The First Mage

Chapter 1758: Big crisis

There is no doubt that it must be a great crisis that will destroy the entire elven dynasty...

But at that time, the elven dynasty came here with the last and the most elite power. What kind of power could threaten the life and death of the entire elves?

It must not be a human mage, because after being here for so long, Lynch has been seeing all ancient races, but he has never seen a human being.

It seems that the dark dynasty's protection work was really good at that time, and human beings have really been hidden...

But it still led to this big crisis...

Of course, these were just speculations on a whim, but I don’t know why, as soon as this idea came to my mind, it always lingered, making Lynch think about this...

But after thinking about it for a while, Lynch also knew that he couldn't think of a result until he died.

Following Lynch, he shook his head, no longer thinking about it.

In any case, it is better to deal with Augustus's body first.

According to previous experience, these corpses should have lost all their vitality after countless years, so as long as the other masters die, but rashly use their feet, they should not cause any trouble.

If you look closely at the details, you should be able to feel something different...


Just as Lynch took a step forward, his face suddenly turned pale.

Because at this time, Lynch suddenly felt...

In this place, there is a murderous intent.

A deadly murder.

Although it was just a feeling, it was so strong and real, it was as real as holding a knife against one's throat with a person.

One step forward is death.

Lynch did not dare to take risks.

Because of this feeling, he saved his life in previous crises.

At this time, Lynch took a few steps back quickly, and finally escaped from the shadow of this crisis. He was relieved immediately.

But Lynch still didn't dare to be careless, frowning and carefully observing the situation of the Elf King not far away.

At this time, after thinking about it, I finally felt unwilling, but this time naturally I didn't go there in person, but raised his hand to summon an alchemy puppet and sent it to him.

As a result, what happened later made Lynch very thankful for his sanity...

Because just when the alchemy puppet was unwilling to pass by, I only saw that in the void, there seemed to be countless sharp blades suddenly appeared. Just as the alchemy puppet flew away, these sharp blades were on the alchemy puppet one by one. The cut, the scars one after another, are very fine and sharp...

In the end, this Alchemy Puppet, which came from the hands of Lynch and almost had a Tier 3, turned into countless fragments in this silence.

Seeing the fragments floating in the sky, Lynch also took a deep breath.

Then, Lynch took a deep look at the elf king, and no longer hesitated.

Turn around and leave.

What a joke.

This Elf King is good, but there are countless traps around him, not to mention that there is something weird in front of him. Lynch feels that his life is still long and there is no need to go to death.

Anyway, the treasure house of the Elf King has fallen into his own hands. Although he himself is also a great treasure that is infinitely valuable and even completely surpasses his treasure house, there is no need to die for it...

Although Lynch wanted something good, he didn't lose his mind to the point of dying for it.

Lynch sometimes seemed to deal with the things he had experienced before in a risky way, but in fact, unless it was forced, he would only do it with a 70-80% certainty.

In the next two hours, the two carefully circumvented a certain space, and then continued to explore the vicinity in the old way.

The main thing is to find out what kind of battle the elf king went through before his death, and whether there was anything falling around him.

But in the place where the Elf King fell, there really seems to be nothing else...

Lynch has been looking around here for more than an hour, but still nothing.

At this time, Lynch couldn't help but mumble.

It seems that until now, every Heavenly Rank powerhouse encountered is nothing but a corpse floating there.

But their opponent?

Shouldn't their opponent be nearby in a battle?

Or they are the losers, so they will be here after death...

Many thoughts popped up in Lynch's mind.

But in the end, after nothing was found, he didn't think much anymore, but continued to use the space array and continued searching around here.

But after almost five or six hours of shopping, this time, nothing was found.

Everything I saw before my eyes was an endless void.

And almost two hours later, the two talents finally found out.

This time, what they found was the corpse of a giant dragon!

Despite seeing so many weird things along the way, Lynch has already prepared in his heart, but when he saw this giant dragon, he still couldn't help feeling shocked in his heart...

Such creatures as giant dragons are worthy of being the real top-level existence between heaven and earth.

In its heyday, the elven dynasty did not have many races without slavery. This dragon clan was one of them, but unlike the dwarves, the elven dynasty and the dragon clan had not actually had a formal war.

Although all kinds of frictions are indispensable, wars have never happened once.

The reason is also very simple, the dragon is too strong.

It is the kind of naked, unconcealed strong.

There is no need for any effort, no need to find any treasures, no need to struggle for anything.

From start to finish, they only need to eat, sleep, play, eat, sleep, and play quietly.

You don't even need to study, as long as you grow up, you can naturally become a dominant existence between heaven and earth.

This is the top talent that makes the proud elves bow their heads.

That is to say, each of the giant dragons is extremely arrogant, if it weren't for the existence of the dragon king, then no one would really accept it, and without foreign invasion, they would do it first.

Otherwise, once the dragon is born to fight for supremacy with the elves, even if it is due to absolute numbers, they cannot compete with the elves, and it will definitely cause a lot of trouble to the elven dynasty.

A scene where hundreds of dragons form an army and hundreds of forbidden magics are activated together.

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