The First Mage

Chapter 1683: Is it one-dimensional

But if you offend Lynch, it's the same, let alone the people behind him. Even if he is himself, he can achieve this at a young age, and the future is bound to be unlimited...

Even if Balperin is the president of the Ouroboros Chamber of Commerce and is caught in the middle now, it is really uncomfortable and uncomfortable...

"President Balperin, what do you mean by hesitating now? Don't you still believe what I said?"

At this moment, seeing Barr's lack of a first-time attitude, Noel's face sank instantly, and he scolded without giving any face.

Although the Ouroboros Chamber of Commerce has some cooperation with Garlock, this time everyone is exploring the tomb of the Elf King, but this is the material that Garlock urgently needs, and Noel will directly offend Balperin for this.

Hearing this, it made Balperin suddenly annoyed. Now there are many colleagues around him watching. This Noel didn’t even give up any face, so he started fighting in front of everyone. This made everyone see. In my eyes, I can't even control the help I invited, so how can I behave in front of my colleagues? How does the Ouroboros Chamber of Commerce mix in the industry?

Well, since you don't give face, then you have to fight back!

At the moment he simply snorted and said: "Great Alchemist Nuo, you need to pay attention to evidence. Just now I clearly saw that you were threatened by that mercenary group and there was nothing you could do, and it even hindered everyone's speed. I haven't settled the account with you yet. Thanks to Marfa Merlin who took the initiative to solve the man, logically speaking, this Shadow Wolf King is of course Marfa Merlin's trophy. What does it have to do with you?"

"You, what did you say!"

"Huh, Nuoer Alchemist, you know what I said. I tell you, although you were invited by me, everyone is cooperating. If you change your mind, you can leave now. There is no need to be here for a bit. Benefits undermine everyone's plans!

Hearing this, Noel's face also changed slightly. Barr was really annoyed, so he did not hesitate to tear his face with himself, and even said such things as letting him go.

However, this plan is highly valued by Garlock, even if Noel is a close disciple of Garlock, no matter what goes wrong with it...

And as Barr said, everyone is cooperative and no one can dominate others. If Barr is hard-hearted, there is really nothing he can do...

But there is no way to return, there is no way to do it with Mafa Merlin...

He flicked his sleeves and said with a cold face to Barr: "President Barperin, forget what happened this time, but you also said that everyone is cooperating, and I am willing to continue cooperating, but you have nothing to do. The right to take care of my affairs with Mafa Merlin."

Barr frowned, knowing that Noel had given way, and stepped back to himself in front of many colleagues, so the prestige of the firm was back.

But as he said, he really has no power to interfere in the private affairs of Noel and Marfa Merlin, but Barr sighed secretly, looking at Lynch with some concern, wondering if Lynch could be under Noel's aggressiveness. Supporting...


next moment

Noel looked at Lynch with a cold face: "Malfa Merlin, don't think that this is the end of this matter. This Shadow Wolf King is what my teacher wants. You can't fool it with a little cleverness. You want to Take it away? Yes, defeat me first!"


When Noel said this, everyone frowned...

It's **** endless.

Actually speaking, it's still going to be the last battle. The whole team hasn't encountered a serious battle yet. It's actually the first battle, which happened internally...

For a while, everyone looked at Nuoer's eyes somewhat dissatisfied.

Speaking of which, they are not fighting for Lynch. There is something dirty between the two, and they don't care. It's just that Noel provoked the fight and delayed everyone's schedule. It is inevitable that everyone will have some opinions...

It is estimated that Noel knew this too, so he was thinking about a quick battle. When he came up, he used all his strength. Before Lynch could answer, a wave of violent magic surged out. Condensed into a big hand more than three meters long, it was actually going to take the Shadow Wolf King directly from Lynch's side.

"Magic hand? It's direct enough!"

The moment this big hand appeared, there were some exclamations in the crowd.

The hand of magic power is not difficult to say, it is just a simple form of use of magic power, even an ordinary archmage can play it well, but it can be like Noel, directly turn this magic hand into The terrifying scale of more than three meters is really amazing.

This is also very rare among the wizards, and it represents Noel's extremely deep magic power and subtle manipulation.

Seeing this, Balperin couldn't help but frowned.

The confidant disciple of the giant Garlock really got all of Garlock's inheritance. Although Noel was still just a magician, his magical power was far beyond his due level.

It can be seen that Noel is not without the opportunity to become the Great Sorcerer, but has been deliberately suppressing the magic power and constantly polishing the foundation, so that after breaking into the Great Sorcerer in the future, this solid foundation will inevitably allow him Soaring into the sky.

It's just that, Marfa Merlin is in trouble...

It can be said that Noel’s simple magical hand has condensed most of his magical powers. With one blow, I am afraid that he will be able to compete with the Great Sorcerer, let alone Malfa Merlin...

So Barna is also quite worried. After all, he was invited by his son. What if there is an accident on the road...

"Merlin, forget it..."

When Balperin thought of this, he couldn't help but looked at Lynch.

After struggling for a while, I still want to persuade Lynch to give up the Shadow Wolf King. After all, although the Shadow Wolf King is rare, his own life is important, and it is not worth the desperate effort...


at this time……

"Don't worry." As a result, at this time, Lynch seemed to know what Balperin was going to say, shook his head, and smiled at him: "I won't hurt him."

"Hurt him?" Balperin almost squirted out. If he wasn't concerned about his identity, he really wanted to grab Lynch's ear and ask, did you **** make a mistake? I was worried that you would be killed. , You turned out to tell me not to worry, you won't hurt him?

Are you in the same dimension?

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