The First Mage

Chapter 1788: room

Lynch rolled his eyes.


"Wait, you won't really pee in my room, do you?" Lynch's suspicious gaze fixed on Shadow Wolf King's crotch.

"So, what..."

At this time, Alex, who wanted to be praised, was so arrogant that he couldn't help but become a little bit irritated, and said verbally, "Anyway, I'm holding them back. The delay... can be scared. Urine?"

Then there is a delaying tactic, showing that the enemy wants to cover up with weakness...

For a time, there was a cheerful atmosphere in the venue.

"Okay, you have merit..."

At this time, Lynch did not continue to hit, but smiled, nodded and said: "You should have been noticed by the academy."


"Hehe, those old guys in the academy don’t have a fuel-efficient lamp. You probably didn’t notice it just now. During that whole battle, there were some magical powers with a peeping aura lingering around. I’m afraid the battle just now was already It is displayed on several crystal **** at the same time..."

"What..." Hearing this, the Shadow Wolf King was shocked: "Someone was peeping just now? Why didn't you say it earlier? What are they trying?"

"Hehe, for those old guys, the entire academy is their surveillance area. Can things in their own territory be called peeping?"

"..." Only then did the King of Shadow Wolf take a deep breath, knowing that he had lived in such a comfortable place during this period of time, but it was not as peaceful as it seemed...

At this moment, after experiencing the battle just now, after Lin China broke through to the Great Sorcerer, he repaired a new room. It was a mess for a long time. There was almost no place to stay. So, Lin just now Qi said that he had to give the bill to the two people, not just talking, it was really costly. "

Fortunately, with Lynch’s current identity, it’s a matter of minutes to find another place to live. There is no need for him to worry about it. Naturally, at this time, Lynch’s heart is really just in the fight. Those few peeping eyes...

In fact, you don’t need to guess. Those who just looked at the councillors who didn’t show up at the meeting, and I’m afraid they are still the strongest among them, because Lynch can clearly feel that there are two titles in them. Sorcerer's breath.

The strength of Oakland College really cannot be underestimated...

These forces are the pillars that maintain the true reputation of Auckland College on the road.

But what made Lynch most curious was that among those peeping eyes, there was one that actually made Lynch feel that there was a hint of danger.

It's not easy...

You know, even though Lynch is only a great wizard today, but in terms of actual combat ability, Lynch, who has been tempered by life and death, can be said to be better than 90% of the great wizard.

Just like just now, even Wolf, Meyer's kind of prestigious veteran master, will be deflated when facing Lynch.

Even when Lynch faced the titled wizards like Rudolph and Holman, he only felt a slight pressure, but he did not feel dangerous.

It seemed that the aura that made him feel dangerous, his true strength should be a high-level existence among the titled wizards.

But these will be said later, anyway, this class of characters, it is impossible to be like Wolf's kind of the most junior tower owner, who wants to advance and wants to go crazy, tearing his face to target his own treasure house.

Even if you really want to tear your skin, isn't there still Rudolph...

Over the years, he has not been a fool in the Oakland Academy. The status of a veteran alchemy master may sometimes be more important than his magic level.

Next, let's enter the land of inheritance first.

Although he became the Great Sorcerer, he must not be taken lightly. He had to advance as soon as possible. After seeing the corpse of the heavenly rank, Lynch really felt that the magic level of the Great Sorcerer in this district was actually nothing. , For example, those other existences may silently fall in a forgotten corner, becoming a figure disappearing in history, and there is no reason for complacency...

Thinking of this, Lynch didn't care about these old guys' practices anymore, but just grabbed a passing apprentice and asked him to find the mage in charge of this aspect and find a place for himself.

Soon, a middle-aged archmage in his forties walked carefully, saying that he had found a suitable place to live for Lynch.

This time I walked and vowed to guarantee that this time the place is definitely the safest place in the entire gilded rose tower. It is impossible for any irrelevant person to find it casually. I and others did not keep Lynch at the door and open up...

To be honest, this is no wonder they are, after all, no matter what, when you don't know the specific situation, you can't stop the high-levels of other high towers from directly indiscriminately rushing in.

After all, the high-level is the high-level. If you inadvertently offend any one, the low-level wizards like them can't afford to offend them, especially when they are middle-aged, they are still only the people of the great masters. They may still be considered personal objects outside. Auckland College, a place like the Gilded Rose Tower.

This means that they have no future, they can only do their job safely, and eat their food with the behemoth of Auckland College.

No matter how much better than mixing outside...

And if a senior like Lynch is dissatisfied with what happened just now, just a word, I am afraid that their stable life will no longer be able to sustain...

"You're wronged here for one night, we'll rush to work, and promise to clean up for you tomorrow morning..."

The nagging along the way, after almost two or three minutes of walking, the middle-aged archmage finally led Lynch to a residence.

It seems that the area here is quite large. The reception room and the meditation room are all available, but it is somewhat shabby, and on both sides are closely connected doors. It seems that the atmosphere is somewhat strange.

"This is the place where the tower master studied all kinds of anomalous creatures. The rooms next to them were previously prison cells, and some anomalous creatures were held. Of course, they are all emptied now... This place is strictly guarded and no one will bother you."


Lynch looked at it, and didn’t dislike this place. He had also heard about this place before. Rudolph had indeed studied abnormal beasts for a period of time, such as the changes in the elemental environment on the sunset plain before. The monsters with abnormal changes will be kept in this place if they are caught by Rudolf.

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