The First Mage

Chapter 1721: magical

Although Pyroblast and other spells are more explosive, in order to prevent the collapse of the whole from causing many unpredictable consequences, it is safer to use Corrosion.

As everyone watched nervously, that barrier slowly melted in the acid, turned into mucus, dripped down, and gradually a ray of light emerged from it.

The world in front of me suddenly opened up, the endless desert, the sun high in the sky, and the hot wind blowing in the air, as if I took a breath, I could feel a tingling sensation of sand passing through my throat.

And there is a rich magical power rippling in the air, only this is different from the life tree maze that isolates the outside world...

This made everyone convinced that what he was in was no longer an illusion...

Because no matter how magical the illusion is, it can't simulate the magic created by nature...


Standing here, whether it was Lynch or anyone else, it was a moment of confusion.

In this place, there will be the tomb of the Elf King?

At a glance, they are all boundless deserts.

Where can I find this?

"Oh shit……"

At that time Noel couldn't help cursing: "This place is not right, what the **** is this Elf King doing?"


At this moment, Lynch frowned suddenly, shook his head and said: "This place shouldn't be the tomb of the Elf King..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Knowlton looked at Lynch in surprise. This is a big deal. If he finds the wrong location, it will delay the big deal.

At the very least, my teacher's search may be lost...

"It means that we might all be mistaken..."

At this time, Lynch had already squeezed a handful of fine sand, as if he had confirmed something, and threw it away, shook his head regretfully.

"What do you mean, please make it clear."

"Even when the elven dynasty is about to end, it has always been rich in treasures. It stands to reason that it is impossible for them to give the tomb of an elven king a desert existence that is insulated from the breath of life. This is definitely an extremely offensive behavior during the elven dynasty. Unless they are trying to create internal divisions, this behavior is definitely a fantasy..."

"Then...what the **** is this place?" Noel frowned, and he couldn't help but believe Lynch's judgment.

This place is indeed inconsistent with the customs of the Elven Dynasty...

But in this case, what happened to the murals that I saw just now?

Are the murals that record the deeds of a fairy king in his life are also fake?

"This is not clear, but I think of some legends..." Lynch said after a moment of hesitation: "There is a saying that when the elven dynasty was about to fall, their great elven kings were deeply disturbed, so they left one after another. After playing a variety of backhands, such as transforming oneself into a magic circle of some kind of undead, this place is not only the cemetery of the dark dynasty, but also this desert that violates the breath of life, but it is somewhat consistent with this legend. Got up."

"No, undead?"

Hearing this, the group of people turned pale.

What is the existence of the Elf King? Before he was alive, he was a cruel person who wiped out many races in all major planes.

Now they turned out to be undead?

How strong should this undead creature be?

No, no matter how strong they are, it’s not something they should worry about. Even if they exist, no matter how bad their strength drops, once they awaken, I’m afraid they can move all of them with their fingers. No, it also includes all the explorations above. The team is wiped out.

"I don't think you need to worry too much."

"Damn, what are you talking nonsense? You said it was you who transformed the undead, and it was you who said you don't need to worry, do you have any more words." Noel was also anxious.

It wasn't just Noel anymore. The others looked at Lynch nervously, which was what they wanted to say.

"Can you just listen to me."

Lynch looked at everyone helplessly and shook his head: "How could it be possible that such important transformation rituals have only such a little protection? After breaking in, let alone us, even a titled wizard can live. No more."

"Therefore, there is only one reason why we are safe now, and that is that either this Elf King has been transformed, or that this place has failed."


Having said this, the talents were a little relieved, and they immediately discussed various possibilities, and they felt that Lynch's analysis should be correct.

Only Lynch stood in the desert, looking into the distance, but there was a doubt in his heart, and he didn't say it to everyone.

That is all the way into this place, will it be a little too smooth...

Yes, it went so well.

Lin Qi didn't expect that at the time, he was just trying to analyze the tree of life, and he could easily crack the maze and enter here.

This doesn't match the degree of danger here...

Even if it was the age of the Elf King, countless years have passed, and most of the mechanism arrangements have already failed, but in any case, it should not be that simple to come in.

Anyway, at the beginning, Lynch was prepared to make a major sacrifice.

But all the way to here, no one died?

This is not so much a miracle, it is not a weird one...

Visiting the place where an Elf King slept last, not even a single person died, this is simply an insult to the top powerhouses of all races who died when fighting the Elf Dynasty.

Could it be that……

Someone has been here before and destroyed all the institutions?

This speculation suddenly came to mind, and Lynch couldn't help but move his heart and fell into thinking.

If so, then it makes sense...


Who will this person be?

Just when Lynch was puzzled, Noel already cursed there: "Damn, what should I do if it is not the tomb of the Elf King? My teacher has put so much energy into it, is it all abolished? These chambers of commerce are also waste, even this point. If we haven't confirmed it clearly, we dare to let us come here, it's almost death.

"Then you can go back." Lynch glanced at him and said indifferently.

"Go back? Huh, what you want is beautiful. Let me go back. You continue to look for it. Are there any other benefits here? Tell you, this time I have followed to the end. If there is no gain that can make up for our loss, go out. Then settle accounts with those chambers of commerce!"

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