The Forbidden World

Chapter 1127: Winter's Fury

War broke out.


  The army of ghosts, as well as the many bones brought by Kagura, attacked Inuyasha and others together.


   Now Inuyasha has become a human being, at most it deals with a few ghost races. In the face of numerous ghosts and skeletons controlled by Kagura, the combat power is quite limited.


  Seven Treasures too, in this chaotic battle, it is really not useful, so they have to be with Ge Wei to protect Inuyasha behind the team.


   Considering that the opponent's leader had fragments of the Four Soul Jade, Maitreya's Fengxue was temporarily unavailable. In the end, only the main forces were Coral, Shiraizuki and Aoqi Qingzi.


   "Qingzi, Kagura has given you."


In terms of large-scale battles, Shiraitsu and Aoi Sakura must be more dominant among the three, but coral is obviously not a Kagura opponent in the one-on-one situation, so there is only one of Shiraitsu and Aoi Sakura. Holding onto Kagura, another person is in charge of the other's legion and the big monster Kai Langtai who is equipped with the jade of the four souls.


   Frost began to spread throughout the battlefield, and the coldness of Qin entered the soul gradually penetrated into all ghost races.


   If it is only the frost from outside, it is okay. With the physique of the ghost race, ordinary frost is not in the eyes at all, but this chill that enters the soul is unstoppable by them.


   Soon, all the ghost races were slow because of this chill, and while this time, Inuyasha and Maitreya, who had been suppressed, suddenly exerted their strength and began to harvest the ghost army with the coral.


   Seeing this, Kailang too no longer delays, directly draw a knife to Shirai Moon!


   That's right, the big monster Kailang too, is a ghost family who is good at using swords!


   is different from ordinary races. Ghost races are also diverse on the roads due to their differences in personality and other aspects. Among the four ghost kings, there are four roads with strange powers and chaos, and many ghost races have strange roads.


   These ghost races who did not go to **** and chose to stay in the world, because of their experience and the rendering of human history, many chose to fight similarly to humans.


   But this does not mean that they are weaker than other monsters.


   For example, in addition to his own special abilities, Kailang Tai can be regarded as excellent, and each sword is surrounded by powerful demon power and great power.


  To tell the truth, this kind of melee monster is very restrained by Inuyasha and others. First of all, Inuyasha's new arcane blasting was abandoned, and he could only fight close to attack.


  Secondly, it is difficult for several other people who belong to humans to attack under the attention of the other party, and even to defend is very difficult.


   If Shiraitsu and Aoi Saki are not here, the last time the demon-wolf leader Iron Fang was enough to cause downsizing the Inuyasha squad.


   But now Inuyasha is not the same as Inuyasha in the past. Inuyasha, who has mastered jumping skillfully, is completely afraid of these guys in the state of monster.


   In fact, the battle should have been given to Inuyasha. He would concentrate on dealing with those ghost army, but now it was just the sun, Inuyasha's demon power disappeared. In desperation, Shirai had no choice but to stop the opponent.


  Two weapons confronted several times in mid-air, then the two separated.


  Kai Lang's face is a bit daunting.


  After obtaining the Four Soul Jade to become a big monster, few people have been able to take his attack, not to mention that the other party is actually a human, which makes Kai Lang take it too seriously.


   "Human! What's your name!?"


"my name?"


  White Jingyue smiled slightly, flipped the skate in his hand: "The dead don't need to know my name."


   Binglan's long blade glowed with cold light, and Kailang felt a flash in front of him, seeming to flash the chill of his entire body from the blade, and this blade was cutting towards his face!


  Between life and death, Kailang too can't care much, lifted the long knife in his hand with the greatest strength, stab it at Shirai's chest, and moved his body slightly to the right.


  At the same time, behind Kai Langtai, thunder appeared!


   Five taiko drums composed of thunder form a circle, and the light flashes in the circle!


  In fact, this battle is not fair. He is a ghost. Even if he loses half of his body, it doesn’t matter as long as he is not hit, but humans will not work. As long as he is hit by a sting, humans will die!


   The other party is human, he is a ghost, if the human does not retreat, he earns!


   And if the opponent retreats, the thunder behind will hit the opponent!


   The human beings struck by the thunder can never stop their next blow!


   victory and defeat, will be divided soon!


There was a terrible smile on Kai Langtai's face. Bai Jingyue's statement that the dead man was unworthy of knowing his name was still stimulating Kai Langtai. He clearly had a better way to deal with Bai Jingyue's cut. He chose to pass with both defeats!


   At this moment, Kailang is questioning Shiraitsuki, and he dares to change his life.


   However, what Kailang did not expect was that a dazzling, Bai Jingyue's figure disappeared in front of him. Although Bai Jingyue did not cut him, the sharp blade in his hand was also stabbed in the empty space.


   It was at this time that Shirai's figure appeared from behind Kairoutai!


  Bing Lan's blade stroked lightly, she would split Kai Lang's body into two!


   It was at this time that the thunderbolt of Lei Taigu on Kailang's back finally burst out and flew towards Shiraitsu!


   is different from the blade that can't be stopped in hand, the angle of the lightning launch is omnidirectional without dead angle!


   Kai Langtai can be sure that before the blade of the human touches him, the human will be blown into the ashes by thunder!


   But what happened to Kailang is too difficult to understand, a thin ice wall suddenly appeared in front of Shirai, and blocked the sudden thunder!


"How can it be!"


   This is his most proud ability! Can be attacked and defended, the power is huge, almost impossible to avoid, and there is a bonus of the Four Soul Jade, but at this moment it is blocked by an ice wall! ?


   After blocking the thunder, the ice wall shattered, and Shiraitsu’s blade was close at hand!


   Kailang is also a little anxious, and the chill that appeared on the blade made him not dare to pick it up! In a hurry, Kai Lang, who was unable to turn around, simply pierced his abdomen with a knife!


   If Shiraitsu is going to continue to attack, this knife will be the same one!


  However, Kailang was so surprised that Shiraiuki disappeared again!


   These two extremely dangerous attacks are actually not actual moves! ? is Shiraitsu now?


   seems to be being played too far, Kai Lang too let Lei Taigu conduct a 360-degree bombing, intending to find Bai Jingyue's position.


   The problem is, he really found it!


   Just after they stopped fighting for the first time, Shiraitsu never moved! Bai Jingyue's blade at the moment was placed on the waist and his body squatted.


  The right hand gently rested on the handle, as if preparing something.




   Kailang Tai just opened, Shiraitsu moved, just a light and shadow interlace, Shiraiei has come to Kailangtai behind.


   "This trick is called [Winter's Fury], how do you feel?"


   Kailang struggled too much to say something, but he couldn't say anything.


   On his waist, an ice blue cut was so clear.


   Moreover, in just a few seconds, Frost covered the entire body of Kai Langtai at a speed visible to the naked eye!


   In the end, Kai Langtai seemed to be an ice sculpture, standing on the battlefield.


   Bai Jingyue came to the ice sculpture and touched it gently with his finger, the entire ice sculpture suddenly turned into the sky of ice dust!


   Kyoto monster belongs to, big monster Kailang too, death!


  G_Cup actress idol first shot A_V won the championship to watch online! Please pay attention to WeChat public account! : Meinvmei222 (long press for three seconds to copy)

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