The First Mage

Chapter 1720: Corrosion


I don't know why, when he saw Lynch's cold gaze, Noel actually had a kind of fear in his heart, that kind of feeling, as if he was facing Adam.

But this is a ghost, what kind of character is Adam? In the previous life, he was the leader of the Northland Icefield tribe who did not blink. Lynch is just a young wizard. The two sides are not comparable at all. What is there to be afraid of?

But no matter how Noll did psychological construction for himself, the fear still took root in his heart and lingered. In any case, he didn't dare to say more.

"Well, it's not that there is no way to break the game..."

"Huh? Merlin, did you think of a way?"

Hearing what Lynch said, everyone's eyes lit up and they asked quickly.

"This tree of life is dead after all. Although there is still a spatial maze formed in the body, it still belongs to the category of alchemy. Since it is alchemy, there is a way to crack it, but the way will be a bit special, everyone Now we will study separately and discuss together later. In any case, since the tree of life is dead, it is impossible to make trouble, so everyone is safe now..."

"it is good."

"no problem."

Hearing Lynch's analysis for everyone, everyone took a reassurance pill. Since there was no danger for the time being, everyone gradually settled down. At that time, they split up and began to analyze the puzzle with their own research methods.

Although Noel didn't say anything, his face still didn't look good, and he didn't talk any more nonsense this time, and he immediately devoted himself to the analysis.


As time passed by, Knoll felt more and more difficult, frowned, and at the same time turned out a piece of parchment, sometimes pondered, and quickly wrote a series of formulas on it, and after doing some calculations Scrap again, but continue, repeating...

In fact, everyone is the same. The maze left by the entire tree of life is too huge. Everyone can only use the road they have traveled as the basic data, and apply them to various spatial calculation formulas. , Trying to figure out the overall scale, and then determine where the outstanding people are now.

But no matter how the calculation is done, everyone has nothing to gain...

Suddenly, Lynch broke the silence.

"Well, everyone now uses my data to calculate."


"You already have results?"

Lynch's words, like a stone ignited a thousand waves, suddenly caused a burst of surprise.

But then, Lynch showed his parchment, with countless complicated data and symbols written on it, but this did not stop these alchemists. They immediately saw a dozen critical data from it.

For them, this is equivalent to immediately constructing an outline for everyone's calculations, and the prototype of the entire maze is depicted. Although various details are missing, it is not a problem.

The framework has been set up, and then everyone only needs to fill in the remaining data.

This is much simpler...

Suddenly, everyone felt a burst of clarity before their eyes.

The sound of calculation rustling on the parchment sounded again. Based on Lynch's data, countless formulas and data were listed.

I have to say that these alchemists who can be selected to enter the tomb of the Elf King are very dry. They have no clue just now, mainly because there is no breakthrough point at all, and there is no way to count.

But now that Lynch has provided this breakthrough, the progress has become fast.

After waiting for almost an hour, everyone pieced together their results, and everything became clear at a glance.

"It seems that we are now in the middle of the entire tree. From this data, it seems that this position is a shortcoming of the tree. That is to say, as long as we make a breakthrough here, we can directly break the tree. Out!"

This parchment full of data, in the eyes of alchemists such as Lynch, can be seen directly as a clearly depicted map. Soon, Lynch clicked on a string of data. After finishing speaking, he said to everyone : "Do you have any opinions."

"There is a problem. We can't use too strong force, otherwise it may cause the whole body to collapse. The force control must be accurate, and the position determination must be accurate to the size of a palm. This is a bit troublesome..."

A forty-something alchemist frowned and said.

"Strength control is not a problem. Everyone present can find out. It just needs a person to guide this force to determine the location, and to fix the location of the drop point at any time according to the destruction of the defect."

While everyone was discussing, everyone turned their attention to Lynch and Noel again.

I have to say that among the people present, these two are the strongest.

This is really recognized.

After all, although the two had been fighting constantly before, everyone could also see that these two people were indeed outstanding.

"I'll be sure to fix the position at any time." Lynch smiled.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Noel also sneered with disdain: "If I didn't cooperate, I would have left."

Noel snorted lightly from his nose, but didn't say anything. Before replacing it, Noel would have to talk a lot of nonsense, but now, Lynch has shown his alchemy ability that is absolutely incompatible with his age. At this point, there is nothing to worry about.

To be honest, he would really worry about it if others were to determine the position here...

Especially just now, after seeing that Lynch had actually calculated the entire maze frame first, Noel could even see some things that others couldn't see.

Not to mention anything else, that talent-like insight is not something anyone can have.

Noel even felt that maybe this guy's talent really should be higher than himself.

This is a reality that is difficult to admit. This is what happened to remind him over and over again that it might be true.

Now that everyone is on the same boat, Knoll has to admit that Lynch is indeed the best collaborator at this stage.

No matter what kind of grievances, it is better to go out first...

"Corrosion, prepare..."


Suddenly, only a sound of sour corrosion was heard, and a group of corrosive acid summoned by Noel had fallen on the spot that Lynch pointed out.

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