The Forbidden World

Chapter 1126: Kyoto-like visitor

In the middle of a forest, several people looked at Inuyasha lying on the ground constantly sniffing and smelling, and there was a helpless face on his face. Burning Wen Xiao said, "Www?". ?r?a?n?w?e?n?a`com


   "How about Inuyasha? Did you smell it?"


   "Noisy! Don't distract me!"


  After roaring, Inuyasha sniffed like a dog on the ground as before.


   As always, Inuyasha absolutely disdains this method, because he is strictly a half-devil, not a dog.


  He also has his own self-esteem.


   Today, however, he smelled the trace of Naraku!


   Previously, the smell of Naraku, which was not smelt anyway, is so obvious today!


   Wrapped around the enclave of Naraku's city, I don't know why it was loose, even if I knew it might be a trap, Inuyasha had to go.


  However, no matter how he sniffed, the smell seemed to be sloppy, and he was only able to find directions, but he could not find the specific location.


   "Inuyasha has a bad nose, because today is the sun."


  Qibao's reminder made several people think of it suddenly. Today is the day when Inuyasha loses its power and becomes human.


   "Inuyasha, don't be too forced today."


   "Don't joke! It's hard to come here!"


   Even Ge Wei's persuasion could not make Inuyasha change his mind.


  He knew that he would become a human being today, but he really was not willing to give up this opportunity to find Naraku.


  Who knows if there will be such a chance next time?


   Maitreya couldn't see it anymore: "Calm down, Inuyasha. No matter if this is Naraku's trap or the weaknesses exposed, it is better not to act lightly today. Do you want Naraku to find you look like a human?"


   "As long as you can find the trace of Naraku, what about it?"


  Inuyasha is confident at the moment. Different from before, Inuyasha, which transforms jumping into its own moves, can use this move at any time even if it does not use iron broken teeth. In this way, even the new day, Inuyasha, who has become a human, has enough to kill monsters. power.


   And, beside him, there are so many excellent companions! What is he afraid of! ?


  Inuyasha said so, and everyone had to sigh, and then assisted Inuyasha to start searching for Naraku's location.


   Inside, except Shiraitsuki and Aoi Sakiko, all hope to find Naraku as soon as possible!


   And when everyone does not know, their images are reflected in one person's field of vision.


  In the quiet and quiet city, Kagura walked alone and bored.


   looked at the corpses scattered around the city, Kagura frowned: "This city is really breathless."


   As a wind that advocates freedom, Kagura really dislikes this poisonous city of death.


   As Kagura turned around, she suddenly found that Shen Wu was standing behind her!


   As its name [None], the silent Godlessness made Kagura startle.


   "What are you doing! Don't suddenly stand behind others!"


   God ignored the complaints of Kagura, but showed the mirror in his hand to Kagura.


   In the mirror, there are two images, one of which is a evil spirit dressed up like a samurai, leading a group of ghosts straight towards this side, it seems to have known this long ago.


   "Relief of Kyoto monsters?"


  Naro let God go to Kyoto to ask for reinforcements. Kagura already knew it, but I didn't expect that the other party would come over today. This time when Naraku disappeared.


   And the other scene was stunned by Kagura.


   Ge Wei and her party, she has been dealing with several times, she knows everyone, but at this moment, Inuyasha, who has become a human, surprised her.


   "That's Inuyasha!?"


  Although it is unbelievable, but the human wear is indeed Inuyasha's wear, and the sword iron broken teeth at the waist is as iron proof as the mountains!


   "How did he become like this one? Because it is a half demon? But I haven't heard of it"


   Kagura frowned a little.


   "Godless, does Naraku know about this?"


"do not know"


   "Forget it, I'll pick up the reinforcements and take a look at what happened to Inuyasha."


  In the absence of Na Luo, Kagura himself decided the action plan, as for leaving the city privately? The excuse of receiving allies is absolutely legitimate.


  Shortly after Kagura left the city with a pile of body guards, Inuyasha and others met the ghost army.


   Unlike the ghosts that the artist Hong Da had painted with the help of the Four Soul Jade, the ghosts brought by Kailangtai are real ghosts!


   Every ghost has a terrible breath!


   "Hey! Do you know that group of humans, is there a city of Naraku near here?"


   The burly figure Kai Lang came to Inuyasha and others and asked.


  As a ghost born under Luo Shengmen, generally speaking, he would be cruel to humans when he saw him.


   But he is so happy today.


   was entrusted with the task by the leader Yu Yihu to support allies who benefited the plan.


   If this thing is done, Yu Yihu promised to reward him with a piece of jade of four souls! He already had a piece of Four Soul Jade fragments and he knew the power of Four Soul Jade! Only one piece of debris strengthened all his strength, allowing him to cross that gap and become a big monster!


   If he gets another fragment, his power will become stronger!


  Ghost races that adore power, never dislike their power to increase!


   Therefore, in the city that is about to arrive in Naraku, Kailang, who did not find the specific location of the city, would ask these humans.


   It's a pity that Kailang too can't think of it. The person he chooses to ask is the crowd he shouldn't ask!


   "Are you looking for Lord Naraku?"


   When Shiraoi asked Kailangtai with a slightly respectful tone and harmony, everyone was ready to fight.


Bewildered by Shirai's tone, Kairo thought he had just hit the patrol staff of Naraku: "Are you a subordinate of Naraku? We are monsters from Kyoto, and your castle owner came to deal with that called Inuyasha Guy."


The fact that there are humans under Naraku, Kailang is not surprising at all. Their real leader, another name called Abe Harumi hundreds of years ago, ruled countless monsters and countless Onmyoji, Naraku Since it is a monster that is conducive to big plans, it must have its own uniqueness, and it is not uncommon to have the ability to conquer humanity.


   To Kailang too unexpectedly, after he said this sentence, the figure in the red suit of a group of people directly drew the knife!


  The strange power on the blade made Kailang too have to wait in line.


   After blocking the next blow, Kai Lang too looked at the people in front of him, and was about to question who these people were, when a figure was near!


   It was a young girl wearing a kimono, and it was also the favorite sacrifice of Yu Yihu, the object he caught most in the past!


   But This girl is about to kill him!


   The flash of light on the girl's hand made him afraid from the bottom of his heart!


   At this moment, the girl frowned, but her wrists were deflected, she stopped her attack, and then jumped behind everyone.


   And on the ground in front of Kai Langtai, a trace of a slash was clearly visible.


   "Are you the one from Kyoto? It's not a great thing. I was almost killed as soon as I met."


   Kagura's words made Kairo tremble too.


  At this time, he also understood what was going on. Before cooperating with him, he regarded the enemy as his own!


   "Kill me kill them!"


  With Kairoutai’s order, many evil spirits rushed towards Inuyasha and his party!


   Thailand's most female anchor's clothes can't cover the video online!! Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: meinvmei222 (long press three seconds to copy)! !

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