The First Mage

Chapter 1718: Cooperation

"It seems that Sorcerer Noll is not resting well."

"Ha ha……"

Everyone smiled tacitly. After the reckless gambling and persecution at the beginning, Nuoer's popularity was completely defeated. At this time, everyone's laughter was somewhat of a gloat.

However, Knoll seemed to have changed a bit during this period of time. The arrogant and arrogant personality in the past had actually converged. At this time, he heard these laughter but his cheeks moved, and he gave a cold snort, but didn't say much.

Seeing that Knoll hadn't broken the defense, Lynch turned to everyone with some regrets, smiled and said hello, "How is the situation now?"

"It's very troublesome, now the situation inside is not clear, then we can only watch us go in and check..."

At this time, Lynch also pondered a little: "Let me see the information inside."

"That's it, you just look at it, but I'm afraid you can't find any too useful information..." An alchemist threw a crystal ball to Lynch.


Follow Lynch to concentrate and immerse the magic power in this crystal ball.

Then, one after another picture emerged from it.

It was a dark, deep tunnel, in the faint light, Lynch could barely see it, the angle of view was a bit shaken, and on the authentic stone wall, every inch was carefully carved, it was flashy and magnificent. The decoration style, which is a typical elven dynasty style.

And if you continue to move forward, you can see the murals on the stone walls, which are painted with strange pigments. I don’t know how many years have passed, they have not fallen off. The pictures are intertwined with blood and fire. Extremely impactful, the tall elves drove the chariot, whipping countless races in the fire.

In this painting, the elves are dyed with golden paint, which is obviously sacred, magnificent, and inviolable, while the races conquered by the elves show a look of horror. The despicable sneak attack under the long whip, panic flee...

Simply put, this is an epic mural that conquered many planes during the Dark Dynasty.

And if you continue to move forward, you can see more golden elves, surrounded by a burly figure, driving a chariot, hidden in a layer of sacred flame, his skin is fair, his face is handsome, On the forehead there is a mysterious symbol that seems to be innate, patrolling high in the sky, and the various races below can only look up at the sun god-like elf with horror...

But at this moment, the elf's eyes suddenly moved, as if he had come to life. He suddenly turned his head and looked at the wizard's eye. The eyes suddenly became blazing, like sunlight and fire blooming, suddenly burning everything Into ashes.

Then the picture disappeared suddenly...

"The Elf King..."

At this time, Lynch also let out a sigh of relief. It was confirmed that the scary elf depicted in this mural was the elf king.

According to the custom of the elven dynasty, in his tomb, it is the description of his life's achievements.

These murals are the most proud achievements of his life...

Only now, the elven dynasty has fallen, and these immortal murals have become important evidence for future generations to robber the tomb.

"It seems that only we have come in and have a look..." Lin Qi said after a moment of indulgence, "How are you preparing?"

Several alchemists on the scene looked at each other and smiled and said: "This time there is the support of the major chambers of commerce. Of course, everything is ready. Let's go next. It's just that we have discussed it. Some special alchemy medicines are needed. It needs to be refined now. In this regard, everyone needs to come up with some dry goods.

"no problem."

Lin Qi smiled, knowing what this meant, now is the time to show his true ability. After all, the major alchemists actually have some unique potions in their hands, and now they can’t hide themselves. Just let Lin Qi see that. I also hope to reach a consensus on this.

After such a discussion, everyone prepared separately. As mentioned earlier, with the support of major chambers of commerce, various alchemical materials are naturally indispensable.

So after a busy night, by the early hours of the next day, everyone was almost ready, and a dozen alchemists entered the tunnel together.

There was nothing a few hundred meters ahead, just as the Wizard's Eye had explored at that time, there was nothing special here, and the decorations along the way were normal.

Soon, everyone passed through this safe area and soon arrived at the place full of murals...

"Be careful."

At this time, Noel, who had never said a word, also looked serious.

At this point, everyone’s cooperation was pretty good, and he was very concerned about Noel’s reminder. After all, although Noel lost to Lynch in the original gambling fight, he has to say that his alchemy level is among the people, and that is also Second to none.

"Damn, it's not good..."

Moreover, almost immediately when Knoll's voice fell, someone suddenly exclaimed.

Because at this time, there was suddenly a dense, itchy scalp, and there was a light noise around him.

Everyone can see it in the light of the illumination technique at this time. I don’t know when, there was a centipede that was more than ten meters long, lying quietly on the rock wall above the head, in the glimmer of illumination technique. In the middle, you can see that there are more than a dozen tiny eyes on its head. At this time, those eyes are blooming with blood-red light, and the sharp and thin mouthparts make a rustling sound, which makes people look back. Chill.

The only good news is that when everyone discovered it, this huge head was quietly attached to the stone wall, seeming to fall into a deep sleep, motionless...

"Go, don't use any spells, don't disturb him."

Noel was very decisive, and after speaking in a low voice, he moved forward first.

The group of people kept walking, and they went fast for almost ten minutes. After the centipede completely disappeared behind them, the crowd breathed a sigh of relief. Only then did they react with lingering fears.

The centipede just now didn't know the order of the beast, but judging from the vague aura that radiated from its sleep, it must be not weak. If it is disturbed, everyone in this tunnel must be extremely troublesome...

Fortunately, I got rid of...

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