The First Mage

Chapter 1695: Sunset plain

It was easy for no one to bother Lynch. In addition to meditating in the carriage, he just watched the process of Alex's digestion of the elf blood potion.

And the more he observed, Lynch felt more and more that he really did not make a mistake.

It was indeed correct to invest these precious potions in Alex.

Only a few days later, the pinch of silver hair on Alex’s forehead was slowly expanding and growing along its back, like a faint silver thread, all of which represented Now, its blood has been unearthed, and it is gradually showing up.

These all represent the digestion progress of that spirit blood potion in his body.


Although the bloodline was discovered quickly, the speed of this development seems to be really fast. In just a few days, Alex has a variety of talent magic in his body began to gradually show up, but even this kind of innate should He is still a little unskilled in knowing the magic, too late to explore and dig, only to touch the superficial application...

Like now...

In the carriage, Alex desperately tried to control his body to become shadowed in order to blend into the shadow, but no matter how hard he tried, either half of his **** would be exposed, or a paw would fall outside. ...

"Isn't this the **** you are born with? What the **** is going on? Are you your father's birth?"

Lynch was sullen and urged.

And Alex was sprayed on the pitiful, both ears on his head fell backwards, really wronged: "Master, of course I am my father's own birth, and my father's blood density is not as good as mine. Didn’t you just wake up?"

But in my heart, I yelled at him, you are not your father's own mother, and your whole family is not his own. Isn't it just a bit slower to master your bloodline ability? Are you **** like this?

Of course, I didn't dare to say that when I was beaten to death...

In the end, he could only say cautiously: "That...Master, I will give you some more time to compare with me. After all, I am not the master, you are so talented and powerful..."

"It's all right, you **** shut up for me!"

Hearing this shameless compliment, Lynch became more and more popular. This shadow wolf king lives in the plains and wilds every day, dealing with those monsters, where did he learn it so slippery?

Simply lost the simplicity of Warcraft!

In the end, Lynch took a deep breath and decided not to pull so much, and simply: "I warn you, if you don't show me a little progress, you will wait to sell yourself to pay me back!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Alex hurriedly nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

However, Lynch still felt a deep sense of coping. After looking at the Shadow Wolf King again with unkind intentions, he said, "Palin, you have watched him for me these days!"

At this time, Palin, who had been gloating for misfortune, suddenly lit up, staring at the Shadow Wolf King with a smile, squeezing his fists and saying: "I understand, don't worry."

These days, Palin has long seen this shadow wolf king uncomfortable. It's a bit of a look at people's orders. Facing this Lynch is respectful, but facing other people including Palin, it seems like Some perfunctory meaning.

Whenever something happens, it's all about coping if you can handle it, and just lazy about it if you can't cope with it.

It happened to be Lynch's monster, Palin didn't have much to say.

But now, it's a chance...

You can give a good lesson to this somewhat snobbish, too slippery Shadow Wolf King...

Suddenly, the Shadow Wolf King seemed to know that it was going to be bad, so he immediately thumped and got down, grabbed Lynch’s calf with his paws and didn’t let go and howled: “Master, I know I’m wrong, I really know it. A million points of effort has stimulated my potential. This guy wants to avenge his personal revenge. He, he wants to destroy your property, Master, you can’t give me to him!"

However, Lynch ignored him, kicked him away, left the carriage, got into another casual empty carriage, and began to sink into quiet meditation...

However, it can still be faintly heard, and in the carriages not far away, you can hear the miserable wolves howling...

It wasn't until the next morning that Lin Qi opened his eyes, and after a little bit of feeling inside his body, he showed a satisfied smile. The accumulation of magic power in the whole night was considered good, and the magic bottleneck in his body was already faint to the time of breakthrough. .

The next thing to do is much easier...

As long as it slowly accumulates magic power, and let it come to the right day, it will naturally break through.

Most of the magic accumulation is like this, quietly, relying on time to polish, how can there be such a thrilling breakthrough at a crisis, those scenes that Lynch has experienced before are abnormal.

But at this time, in a carriage outside, Palin's voice suddenly came: "Mafa Merlin, we're going to be here, come and see."


Lin Qi then went to Palin’s carriage again, but as soon as he went up, he saw that the shadow wolf king was black and bald. The appearance was really bad enough. At this time, he was looking with a bitter and miserable look. Lying on himself, Lynch ignored it. He just glanced at it casually, and he could tell that even though this shadow wolf king seemed to be miserable, in fact, these were not even skin injuries.

There is no need for medical treatment at all, just need to continue to digest the spirit blood medicine remaining in his body, and this damage can be healed naturally.

In contrast, Lynch pays more attention to the outside situation.

At this moment, I only saw a turbulent river flowing by, and on both banks of the river, it was like a dividing line, one side was lush, the endless plain, and the other side was a rugged path...

The sunset plain ahead...

At this time, the team has already stepped onto a newly built bridge one by one and stepped onto this great plain.

Palin was looking through the window and watching the situation here, then retracted into the car, and exhaled softly: "A few days ago, some pioneers have already arrived here. They called us the front stop. They used magic to build the Chu Bridge. I heard that a camp was built in front..."

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