The First Mage

Chapter 1794: leader

Lynch also nodded in agreement. The founding chief did not play a role in the battle to overthrow the Dark Dynasty.

This scene alone showed the oppressed races at the time, afraid that they could not immediately elect the founding dean as their leader?

"It seems that no matter how much the legend is overestimated, the dean is still a bit wronged..."

Lynch stood at the entrance of the corridor, looked at these, took a deep breath, and started to walk towards a round table in front.

This round table is in the center of a hall. The round table is generally made of some kind of metal, dark and heavy. After so many years, it still stands tall.

When Lynch approached, he could clearly see that the round table was very large, but there were only eight chairs fixed there. It seemed that the distance between each other was fixed, as if it was a symbol of each other. Equal status between the two.

Obviously, this place is the place where the seven tower owners of Auckland College discussed with a speaker.

And after getting closer, you will find that these eight chairs are all kinds of high-back chairs, with a somewhat vague symbol on the back of each chair.

Some are like a scorching sun, some are a spire hidden among the clouds, and some are stars twinkling in the night sky.

Obviously here are the symbols representing the towers.

And Lynch even found a rose from one of the chairs, a rose that was plated with gold leaf, or it was made of gold.

Each petal is slightly open and looks extremely delicate, seeming to come from the hands of skilled craftsmen. There is no doubt that this characteristic also represents the alchemical tradition of the gilded rose tower.

After countless years, this tradition has not been abandoned. It is still a famous sweatshop in the tower. It has to be said that the power of tradition is indeed strong.

"You sit here and try it."

At this time, Rudolph pointed to the location, with a mysterious smile on his face.


After Lynch was seated, there was no special feeling, except that the chair was cold, hard, and too tall and formal, with a sense of long-term vicissitudes, as if Lynch had been integrated into that ancient history after sitting on it. .

I just don’t know what Rudolph meant for sitting here...

Just as Lynch was looking around here curiously looking at these things, he suddenly discovered that a chair across from him seemed to be looking at him...

No, it's an illusion.

Lynch shook his head and dispelled the illusion. When he looked again, there was an eye engraved on the back of the chair.

An ordinary human eye, hidden in the fog, half hidden and half visible, just a few lines, but it seems to be looking into the future through the fog, revealing some mysterious meaning with prophetic nature.

"That person is the dean."

At this time, Rudolph’s voice suddenly sounded: "The Seven Towers were originally seven independent forces. Later, by mistake, they met with his old people one after another, and then he organized the Seven Towers and became the Auckland College. He was also the president of his entire life...Of course, after his death, Oakland College refused to accept anyone, and in the end he reluctantly established a chairperson position. In fact, it was a peaceful mud."

"Later, the name of the Dean became the highest position of the Auckland College. In history, only some talented wizards with overwhelming advantages can be suppressed after they have made great achievements [] Live with other voices and become the dean of their time."

"But these geniuses are just a short-lived one, and each one can take up to a few thousand years at most. fact, the dean is also a temporary phenomenon in history, one of the few."

"It turned out to be so."

"Okay, now drop a drop of blood on this round table..."

At this moment, Rudolph finished talking about history, and said, patted Lynch on the shoulder.


Lin Qi is a little bit confused. In the use of blood by magic, it is generally used to sign various treaties. If you take the initiative to drip a drop of blood, it is very likely that you will sign something strange without knowing it. Strange treaty, becoming a slave to a certain **** great demon.

Therefore, the wizards are extremely careful about their blood spilling.

Of course, injuries in the battle are not counted...

Mainly various mysterious rituals...

Of course, Lynch wouldn't doubt what Rudolph would do to himself, just out of the habit of a powerful wizard.

Then Lynch didn't think much about it. He raised his hand and pinched casually with his fingernail, and soon a small wound opened a gap.

After that, I saw only a red blood dripping from the palm...

Along the palm lines, it landed on this round table...

Following this, a violent roar suddenly sounded in Lynch's ear.

"What the hell?"

This roar was so real, it seemed to be blasting in the ears, with unwillingness, despair and anger in the voice, it was deafening, and it almost deafened Lynch’s ears.

But before Lynch could react, everything in front of Lynch had changed.

Round tables, chairs, and even Rudolph.

Everything in front of Lynch seemed to be rapidly elongated in space, pulling these things into thin strips, and finally disappearing in the gaps of space, while Lynch only felt as if time and space were dislocated, and his mind became It was blurred, and he couldn't make accurate judgments about his location and time for a while, and the whole person became extremely dull.

This feeling reminded Lynch of the scene when he witnessed the glorious plane before being collapsed...

Time, space, life.

Therefore, it is certain that everything that constitutes the basis of one's own cognition is fast moving away from oneself, making oneself unable to grasp everything. All that can be seen in front of him is nothingness, a meaningless nothingness...

Even after Lynch had lost this most basic perception, he didn't know how long his consciousness had stopped in this emptiness...

Maybe it's a moment...

Maybe another hundred years...


What gives Lynch meaning again is the burning of flames and the roar of war.

Lynch opened his eyes, and suddenly broke into his eyes, it was a tragic sight filled with blood and flames.

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