The First Mage

Chapter 1694: Elf Blood Potion

"Alex, come here."

"What, what..."

Alexton was a little nervous at the time, and he passed cautiously. There was no way. The impression that Lynch left on him during the past few days was really not good.

Probably the kind of alchemy vessel shaking the green liquid in the laboratory, while staring at the shivering weak monster in the cage with a sneer, that kind of perverted mage...

No wonder Alex, because indeed... many powerful wizards are so perverted...

If it weren't for this kind of paranoid spirit, most people would really not be able to go so far on the difficult and profound road of magic and alchemy.

And Lynch, who can easily give out a beast blood potion, don’t fit this image too much...

Of course, in the face of his existence that he had taught him so many times, Alex definitely did not have the guts to defy. Although he was extremely nervous, after hearing Lynch's call to himself, he moved cautiously...

"Why, are you afraid of me?" Lynch said suddenly.

"No, no." Alex shook his head quickly and said, "Respect, I only respect the master. The master treats me so well, how can I be afraid of my benefactor?"

But Lynch just smiled, raised his hand and took out a bottle of blood red potion and said: "In this case, drink this."


In an instant, Alex became nervous again, the medicine in front of him was rippling with a strange blood-red color, sticky and thick, reminiscent of some bad and negative things, and it was extremely evil at first sight...

Although Alex has limited knowledge of pharmacy, he always feels that this thing is not a good thing...

It was tangled at the time, but it was hard to say.

"Why... Didn't you thank me just now? Why don't you even drink any medicine now."

"Hehe, the master joked, of course I would drink it..."

Alex was talking barely smiling, and cursing in his heart. Who knows what your pervert suddenly brought out? If it is something evil and drank it rashly, isn't it a proper pitfall?

Do you really think Lao Tzu is just an uneducated monster? Can you fool me at will?

It’s just that right now, it doesn’t seem to work without drinking...

What the **** is this?

"I think your body is almost recovered. This bottle of boiling potion is specially prepared for you. If you don't drink it now, then I will take it out and auction it..."

"Yes, said, this is the Elf Blood Potion?"

When the Shadow Wolf King heard the name, he almost couldn't catch his breath. Before Lynch could finish, he asked quickly, his heart full of shock.

This is a **** elven blood potion!

You know, after the Dark Dynasty, as long as the name is related to the elves, there is no idle thing, this elven blood potion is one of them.

To put it simply, this is the potion used by the upper elf to stimulate the blood of their descendants during the Dark Dynasty!

This effect is exactly the same as the animal blood potion drunk before, but the final activation efficiency is completely different.

How big is the gap?

Beast blood potions can only be used to stimulate the blood of ordinary beasts, and this wizard blood potion was once used by the dragon clan!

The difference in this effect is simply farewell!

This Jane is a legend...

And this human mage actually gave it to himself like this?

In fact, what Alex didn’t know was that Lynch also had a blood base. The blood of this kind of god’s family was extremely powerful. According to the ancient times, the real superiors of the Shadowwolf clan, that usually There is no need to deliberately accumulate magic power, because their blood is too strong, and they don't need to do anything at ordinary times. As long as they eat, sleep and play, the magic power in the blood will naturally increase.

Even if it is really at the top level, the bloodline can no longer grow naturally, and when a breakthrough is needed, there will be the help of the gods above...

It’s just that the stronger the race, the worse the end result...

It’s as if there is no trace of the elves that have been hunted down until now. The dragons have lost their strength from time to time in battles in the ancient times, and after the number has gradually become scarce, it is now the moment when the human mage rises. Magic and alchemy The radiance shone across the sky, concealing the glory that belongs to God.

The shadow wolf clan has also gradually declined to the present, and their bloodline that was against the sky in the ancient times has also gradually disappeared. Until now, Alex, although the bloodline is strong enough in the clan, it is still not enough.

At least in Lynch’s view, it’s not enough...

That's why Lynch gritted his teeth and took out the elven blood potion that inspired the blood of the elven aristocrats.

Lynch believed that after Alex had the blood of the elves, it would not take long for the blood in his body to gradually thicken, and finally there was really hope to reproduce the powerful blood of the ancients.

You know, the strength of Pinnacle Shadow Wolf is not weaker than that of ancient dragons...

And as long as it can stimulate its bloodline, then Alex can naturally awaken from the bloodline the magic and fighting methods inherited from many races, and then a helper who will continue to strengthen himself is worth what ?

Not to mention, the blood and hair nails of the Shadow Wolf King are all top alchemy materials. By then Lynch will breed a Shadow Wolf King with top bloodlines, which is equivalent to nurturing a treasure that continuously produces these alchemical materials. ...

These values ​​are not comparable to the current bottle of Elf Blood Potion.

It can be said that this is a suitable investment.

The beast blood potion used some time ago was just to let the Shadow Wolf King adapt to this bloodline stimulation method to lay a foundation for its body. Otherwise, the sudden use of the wizard blood potion might be counterproductive and let it His body can't stand it.

And now that after the stimulus of that animal blood potion, Lynch believed that Alex was already well prepared.

Next, you only need to slowly digest the elf blood potion...

The journey for the next few days was smooth, and there was no longer a matter of the hapless mage jumping out to find the team. Even the heads and brains of this trip no longer rushed in private, but returned to themselves. In the team, they are intensively preparing to mobilize their own people to prepare for the next sunset plain.

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