The First Mage

Chapter 1717: breakthrough

Noel nodded quickly.

But at this time, Adam gave him a sideways glance and said, "Don't think that you took out the inheritance crystal and went out for a gambling fight. That's it. When you go back, how to explain this to the master? You'd better think carefully. ."

Noel's thoughts were all night...

Lynch was also busy all night...

Today, Lynch's gain is really great.

Garlock deserves to have been fighting with Rudolph for many years, and he has had the upper hand. His life alchemy technology is indeed unique and advanced. The various whims and ideas in it have opened Lin Qi's eyes.

One night’s research made Lynch feel that a brand new door seemed to be opened in front of him, and the door was full of treasures. It took him all night to look at it the same way...

For the next few days, Lynch could hardly walk out, hiding in the tent to digest the harvest.

And these days, the outside exploration remains the same.

After establishing this forward camp, many wizards were directed to go to the excavated relic of the Elf King to explore the specific location of the tomb according to the plan.

No way, this whole area is too big.

At that time, the chambers of commerce only discovered a point by accident.

Just want to expand this point, you need to dig out more information, but in a place where such monsters are rampant, it is not easy to do this kind of work, first of all, those monsters that get in the way are a big problem.

Fortunately, the power in the camp is indeed strong enough, so although there are some stumblings when exploring, it is generally smooth.

As for Lynch’s failure to show up, no one said anything about it. Just because Lynch helped resolve the anomaly in the camp before, it’s a big credit. Besides, before determining the exact place where the Elf King’s tomb was dug, Lynch’s alchemy There is nowhere to play the skill of art.

But these days, the Shadow Wolf King has been following Palin out to explore...

This was not what the Shadow Wolf King wanted. The main reason was Lynch's persecution. After the Shadow Wolf King had absorbed a lot of potions, it had always been at a critical point. Lynch knew that next, let it just rely on absorbing potions. Some are not enough.

Mainly through constant battles, the medicine power can be constantly volatilized, and the medicine power can truly blend into the bloodline between the persecution between life and death.

In such a busy time, time slowly passed.

In almost seven or eight days, the whole team has swept over a small part of the sunset plain. I don’t know how many monsters have been eliminated along the way, and the magic core gains are even more uncommon. Unfortunately, these are not the entire team. purpose.

There has been no gain, and the morale of the team has declined somewhat...

at last……

On this day...

Lynch is still studying the alchemy of life in the tent as usual, but Palin rushes into the tent with the Shadow Wolf King: "It's too late to explain, come with me, we have found the clues. !"


When Lynch heard this, he didn't ask much, and immediately took the clothes he had packed up a long time ago, followed Palin and rode on the Shadow Wolf King.

After these days of fighting, the growth of the Shadow Wolf King is comprehensive, but he took the two of them like a storm, and arrived at the place in less than half an hour.

This place is an ancient jungle with dense woods.

But at this time, this place is a **** scene. I don’t know how many years of growing tall trees are cut off. The broken stubble stones are stained with blood and magic, and blood is flowing on the ground. The ground was almost wet, and he went up and made a crackling sound.

The corpses on the ground include humans and beasts. Without exception, they are all covered with blood and stumps and arms are everywhere. It can be seen that there has been a fierce battle here...

But Palin took Lynch over these, and continued to travel a few hundred meters in the jungle, before stopping in front of a large crater like a meteorite impact, and looking at the people who were still digging in the deep pit. : "This is where the tomb of the Elf King is located."

"That's it?"

But Lin Qi was taken aback for a moment, and glanced around in confusion. Apart from the scattered corpses and the lingering smell of blood, he really couldn't feel anything special...

However, there must be something extraordinary about the Elf King's grave, so Lynch didn't worry about these details, but followed Palin into the pit.

At the bottom of the pit, there was a **** hole at this time. At this time, all the heads, including Balperin, seemed to be discussing something here.

After seeing Lynch's arrival, Balperin immediately brightened his eyes and hurriedly said: "You can come, so that the team of alchemists will be gathered, and then we can proceed to the next step of exploration."

Lynch nodded and said hello, "How is the situation now? In this cave is the tomb of the Elf King?"

"Before, we dug along the ruins we accidentally discovered before and discovered anomalies here. The Wizard's Eye has been sent in to see it. From some details, it should be the tomb of the Elf King. Specifically, hehe , Are some of the funerary items peculiar to the elf royal family, but after the Wizard’s Eye went in for almost a few hundred meters, it was disturbed by some of the magic, so we can discuss it, we can only rely on you alchemists to go in and take a look. , We will also send powerful wizards and mercenaries to protect, even if it is dangerous, you will withdraw first, but in terms of exploring the details, you should still know more about the alchemist, so I want you to see the wizard first The information brought out by the Eye of the Eye will make a conclusion."


After listening to Lynch, he felt that this arrangement was very appropriate. Under the guidance of Balperin, he went to a newly opened open space. At this time, there were already a dozen alchemists sitting here. A good hand summoned by the big forces, and Noel was among them. He had dark circles under his eyes almost like a panda. His eyes were bloodshot, red and swollen. Obviously, this time was choking.

At this moment, after seeing him, Lynch raised his hand and said with a smile: "Good Sorcerer Noll."


But Noel gritted his teeth and stared at Lynch hard without making a sound.

But everyone around who saw this scene had no doubt that if the eyes could kill people, now Lynch would have died a million times.

"It seems that Sorcerer Noll is not resting well."

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