The First Mage

Chapter 1902: Scorpion

The target is those poisonous scorpions.

And this time he entered the group of stations, wielding many spells, and bombarded the poisonous scorpions intensively. Every time he shot, he would directly kill seven or eight poisonous scorpions.

In the back, there is the Shadow Wolf King. It enters the group of poisonous scorpions like a tiger into a flock of sheep. Under the frenzied killing, there is no poisonous scorpion in front to stop it, and the fur is lit up. The dense magic pattern looks like some kind of magic weapon.

This is the manifestation of its talented spells. Before, it needed to be activated to play these spells, but now, these spells can be used naturally in every move. This is a manifestation of the blood concentration increased to the extreme. As for it has formed a certain appearance.

At this time, this person and a wolf cooperated, it really can only be described by the way they are looking...

"You give me cover."

After seeing that he could support the situation, Lynch also said to the Shadow Wolf King, and then stopped, letting the Shadow Wolf King help him resist these poisonous scorpions, and he exuded magic power and swept around. Away.

Now, Lynch is looking for the virtual snake hidden in some kind of void...

This is Lynch's goal.

You must know that before, the virtual snake would be here to play the abacus of the oriole behind, completely because it felt that the two sides would fight a tie at the time, but now, after the emergence of the scorpion queen, it has suddenly broken this situation.

The human mage will definitely be wiped out by the entire army. If the scorpion queen finds out, then the virtual snake will be in trouble...

Instead of this, it is better to escape as soon as possible.

So I had to take the initiative to jump out, and even help the human mage to restore the situation.

I just want to use this method to keep the virtual snake...

After all, this thing is a greedy monster with a sinister temperament. As long as it can see a little opportunity, it is likely to continue to stay...

"Okay, first look towards the edge..."

At this time, Lynch was following Alex, looking for the trace of the virtual snake with all his strength...

It's just that after killing the battlefield, there has been no gain, so after a little thought, I threw a few buffing spells to the Shadow Wolf King, began to change directions, and continued to search...


As a result, the situation on the battlefield is somewhat weird.

Originally, the battlefield was just a confrontation between the two armies of the scorpion and the wizards.

But when Lynch joined in with the combination of a man and a wolf, the scene was very weird. As soon as they came up, they went to die with the poisonous scorpion group, but they seemed to be unfamiliar with the human mage, and even often the mage had difficulty there When fighting, when under great pressure, I suddenly felt the pressure cleared before me.

If you look closely, you will find that a giant wolf that you don't even know helped solve the battle.

Then there was a scream, abandoning myself and continuing to enter the battlefield...

What's all this...

Everyone was in a daze...

However, the stunned return is stunned. In any case, the wizards who entered here are all experienced characters. After they discovered that they have such a vigorous combat force to join the battlefield, they began to consciously move towards the Shadow Wolf King. One side moved closer.

No way, mainly because it really works.

No matter how strong the pressure was before, as long as they moved closer, the usual ferocious scorpions began to become jealous, not daring to step forward, which caused the pressure on everyone to drop sharply!

Although the Shadow Wolf King didn't have any intention to protect them, but wherever it went, it was simply a meat grinder pushing by. This brutal attack itself was the most powerful protection!

After joining the Shadow Wolf King, the wizards relied on the fierce output point of the Shadow Wolf King to prepare various spells and bombarded the poisonous scorpions.

At this moment, the entire battlefield was stirred by the Shadow Wolf King.

Just because of his joining, the situation that the human wizards had gradually lost, actually began to quickly pull back.

Even this scene started to arouse the attention of the great wizard who strangled with the queen scorpion...

At this time, the human wizards are advancing all the way, and they have no momentum for a while!

The problem is, this is not what Lynch wants...

Lynch joined the battle just to find the emptiness. He had no interest in being a savior at all.

"Master, what shall we do now?"

At this time, the Shadow Wolf King didn't feel anything, because the wizards got closer and even formed a layer of natural flesh shield for it accordingly. If you want to hurt it, you must first deal with these human wizards.

So it was rather energetic. With such a layer of meat shield, it was simply rampant, going wherever it wanted.

"Leave these people away."


"Ah what, who do you think you are? These people get together more and more. If you continue like this, sooner or later you will attract the attention of the scorpion queen. Once you get rushed, it will be too late to regret!

"I rely on..."

At this moment, the Shadow Wolf King was suddenly awakened by the cold water, and only then did he quickly look around.

It was then suddenly realized that it turned out that he had become a relatively large target during this period of time in the battlefield.

At this time, more and more poisonous scorpions gathered around him...

It's so dense that you can hardly see the end at a glance.

At this time, the Shadow Wolf King also swallowed his saliva suddenly.

No, you have to get out quickly!

If this continues, I really have to explain here!

Thinking of this, I couldn't worry about these meat shields, and I quickly wanted to throw them away.

But at this time, it was a little annoyed to discover that it couldn't get rid of it!

These meat shields followed the Shadow Wolf King, as if they were eating the marrow and knowing the taste, and would no longer stay away, just like chewing gum, clinging to the Shadow Wolf King.

When the Shadow Wolf Dynasty moved east, they headed east, and the Shadow Wolf King retreated, and they also retreated...

This look is almost like the Shadow Wolf King as a walking shield.

After several times, the Shadow Wolf King was also annoying.

"Damn, these guys are too much, use Lao Tzu as a shield, right?"

Annoying the hair goes to annoying the hair, but without Lynch's order, it would not dare to slap these annoying humans...

After all, they have to rely on them to contain those poisonous scorpions...

"Master, what do you do now?"


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