The First Mage

Chapter 1757: Augustus

For example, those famous swordsmen in history, the swords in their hands are professionally polished and refined by famous experts. Many of them are made of some indelible material. Only that material can resist. The power that broke out when two powerful swordsmen clash.

Of course, those materials can certainly withstand the obsolescence of a long time...

But the only bad thing is that it is likely to be like before, in order to find an existence like the king of dwarves, aimlessly in the void do not know how long to look for.

That kind of loneliness and loneliness will definitely drive people crazy...

After making the decision, Lynch told a few people around him and told them that he could choose to stay or leave.

They were shocked when they learned that Lynch had to continue searching, and after hesitating in the end, the other two people except Palin chose to leave.

However, compared with the previous group of people who left, they still got some benefits.

According to Lynch, he felt that he was the only one who got the benefits, but the act of constructing life was to let everyone take risks together. For the sake of fairness, he would give enough compensation after he went back.

Just such a sentence made everyone feel satisfied.

Then when I left, there were no complaints, and I felt that I was here for nothing.

And Palin stayed...

The reason is obvious.

Following Lynch, when did he suffer?

As for now, it would be beneficial to go back, but how can you continue to follow Lynch in the future?

"Next, you can look for it with me..."

As Lynch said, he just talked to Palin about his plan. Probably, the two of them still used the space jump method to explore this place, but this time it was not as rough as before, but every time they went, Use the eyes of the wizard to explore the surroundings and look for existences like the King of Dwarves.

After speaking, the two immediately began to do it.

As for the process, it will definitely not go smoothly...

Just like before, the two of Lynch began to jump quickly in this space. This process lasted almost two hours, still nothing.

What he saw was still the boundless silence, almost driving people crazy.

And still, the two of them have stayed here for a long time, and they are somewhat accustomed to this dead silence, so this time they are still irritable, but under the motivation to find the corpse, they can almost adapt.

at last……

I don’t know how many times after walking out of the teleportation formation, Lynch suddenly felt a cold behind him, as if a pressure was not far away, and in front of this pressure, he seemed to be an ant on the ground. , I can hardly breathe under pressure...

But Lynch was pleasantly surprised.

Because this feeling made Lynch very familiar.

This was the case with the nine-headed viper before, and the same with the dwarf king later.

Is this a corpse of a heavenly rank again?

At that time, Lynch could not wait to get close to the past.

Although he was prepared in his heart, what he saw next still made Lynch's heart miss a beat.

It was an incredible body.

He is more than two meters tall, his body proportions are coordinated to the extreme, his body is extremely well-proportioned, and his skin is white to almost transparent. Although he has blond hair for many years, he still has a faint golden luster at this time. Wandering quietly.

And the feeling of his face is just two words, exquisite.

Exquisite to the extreme...

The beauty of the facial features is like fragile porcelain, without any superfluous, the whole person is simply a creation of God.

He was wearing a black and gold mage robe, and in his hand he held a scepter that was also more than two meters high, with a mysterious blue gem on the top of the scepter.

But now, what shocked Lynch the most was the words written on the scepter.


It is Augustus who is the master of the land of the Elf King’s transformation ritual that I have explored before!

All of a sudden, Lynch’s mind exploded.

Augustus really is not in his grave, but here!

It also became a corpse.

What happened in the middle? Augustus, who had been prepared for the transformation ceremony, would give up all and choose to come here...

Just like other strong celestial ranks, they fell here.

He was also for that war?

The shock in Lynch's heart was like a stormy sea at this time, it was simply unquenchable.

This is so shocking.

This news went back, I was afraid that it could directly shock the entire Anriel continent, and countless legends and speculations about Augustus and the elven dynasty had to be rewritten.

Some big event must have happened in this place.

A big event that directly rewrote the ending of the entire Elven Dynasty, and even changed countless planes without everyone knowing it.

To be sure, the current prosperity of mankind will be blessed by this event invisibly.

Otherwise, it is hard to imagine that after the war, human beings and other races will fall into a period of weakness, and the elven dynasty will counterattack after careful conditioning in this rich plane.

And once the counterattack, what will be the result?

Fortunately, all of this disappeared in this big event...

At this time, Lynch was finally able to determine the time of this mysterious event.

Needless to say, it must be before and after Augustus disappeared in history.

If you go a little further, Augustus still has traces in history. At that time, he led his own briar legion many times and caused a lot of trouble to the human mages, and at a later point, the legendary Augustus has disappeared. not see……

It seems that he disappeared, just came here...

For this reason, even the transformation ritual to live again was ignored.

But this time, Lynch finally calmed down slowly after being shocked for a long time.

No matter how you say it, you should figure out this big event, because this event may still be present, and it is invisibly affecting the direction of history.

I don't know why, Lynch always feels that maybe the catastrophe that led to the destruction of the entire Anriel world might be related to the disaster in the current Glory Plane?

After all, what can make Augustus come here regardless of his ritual?

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