The First Mage

Chapter 1901: effect

Obviously, that armor has been urged to the extreme state, representing one of the killers of this poisonous scorpion king.

But the great wizard is not weak either.

From the battle between this moment, it can be clearly seen that this great magician has at least a dozen magic weapons on his body.

Each magic weapon has a different effect.

Defensive, increasing state, detoxifying, fast healing...

That's what one has everything, obviously in order to enter here, the preparation of this great wizard is sufficient.

And he was extremely skilled at using these magic weapons. With the cooperation of these magic weapons, they could offset most of the attacks of the Scorpion King, and he would be more calm when he counterattacked.

It can be seen that he wants to grind the king of poisonous scorpion to death bit by bit. It will be very slow, but it is also the safest way. At least it can ensure that he will not be injured, and there will be no What is too serious consumption...

For the savage environment he is in, nothing is more important than a sound and complete body.

It can be seen that this great wizard is also very experienced, and the choices made are all old and serious.

The idea is good...


At this moment, he didn't expect that suddenly there would be a scorpion three or four meters high, breaking out of the ground without warning!

I only got the figure of this poisonous scorpion, which was taller than the previous one, and the abdomen was high and bulging, the armor on the surface was thick and hard, and the surface was densely lined. It was somewhat similar to the magic rune.

It roared fiercely, shaking off the dust from its body, and standing there, like the king of scorpions.

The powerful momentum rippled away, and the incomparable oppressive force made all the wizards look horrified and looked at the past incredible.

At this moment, a group of poisonous scorpions were shivering and lying on the ground.

Under this powerful aura, both the poisonous scorpions and the mages were taken by its aura, and they even forgot to fight.

At this moment, even the king of the poisonous scorpion bowed his head slightly at this moment, as if in awe, stepped back a few steps, as if he was following...

This is more and more set off the power of this poisonous scorpion.

"What the **** is this?"

At this moment, after seeing this scene, the Shadow Wolf King was so shocked that he opened his mouth wide, and looked at the terrifying figure with horror, and could hardly speak.

The newly emerged poisonous scorpion roared fiercely, spreading over the air, the dozens of densely packed black eyes on the head suddenly swept into the crowd, and countless figures reflected in the black jewel-like pupils. There was a chill that made people shudder.

Even the great wizard's complexion suddenly became serious at this time, and the wizards behind him took a few steps back, clenching his staff and looking at this poisonous scorpion cautiously...

"Queen Scorpion..."

Lynch didn't expect to have such an appearance either, frowning and looking at the suddenly chaotic battlefield and the belly bulging behind the huge poisonous scorpion...

It can be seen that this head should be the queen of the entire scorpion group.

I should have thought of it long ago...

A group of poisonous scorpions of this size is not something a king of poisonous scorpions can gather casually.

It is reasonable to have a scorpion behind them.

It can be said that the entire scorpion group was conceived by this scorpion queen...

And the king of the poisonous scorpion who was confronting the Great Sorcerer just now was at best a fertility tool enslaved by the queen scorpion.

This end is the final boss...

"Master, what should I do now?"

The Shadow Wolf King was shocked immediately. Although there were not many poisonous scorpions on the sunset plain, there were a lot of gold eater ants, and that was the existence that even some Tier 5 monsters did not dare to provoke.

These ethnic groups are generally very large in number. Although the individuals are not strong, each is just a tool controlled by the queen. When fighting, it is called a fierce and undaunted death.

As long as the queen gives an order, they really dare to go anywhere.

For so many years, there is no shortage of Tier 5 monsters being swallowed into a skeleton by the ant colony on the sunset plain...

The Caucasus Mountains are more dangerous than the sunset plains.

The combat power of the poisonous scorpion group made him even more afraid to underestimate...

So at that time he quickly said: "Master, let's go back first, so as not to be discovered by these scorpions."

In his opinion, when the scorpion queen appeared, these mages were actually dead.

Nonsense, among this group of wizards, the strongest wizard can only deal with the king of poisonous scorpions, and fighting on both sides is enough for the queen of scorpions to give the rest Swallowed eight hundred times.

Then this great wizard is just struggling to death...

The idea of ​​picking up a bargain seems to have gone bankrupt. If he doesn’t leave, he might really want to steal the chicken and lose the rice...


"Come with me!"


However, while the Shadow Wolf King was still there, Lynch had already rushed out...

Seeing Lynch’s figure from behind, he was already submerged in, and the Shadow Wolf King was stunned at the back: "Hey, you fucking..."

But the rest of the story is too late to finish.

Because at this moment in the chaotic battlefield, Lynch has already rushed straight in...

At this moment, the Shadow Wolf King has gritted his teeth: "Sooner or later I will be killed by you."

After speaking, the Shadow Wolf King can only follow behind and rush over.

He followed Lynch closely along the way.

Fortunately, Lynch did not go directly into this battle, but quietly concealed his figure, coupled with the extremely fast speed and hidden whereabouts, although he rushed into the battlefield for a while, it did not cause anything. note……

And at this moment...

The scorpion queen roared fiercely, and then slammed to the big magician.

The Great Sorcerer also waved his wand with a solemn expression, brought a monstrous spell, and directly greeted him.

At this moment, it was as if the weird and quiet between this moment was shattered like a mirror.

Then the mages and countless poisonous scorpions on both sides seemed to have broken the deadlock all at once, and they began to fight together!

At this time, Lynch was in the crowd and started to take advantage of the chaos.

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