The Forbidden World

Chapter 1157: Go to Bailing Mountain

Can the gods not die?

When this question posed before Inuyasha, everyone was stunned.

Their sensibility is telling them that gods should be awesome, and gods are great.

However, the disappearance of Gao Tianyuan is an out-and-out fact. There are fewer and fewer real shrines where false gods are in power and true gods are hidden.

Perhaps it was awkward to perceive this question, and Ge Wei hurried to Bai Jingyue and asked his second question: "Well, Master Bai Jing, we already know that Shino and Sister and Qingzi and Xiao Sisters are your wives, so how many wives do you have?"

This question made Bai Jingyue a little surprised. He didn't expect Ge Wei to ask this question. Ge Wei was definitely not plain and thought of this question for no reason. It must be that Ge Wei saw other people around him in the future and was curious about how many people around him. Woman, so I will ask him here.

"Cough, this is a bit much."

Bai Jingyue is really difficult to answer this kind of privacy question, and there are only a few women and him that can only be regarded as ambiguous, not his wife for the time being.

"Hey, where else can I go? Don't hide this little secret."

"Well...this... Although it is not the 72nd concubine in the 3rd house and 6th courtyard, there are still 20-30s."

Inuyasha and Maitreya suddenly opened their eyes, especially Maitreya, and even a touch of admiration appeared in their pupils!

Ge Wei and Coral looked at Bai Jingyue with scumbag eyes.

Four or five, the two of them can still understand, after all, Shirai is a noble, and a big noble, but these twenty or thirty are still beyond their imagination.

Faced with the eyes of the two, Shiraiuki shrugged fearlessly. In fact, he just told the truth.

It seems that Bai Jingyue's answer was too horrible. Kagyu and Coral ignored Bai Jingyue for a whole day. Inuyasha and Maitreya had originally wanted to ask some precautions, but they were strongly suppressed by Gewei and Coral.

Seeing that the influence of the matter was gradually expanding, Shiraoi didn't care at all. When the night fell, he pulled Aoqi Qingzi, who had smiled for most of the day, and walked towards his room.

Nothing is more powerful than the ecstasy's voice against these two yellow-haired girls.

Of course, this sound could not be heard by several other men, and Bai Jingyue set up a few night's seals on the ears of several people.

Just as Ge Wei and Coral painfully listened to [Fight], another place also had a fight.

But unlike here, there is a real battle!

Under a new moon, at the edge of a lotus pond, killing pills looked at the two who appeared suddenly and asked, "What's the matter with me?"

These two figures, Shi Sheng Wan did not know, but there is an impression, after all, it was the enemy's warrior when the flying monster moth invaded.

The person who is obviously dead has suddenly appeared here. This is a terrible thing, but it does not matter if it kills pills.

In any case, these two men are just defeated generals, and they don't need him, who has defeated Agate Maru, to look with his eyes.

"Master Sangshengwan, I want your teeth."


Of course, Shishengwan would not think of it as the tooth on his mouth. He looked down slightly at his waist, where there was a monster knife made of teeth. That is the natural tooth of the weapon passed to him by his father Douya Wang!

Anger rises in the heart of Shisheng Pill, even if he is not very satisfied with the natural teeth, this is also what his father gave him. What qualifications are there for those miscellaneous fish?

Seeing that Shengsheng Pill did not reply, the two flying monster moth generals rushed directly over, and the demon power in their hands condensed their swords, which is obviously to fight with Shengsheng Pill.

However, Shisheng Pill was too lazy to fight them.

Ling and Xie have been stealing food for some time. It is estimated that he will come back later. He has no time to play with these two people.

The demon power in the hand condensed into a whip shape, and then flung to the air.

The two attacked were instantly killed like moths that threw fire.


Looking at the two people who fell to the ground, Shi Sheng Wan turned and walked away. For Shisheng Pill, this battle is not even a warm-up, at most it is a farce.

