for teasing, and simply said the last information in one breath: "The last part of the monsters, they are not willing to fail, and began to gather towards Kyoto, where there will be a scene War!"

Ge Wei's expression moved slightly, and she remembered the history of Kyoto captured by Tokugawa Ieyasu. If she guessed right, that day is the day when the last battle between humans and monsters broke out.

Bai Jingyue saw Ge Wei's strange appearance, but did not say it, but returned to the questions originally raised by everyone.

"Now, monsters gather together in Kyoto, we must be cautious on the way. If you encounter ordinary monsters, even if you meet the group, it will be a delay."


A new vocabulary attracted the attention of Maitreya and Coral, while Inuyasha and Kagome looked at each other and thought of something.

"Yes, group, this is a monster organization that has only recently emerged, and some like-minded monsters have formed a monster organization that survives under the leadership of the leader. In a sense, the appearance of this monster organization proves the human Victory, but at the same time, this monster organization is also a challenge for humans."

"Don't we worry too much?"

Although Shiraitsu explained this, Inuyasha was still somewhat dissatisfied. Wouldn't it be good to kill all the monsters that hindered him from finding trouble in Naraku? The monsters were gathered together, and they were killed by the wind.

"Inuyasha, you still don't understand. The power of the group is not just the number, a group, the power of the people in each group will converge part of it to the leader. In the ordinary group, you can sweep against the iron broken teeth, but the top Each of them is a troublesome character. Last time I led the ghost army to use the ghost of Thunder, do you remember? It is just one of the monsters in Kyoto."

On the night of the sun, when Inuyasha's demon power subsided, the ghost army struck, and everyone was impressed.

Bai Jingyue's words made everyone solemn about the group's new existence.

"However, let's speed up, top team, how could it be so easy to meet?"

Recalling that Naraku may become stronger at any time, Inuyasha is a worry, and Shiraiuki shook his head slightly.

"After we can move forward at full speed."


"As long as you can pass this level."

Bai Jingyue's words just fell, and a frivolous voice came in front of everyone: "Yo~ Look at this lord's luck, did this happen to you?"

Looking up, in front of the road, a man appeared there.

But everyone knows that that guy is not human.

A black kimono jacket with a red shawl, gold and black long hair like crescent moons, and black demon lines in the corners of the eyes add a bit of color to the nice face of the copy.


Unexpectedly, the first to tell the origin of the other party is not Shiraitsu, but Inuyasha who didn't take the group by surprise at first!

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