The First Mage

Chapter 1789: Burnt

But at this moment, when Lynch walked to one of the rooms, he hesitated for a while, stopped slightly, and glanced inside.

"This seems..."

At this moment, Lin Qi was a little confused, as if there was something he couldn't figure out. You must know that with Lin Qi's current strength, you can see the whole picture at a glance, but there are not many things that confuse him.

But now, the archmage who led the way quickly explained: "This place actually holds a human being. It was captured by the tower owner from other planes during a trip to the plane before. The tower owner has ordered it, no With his permission, no other people are allowed in, do you want to meet?"

Rudolph's request is of course important, and violations are not tolerated, but now with Lynch's status, it is actually equivalent to Rudolph's level, so the current archmage is also diligent in asking.

However, Lynch just looked across the door for a while, then took his gaze back, smiled and said, "Since it is the teacher's order, don't make an exception, let's go."

Only at night, after Lynch and Alex were the only ones left in the room, Alex went to the side and crawled to the side to sleep, but Lynch looked thoughtfully. On the wall.

To be precise, it was the human being held on the other side of the wall.

Because just now, Lynch discovered that something was wrong with this human being, and he actually felt that this human being could peep at himself through the door.

What's more surprising is that Lynch took a look at the magic power, and found that this human being did not have the slightest magic power, which was strange.

He is an ordinary person, actually has this ability?

This is not easy.

After a while, Rudolph came over after hearing about what happened in Lynch's room. Lynch asked this question, and Rudolph said.

This is an aboriginal child he picked up from another plane that was colonized. Originally, this child should have been reduced to a slave, but it was only because Rudolf found out that he had this talent, he picked it up.

It's just that Rudolph wants to see if he has any other abilities, so I put it here for research. If there is no worsening of digging, after a while, he will be allowed to study with other disciples.

In fact, this kind of thing is not too few, there are so many planes, each plane is different because of the environment, and the people living in it will occasionally have some abnormal changes.

Among the other towers, including the gilded rose tower, there are more or less such examples. Among them, the gilded rose tower is not the most. The scarlet tower, which specializes in various alien creatures, is The leader in this research...

In contrast, the other thing Rudolph mentioned is more concerning to Lynch...

"The invitation letter for the Heart of Storm auction has been sent."

Speaking of this, even if it is Rudolph’s sophistication, there is a sense of expectation in the words. You know, the Heart of the Storm auction is the most prosperous auction in Andalusia. All forces and some powerful figures , Will receive invitations, and this time, their gilded rose tower has a lot of things that can be auctioned or exchanged for.

There will be a bumper harvest in this auction.

"I have made a list here. We will use it next. If you have anything you want, you can add it."

When he said that, he just took out a list, most of which are used in the entire gilded rose tower.

In fact, this is also the duty of the tower owner. Although it is possible to drive the power of the entire tower for its own use in ordinary days, it is also necessary to seek various resources for the development of the tower.

Only when they complement each other can they go further.

"There is also the inside of the tower. The major colonial planes have already handed in various resources. I think it is possible to exchange resources through this auction..."

Next, Rudolph has more things to talk about...

The previous practice of passing on the position of the tower master to Lynch seems to be just a strategy, but now Lynch can feel that the teacher himself is probably not as simple as just talking.

Rather, he was really gradually discussing various things inside the tower with himself.

From the recent status of the major private planes, the situation near Auckland College, the attention of the Auckland Council, and even the important appointments within the tower...

It's almost nothing.

It was only then that Lin Qi felt that, as a teacher who usually seemed to be quite reckless, he actually planned everything so carefully in his stomach.

In this way, it took a whole night of things, and even the various important matters inside the tower were less than half of them.

Lynch felt that he was not so tired even after going through a battle...

Although he has not really accepted the Gilded Rose Tower, but Lynch can already feel it, no wonder Rudolph is so proactive. It seems that this errand has brought great power, but if you want to do it well, it is true Very hard.

It’s hard to imagine how Rudolph can take care of so many things...

No wonder now that everyone sees a disciple who is a little accomplished and takes the initiative, it seems that he has been tortured not lightly over the years...

In the end, by the early morning of the next day, Rudolph was full of energy, as if he had let go of the burden of many years, while Lynch was yawning again and again, and a majestic wizard was tortured with dark circles.

At the same time, on the desk in the room at this time, there is still a thick layer of sheepskin scrolls and other materials. These are the results of this evening and are related to the arrangements of the entire gilded rose tower...

And this is just the beginning of a long transition and adaptation...

At this time, Lynch could understand why some tower owners would stay away all year round and would not want to return. They really didn’t bother to deal with these tasks...

When they got out of the room, the two of Lynch went to Holman again...

But when he got to Holman’s room, Rudolph suddenly remembered that there were too many things to talk about last night, and he forgot to ask, how did Lynch suddenly think of a way to be confident that he can enter the inheritance smoothly. He even left the meeting with confidence yesterday.

And then, soon he knew...

At this time, Holman in the room was also very utterly burnt.

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