Shortly after the death of Shi Sheng Wan, a voice seemed to pass through time and space, echoing beside the two bodies.

"No... I can't find the breath of destruction from that tooth, go find another tooth! The powerful tooth that can crush this powerful seal-iron broken tooth!"

With this sentence, the two women who had apparently died suddenly returned to life again!

The figure in the dark looked at the seal in front of him, and couldn't help laughing loudly: "We are flying monster moths, come back!"

The shadows were approaching, but Inuyasha and others were unaware of it. Several people in the sealed Inuyasha could not hear the joy of being close by, let alone what happened in such a distant place.

Shisheng Pill would not be kind enough to tell Inuyasha that someone was staring at them.

In the early morning of the next day, Shirai Moon walked out of the house refreshingly, and he saw Gewei and coral who were very haggard. The two people's obvious panda eyes made Baijing Yue laugh.



The accusations of the two men were fully received by Shirai, and some verbal attacks made it seem painless to Shirai.

After a while, everyone got together. This time it is no longer a condemnation against Shiraitsu. Since Inuyasha and Kagome are returning from the future, they should also talk about the business. That is why they have gathered together and fought so far.

"According to our inference about Naraku's foothold, the family does indeed provide some locations. Among them, the black pond underground at Nijo Castle in Kyoto is counted as one. The half demon covered by a powerful enchantment is counted as one, and Hiroshima, which hires monster gathering places Count one, Bailing Mountain, which can purify all evil qi. Temporarily, find these places."

Everyone was a little dumbfounded. They thought that there were not many such places. Expectedly, Bai Jingyue said four casually. And looking at Bai Jingyue, there were obviously many such places.

"Are we going to find them one by one?"

The four places are not close to each other, and it is too big to find the span one by one. Perhaps they have not found Naraku, and Naraku has completed the remodeling and evolution of his body.

"That's not enough, these four places, we just go to one place."

Bai Jingyue waved his hand and explained to several people: "You also know in the half-demon that it is a very secret place. I can be sure that Naraku doesn't know there, so don't worry. Tono is also impossible, it's a very Where xenophobia is, the state where Naraku passed is to find death."

"That's Kuroike myself? Kyoto...We're still going to visit after all..."

Ever since Shirai mentioned the horror of Kyoto last time, everyone searched for the Four Soul Jade to avoid Kyoto as much as possible, but if Naraku hid in Kyoto, they had to go.

"It's impossible. Kyoto's black pond is of great significance to the Kyoto monsters. They can't let any outsiders use it. So among the four locations, only Bailing Mountain may be Nara's hiding place."

"But didn't you say that Bailing Mountain can purify all evil spirits?"

Maitre was puzzled. According to Bai Jingyue, Bailing Mountain should be the nemesis of all monsters, and Naraku should not be able to connect close to it.

"Bai Ling Mountain purifies evil spirits, not by the sacredness of the mountain, but by the enchantment arranged by a person. As long as it is an enclave arranged by a person, there are loopholes."

"You mean that Naraku may have found the loophole and hid inside Bailing Mountain?"


Bai Jingyue's words made everyone look at each other. If Naraku really hides in that kind of place ~ ~ is not good news for them.

In that place, Inuyasha, mica, and Qibao can be said to have been abolished.

However, when everyone hesitated, Inuyasha stood up and said firmly: "No matter how hard it is, we can't let it fall."

This sentence resonated with everyone. No matter what dangerous place Nai was in, they had to go and fight with Naluo.

When everyone was very nervous, Bai Jingyue suddenly waved his hand: "Don't be too nervous, it is unclear whether Naraku is in Bailing Mountain or not, we still have to confirm it ourselves."

Bai Jingyue said that it was also reasonable. The people first calmed down and then began to discuss how they would fight each other if Naraku was really in that mountain.

Finally, everyone decided to go to Bailing Mountain to check it out.

After sorting out the clothes, everyone embarked on the journey again, the goal-Bailing Mountain!

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