The First Mage

Chapter 1795: war

Everything turned from extremely static to extremely dynamic.

This is a battle between all races and elves.

I just saw countless humans, monsters, and orcs. At this time, these races, each with their own territory today, are like ants, densely composed of sea-like tides, on the vast ground, facing a magnificent and incredible The huge and gorgeous palace launched a decisive impact.

The weapons in their hands are of all kinds, some were taken from the hands of the elves, ornately decorated with magical elven thin swords or wands, and some were just rough and weakly magical two-handed giantswords, and some were even simple. It's just a bone, a broken shield.

In any case, at this time, this tattered army of various races, with their ridiculous weapons, issued a scream and fanatical roar toward the palace in front of them.

The sky has been stained with a **** color, and the dense army from the sky to the earth is ubiquitously attacking the palace, and the palace under this blood-colored sky is like bathing in a rainbow, spreading out the vast lawn. , Flowers still dripping with dew, carefully carved sculptures and decorations, all peaceful and elegant scenes have now become battlefields.

The exquisite armor of the elves has long been stained with blood, and the nobles in gold silk robes can no longer care about the grace of manners. They look in a hurry, their faces are frightened and angry, hiding behind the gorgeous gardens everywhere. , Clenching their wands, watched the elven soldiers in front howling and being submerged in the angry mob tide.

The nobles screamed and fled in the midst of the war. Unfortunately, at this time, there is still a high-level wizard in the sky with his feet on the clouds, holding a magic wand and various mysterious magic weapons, looking down like a **** who lashed at each other The nobles of the clan, whenever they find a noble outcropping, they will mercilessly burn it into ashes...

The blood-colored sky, the cracked earth, everything was an amazing scene of war.

Lynch looked at this apocalyptic scene, and at this moment only felt as if he had looked back and saw the day when the plane of glory collapsed.

But at this time, Lynch knew that all this was actually an illusion, the real self, at this time should be sitting on the gilded rose tower seat of the tower of inheritance.

However, at this time, he couldn't help being shocked by the scenes of this scene, as if he had been reborn thousands of years ago, witnessed, and even participated in that war...

"Where are the people at Oakland College?"

Lynch looked around desperately, trying to find someone related to Oakland College. He didn't forget his purpose of coming here to accept the heritage of Oakland College.

But after searching for a long time, I didn't see any signs...

Maybe I’ve seen it accidentally, but because Lynch hasn’t seen the face of his predecessor, he doesn’t know it. In addition, over the years, the spells of the academy have gone through several generations of changes. Great differences.

at last……

After I don’t know how long, the battlefield gradually became quiet...

The roar gradually calmed down, and the flames of war gradually extinguished.

Soldiers of all ethnic groups have already captured the entire palace, but at this time they don’t seem to be very happy. Maybe they don’t know how many years of resistance and fighting have left them numb, even if they have captured this vital palace. Let them cheer.

At this moment, they are like robots, acting silently. The slightly injured people help to converge the corpse and bandage the seriously injured companions, while the rest disturb the battlefield to find out if there is any fish that has slipped through the net.

Everything is so methodical...

It can be seen how proficient they are on these battlefields. With so many races and so many numbers, they can cooperate as one person, and there seems to be no barrier between them.

Obviously, this is the era of united writing. The coalition forces of all ethnic groups have resisted together for many years. The estrangement between races is no more than the pain of being oppressed together...

And at this moment...

But only to see that in this silence, I don't know who sent a signal, and it suddenly rang out, and a huge wave of magical power seemed to diffuse to all sides like a ripple.

At this time, I saw only a young mage stepping out in the clouds. His robe was hunting in the wind, and his black hair was dancing wildly behind him. He looked very young, but he was in his twenties, but his eyes In fact, there is some maturity and thoroughness that does not match the age.

His eyes swept around, and the high-ranking wizards nodded to him one after another. They didn't know what they said to each other, but the surrounding high-ranking wizards took a step back, seeming to raise their hands to him. The chest represents respect.

Then I only heard the young mage laugh out loud, and then raised his hand to outline it in the air, only to see a gate of space as high as one person, and it immediately took shape.

Then the young mage casually drew out a two-handed broadsword from an elf corpse on the ground, and then he held the broadsword against his shoulders with one hand, and with the staff in his hand, he headed towards the space without hesitation. The door stepped away.

The background is calm and chic...

Everyone was silent for a moment when they saw his back completely disappeared into the door of space...


The picture began to dim, and it became more and more unclear what was going on.


At this moment, Lynch’s mood is undoubtedly seeing that history is breaking a key page, and that mood can only be vented with swear words.

You know, the following history is too important to Lynch.

If nothing happens, it should be able to answer many questions.

The first is the two-handed sword.

Because the distance is too far, the picture is not very clear, and Lynch can't see clearly at all, is it the same as the two-handed sword he picked up in the Glory Plane!

Most importantly, where did this young man go?

After all, if it were really the same big sword, I'm afraid this young man is the dean in the legend.

And the most important thing is...

Did the dean go to the plane of glory?

If you did, what happened? What happened to him and the races hiding in the plane of glory?

Could it be said that the sights of the Radiant Plane really came from him alone.

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